Kortقر طOttoman Turkish Kort is an ottoman surname from Anatolya,most korts are of ottoman or berber origin,the people with this surname have expressed that their ancestors were aghas(ottoman military or harem commanders)
PashaAlbanian, Ottoman Turkish (Anglicized), Turkish (Anglicized) Pasha or pascha (Ottoman Turkish: پاشا, Turkish: paşa), formerly anglicized as bashaw, was a higher rank in the Ottoman Empire political and military system, typically granted to governors, generals and dignitaries and others... [more]
TerakgiOttoman Turkish, Turkish (Anglicized, Rare), Arabic Now mainly used as an arabic surname, mainly in Syria or lebanon. This last name possibliy comes from "Tarak Yapımcısı" which means combmaker. This surname can be spelt as "Terakgi" if a arab or a turkish person were to move to an english speaking nation.