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Shue 1
Type Surname (from occupation)
Pronounced Pron. SHYOO(English)  [key]
Other Forms FormsSchuch, Schule, Schüle, Schuele, Schuck, Schug, Schu, Schuhmacher, Schumacher, Shoe, Shoemaker, Show, Shew, Schoo, Schow, Shomaker, Shoemake, Shumaker, Shewmaker, Shewmake, Schoemaker, Schuchardt, Shuck, Schomaker, Schoonmaker, Schumacker, Schuhmann, Schumann, Schuchmann, Schuchman, Shuman, Schuman, Schoemann, Schaumann, Shoeman, Schauman, Shoman, Showman, Shewman, Schuchert, Schubert

Meaning & History

Americanized form of Schuh or Schue. A famous bearer of this name is the American actress Elisabeth Shue (1963-).
Added 1/4/2023 by General9696

Type Surname (from location)
Scripts (Chinese) (Traditional Chinese)
Pronounced Pron. SHUY(Chinese)  [key]
Other Forms FormsXue, Xu, Shu, Su, Sui, Shui, She, See, Tsui, Hsu, Si, Shi, Xi, Hu, He, Hee, Hy, Ho, Hui, Chui, Cui, Wu, Huh, Hue, Sue, Shù, Soo, So, Soh, Hoo, Hoe, Hoh, Hou, Shū, Saw

Meaning & History

Hokkien romanization of Xu 1, Xu 2 or Xue.
Added 1/4/2023 by General9696
Edited 1/4/2023 by General9696