Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
SindacTagalog From Tagalog sindak meaning "terror, shock, fright".
SuguitanTagalog From Tagalog sugit meaning "intelligent, bright, clever".
SulitFilipino, Tagalog From a nickname derived from Tagalog sulit which can mean "test, gain" or "return of something borrowed, remittance".
SuluTagalog From the sea in the Philippines. Notable bearer is the fictional character Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek. The name is not commonly given to real people.
SumulongTagalog Means "to move forward, to progress, to advance" in Tagalog.
TagumpayTagalog Means "success, victory, triumph" in Tagalog.
TanglaoTagalog From Tagalog tanglaw meaning "light, illumination", ultimately from Hokkien 燈樓/灯楼 (teng-lâu).
TanyagTagalog Means "renowned, eminent, illustrious" in Tagalog.
TatlonghariTagalog From Tagalog Tatlong Hari referring to the three kings (also known as the Magi or wise men) who were said to have visited the newborn Jesus.
VirayFilipino, Tagalog, Pampangan, Pangasinan Occupational name derived from Tagalog, Pampangan and Pangasinan biray referring to a type of small, flat-bottomed rowing boat.