Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from occupation)
Usage Dutch

Meaning & History

Means "wether, castrated ram" in Dutch, an occupational name for a shepherd.
Added 1/19/2013 by anonymous
Edited 9/9/2024 by jocatchi

Type Surname (from location)
Usage French
Pronounced Pron. /a.mɛl/  [key·simplify]
Other Forms FormsDuhamel

Meaning & History

topographic name for someone who lived and worked at an outlying farm dependent on the main village Old French hamel (a diminutive from an ancient Germanic element cognate with Old English ham "homestead"); or a habitational name from (Le) Hamel the name of several places in the northern part of France named with this word.
Added 3/15/2023 by Paradiso36
Edited 11/23/2024 by Paradiso36

Type Surname (from location)
Usage German, Jewish

Meaning & History

Habitational name from the town of Hamelin, which sits on the Hamel river.
Added 9/9/2024 by jocatchi

Type Surname (from location)
Usage English

Meaning & History

Variant of Hamill.
Added 9/9/2024 by jocatchi