These names occur primarily in popular culture and entertainment. They are not commonly given to real people.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
AizenPopular Culture This Japanese surname is used as 藍染 with 藍 (ran, ai) meaning "indigo" and 染 (sen, shi.mi, shi.miru, -shi.meru, -ji.miru, so.maru, so.meru,, -zome) meaning "colour, dye, paint, print, stain." Normally, this would be romanticised as Aizome.... [more]
AkatsutsumiPopular Culture Combination of 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 堤 (tsutsumi) meaning "bank, embankment, dike," used on the character Momoko Akatsutsumi (赤堤 ももこ) in the anime 'Powerpuff Girls Z', the anime adaptation of the Cartoon Network series 'The Powerpuff Girls' (the character in question being equivalent to Blossom in the original cartoon).... [more]
ArablePopular Culture An occupational surname for people who are capable of being farmed productively. Also used in the novel Charlotte's Web (1952).
BanksyEnglish, Popular Culture This is pseudonyms Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. Banksy's real name might be Robin Gunningham. How Banksy got his pseudonym is unknown... [more]
BeifongPopular Culture Surname of Toph from the American TV show "Avatar: The Last Airbender". Could be derived from the Chinese word "北方 (Běifāng)" meaning "north".
BelladonnaEnglish (Rare), Popular Culture Named after an extremely poisonous plant (Atropa belladonna; also known as the deadly nightshade). One fictional bearer of this surname is Blake Belladonna, a main character from the popular web series RWBY.
BolanPopular Culture Surname of glam rock founder Marc Bolan. How he decided his surname is unknown, though it is known that it was derived from Bowland... [more]
BraxiatelPopular Culture Irving Braxiatel or Cardinal Braxiatel is a fictional character from the Virgin New Adventures—spin-off novels based on the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who. He subsequently became a regular character in novels and audio dramas in the Bernice Summerfield series... [more]
BroflovskiPopular Culture Kyle Broflovski (sometimes spelled Kyle Broflovski, Broslovski, Broslofski, Brovlofski or Broflofski) is a main character in the animated television series South Park.
CheeksPopular Culture This is the surname of Sandy a Cheeks from SpongeBob SquarePants.
ChigurhLiterature, Popular Culture Meaning unknown. It is intended to be "ethnically ambiguous", but one theory suggests that it may be derived from the Spanish verb seguir meaning "to follow, to continue". This name was invented by the American author Cormac McCarthy for the villain in his novel No Country for Old Men (2005)... [more]
CopperbottomPopular Culture The surname of the main character Rodney Copperbottom from the animated film Robots (2005).
DangerEnglish (Rare), Popular Culture This has been seen in records of the most uncommon American surnames. It has also been used in popular culture, in the show Henry Danger. Although, it's not the character's actual last name.
DenbroughPopular Culture Surname from the fictional character "Bill Denbrough" from "IT" and "IT Chapter Two".
De VilPopular Culture Cruella de Vil is fictional character appearing as the antagonist of the novel 'One Hundred and One Dalmatians' (1956) by Dodie Smith, as well as in the 1961 animated movie '101 Dalmatians' and the 1996 live-action movie with the same name... [more]
DragneelPopular Culture Possibly based on the word dragon. This is the surname of Natsu Dragneel, a main character in Fairy Tail.
DynamitePopular Culture Dynamite is a explosive. This name is borne by Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
ElricEnglish, Popular Culture From the medieval English givin name Elric. Notable bearers were the Fullmetal Alchemist characters Edward and Alphonse Elric, as well as their mother, Trisha Elric.
EscuellaPopular Culture Based on Spanish escuela meaning "school". This was used for a character in the video games 'Red Dead Redemption' (2010) and 'Red Dead Redemption 2' (2018).
FarquaadPopular Culture Meaning unknown, as a surname it is born by Lord Maximus Farquaad, main antagonist of the 2001 animated fantasy comedy film Shrek.
FettPopular Culture Last Name of Bounty hunters Jango and Boba Fett from STAR WARS.
