Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword barrel.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aam Estonian
Aam is an Estonian surname meaning "cask" or "tun".
Aamissepp Estonian
Aamissepp is an Estonian surname meaning "cooper". From "aam" (genitive: "aami", partitive "aami" meaning a "big barrel" and "sepp", meaning "smith".)
Baril French
During the middle ages, when people were named after their given job, Baril was what winemakers and brewers were named. Baril simply means "Barrel" or "Keg"
Barile Italian
From Italian barile "barrel" either an occupational name for a Cooper or a nickname for a fat man.
Barilla Italian
Occupational name from medieval Greek barellas "cooper" from Italian barella "barrel" with the suffix (e)as.
Bender German, German (East Prussian)
As a German surname, Bender is a regional occupational surname from the Rhineland area denoting a "barrel-maker" (the Standard German Fassbinder became "Fassbender" in the local dialects and ultimately was shortened to Bender).... [more]
Bittenbinder German
Occupational name for a cooper, from Middle High German büte(n) "cask", "(wine) barrel" + binder "binder" (agent derivative of binden "to bind").
Boettcher German
Occupational name for a cooper, from Middle High German botecher, bötticher, bütticher, an agent derivative of botech(e), bottich, bütte "vat", "barrel".
Bottai Italian
From bottaio "cooper, barrel-maker".
Bottaro Italian
Possibly from Italian bottaio "cooper, barrel-maker".
Botticelli Italian
Etymology uncertain. It can derive from the Italian word botte meaning "barrel" and from the occupation bottaio meaning "cooper". In the case of Sandro Botticelli it has probably another origin... [more]
Butkereit German (East Prussian)
Derived from Prussian-Lithuanian butkėrė (Standard Lithuanian butkėrė), a Balticized form of German Böttcher "cooper, barrel maker" combined with the East Prussian German patronymic suffix -eit.
Büttner German
Occupational name for a cooper or barrel-maker, an agent derivative of Middle High German büte(n) "cask", "wine barrel". This name occurs chiefly in eastern German-speaking regions.
Crock English
Meaning "barrel," signifying one who made or worked with barrels.
Kiebler German
Comes from the Middle High German word "kübel" meaning a "vat," or "barrel." As such it was an occupational name for a cooper, or barrel maker.
Kübler German, German (Swiss)
Derived from Middle High German kübel "tub vat barrel", this is an occupational surname referring to a cooper.
Mesina Italian
From Sardinian mesina "keg, small barrel", probably given as a nickname to someone with a round or fat build.
Ōtsutsuki Popular Culture
This surname is used as 大筒木 with 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii) "large, big," 筒 (tou, tsutsu) meaning "cylinder, gun barrel, pipe, sleeve, tube" and 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."... [more]
Pütt Estonian
Pütt is an Estonian surname meaning "tub" and "cask".
Trummel Estonian
Trummel is an Estonian surname meaning "drum" and "barrel".
Tubb English
Derived from the Middle English given names Tubbe and Tubbi, themselves possibly diminutives of Old Norse Þórbjǫrn (see Thorburn)... [more]
Vareli Greek
Means "barrel" in Greek.