Submitted Surnames with "say" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword say.
See Also
say meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Giudice Italian
Occupational name for an officer of justice, Italian giudice " judge" (Latin iudex, from ius "law" + dicere "to say"). In some cases it may have been applied as a nickname for a solemn and authoritative person thought to behave like a judge.
Judge English, Irish
occupational name for an officer of justice or a nickname for a solemn and authoritative person thought to behave like a judge from Middle English Old French juge "judge" (from Latin iudex from ius "law" and dicere "to say") which replaced the Old English term dema... [more]
Tiger Swedish
Perhaps taken from Swedish tiga "to keep quiet, to say nothing". Tiger is one of the names adopted by Swedish soldiers in the 17th century.