FowlEnglish, Popular Culture This name is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and derives from the Old English pre 7th Century word fugol, "fowl", "bird", which was used as a byname and as a personal name. The medieval form of the word was the Middle English development foul, fowl(e), used as a continuation of the Old English personal name and also as a nickname for someone who in some way resembled a bird.
GamzeePopular Culture (?) Gamzee is based on a fictional character by the same name. Its origins may be from a Turkish name Gamze which means dimple or the German word Gämse, a type of goat.
GastermPopular Culture Meaning unknown. This is the name of a character from the 2015 video game Undertale.
GlæpurPopular Culture Means "crime" in Icelandic. Glanni Glæpur, or Robbie Rotten as he is called in English, is a fictional character in the Icelandic children's TV-show 'LazyTown' played by StefánKarlStefánsson... [more]
GloopLiterature, Popular Culture Augustus Gloop is an obese and gluttonous character in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, published in 1964.
GreavesPopular Culture Borne by Lucien Greaves, a social activist and the spokesman and co-founder of The Satanic Temple.
HatsunePopular Culture A fictional bearer is the Yamaha engineered Vocaloid and fictional character, Hatsune Miku. It combines the kanji 初 (hatsu) meaning "first time" and 音 (ne) meaning "sound".
KenobiPopular Culture Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fictional character in the 'Star Wars' saga, created by George Lucas. The meaning of the name is not known, but as Lucas was very much influenced by Japanese samurai movies, it is possible that the name is a combination of Japanese 剣 (ken) "sword" and 帯 (obi) "belt".
KirigiriPopular Culture This surname is used as 霧切 with 霧 (bu, bou, mu, kiri) meaning "fog, mist" and 切 (sai, setsu, ki.ri, -ki.ri,,,,, ki.reru, -ki.reru, -gi.ri, meaning "be sharp, cut(off)."... [more]
KiryuinJapanese (?), Popular Culture (?) Either from 桐生 (Kiryu), a place name, combined with 院 (in) meaning "college" or 鬼 (ki, oni) meaning "demon" and 龍 (ryu) meaning "dragon, imperial" combined with 院 (in) meaning "college".
KrabsPopular Culture This is the surname of Eugene H. Krabs from SpongeBob SquarePants.
LangPopular Culture From 狼 (láng) meaning "wolf". Shi-Long Lang is a character in the game Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, a wolf-themed Interpol agent who speaks mainly in quotes and metaphors about wolves... [more]
LehnsherrPopular Culture From German Lehnsherr/Lehnsgeber "feudal lord". A notable fictional character is Erik Magnus Lehnsherr (born as Max Eisenhardt), also known as Magneto, in the 'X-Men' franchise.
LightyearPopular Culture From the English term light-year, a unit of length often used when measuring distances in space. Most often used in everyday speech and non-scientific publications. This is the surname of Buzz Lightyear, a fictional character in the Pixar animated film series 'Toy Story'.
LongbottomEnglish, Literature, Popular Culture English (West Yorkshire) topographic name for someone who lived in a long valley, from Middle English long + botme, bothem ‘valley bottom’. Given the surname’s present-day distribution, Longbottom in Luddenden Foot, West Yorkshire, may be the origin, but there are also two places called Long Bottom in Hampshire, two in Wiltshire, and Longbottom Farm in Somerset and in Wiltshire.
MaxsonPopular Culture, English Means son of Max. This is the surname of the hereditary leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel in the popular Fallout game. The first bearer of the name was Captain Roger Maxson, who founded the BOS, with the most recent bearer being Arthur Maxson, the current leader of the BOS in Fallout 4.
MeanswellPopular Culture Simply the English words "means well". This is the surname of the main protagonist of LazyTown, Stephanie Meanswell, as well as her uncle, Mayor Milford Meanswell.
MellarkPopular Culture The surname of the deuteragonist of the Hunger Games Trilogy, Peeta Mellark.
MidoriyaJapanese (Rare), Popular Culture Combination of 緑 (midori) meaning "green" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley," used on the main character Izuku Midoriya (緑谷 出久) in 'My Hero Academia'.... [more]
MomomiyaPopular Culture Surname of several characters from the anime series 'Tokyo Mew Mew'.
MonkeyPopular Culture This is the surname of a few characters in the manga One Piece written by mangaka Eiichiro Oda including the main character. The main character Monkey D. Luffy is the founding father and captain of the pirate Straw Hats who, as of this writing, seeks the treasure the One Piece and desires to be the Pirate King... [more]
NahasapeemapetilonPopular Culture Borne by Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, a fictional character from the television series 'The Simpsons' (1989-). According to the show's sources, the character is meant to be of Bengali Indian origin.
NygmaPopular Culture The surname of Edward Nygma, also known as the Riddler in DC Comics. The name comes from the term enigma, meaning something that is difficult to understand.
ŌtsutsukiPopular Culture This surname is used as 大筒木 with 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii) "large, big," 筒 (tou, tsutsu) meaning "cylinder, gun barrel, pipe, sleeve, tube" and 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."... [more]
PeregrineEnglish, Popular Culture Derived from the given name Peregrine. A fictional bearer is Alma LeFay Peregrine, a character from the novel "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" (2011) by Ransom Riggs.
PewterschmidtPopular Culture Comprised of the English word pewter, which is a metal alloy made mostly of tin, and the German element schmidt 'smith' (see Schmidt). This surname is obviously intended to be of Germanic origin... [more]
PirrupPopular Culture Variant of the surname Pirrip. It is the last name of the British character, Pip, on the animated TV series South Park
PlanktonPopular Culture This is the surname of Sheldon J. Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants.
PuffPopular Culture This is the surname of Mrs. Puff from SpongeBob SquarePants.
QuagmirePopular Culture Derived from places named "Quagmire". One notable character is Glenn Quagmire from Family Guy.
QuinzelPopular Culture The actual surname of the fictional character Harley Quinn. The character first appeared in the "Batman: The Animated Series" episode "Joker's Favor" in September 1992, but her full name (Harleen Quinzel) was not revealed until the February 1994 one-shot comic "The Batman Adventures: Mad Love"... [more]
RottenPopular Culture From the English word rotten, meaning "In a state of decay/cruel, mean, immoral/bad, horrible". In the Icelandic children's television program LazyTown, Robbie Rotten is the main antagonist of the show who desires silence and peace, continuously formulates reckless schemes that often feature him masquerading in various disguises as a means of hoodwinking or tempting residents away from an active lifestyle... [more]
SakuragiJapanese, Popular Culture From Japanese 桜, 櫻 (sakura) meaning "cherry blossom" combined with 木 (gi) meaning "tree, wood" or 樹 (gi) meaning "tree". Chloe Cerise and Professor Cerise (also known as Koharu Sakuragi and Dr... [more]
SchneeGerman, Popular Culture A German surname meaning "snow". One fictional bearer of this surname is Weiss Schnee, a main character from the popular web series RWBY.
SlughornPopular Culture Combination of English words "slug" and "horn". It is widely known as a name in the Harry Potter series.
SneedlyPopular Culture, Literature A seemingly invented last name, though it bears resemblance to the last name Sneed. It is used for the main antagonist of the popular Captain Underpants graphic novels and it's film and show adaptation, Melvin Sneedly.
SpoonapplePopular Culture Edwina Spoonapple is a fictional character and the titular character from the Off-Broadway musical "Dear Edwina" (2008). She is a 13-year-old girl who wants proof of her accomplishments, just like her siblings... [more]
SquarepantsPopular Culture The surname of the famous cartoon character "SpongeBob SquarePants" from the entitled show.
TackleberryPopular Culture, American (Rare) This is a surname most notably used by Officer Eugene Tackleberry (played by the lovably hilarious David Graf) in the classic Police Academy movies of the 1980s-90s. Officer Tackleberry is a markedly boyish police officer who has a passionate adoration for guns and adventure... [more]
TroiPopular Culture Possibly a variant or corruption of Troy. A notable fictional bearer was the Star Trek: The Next Generation character Deanna Troi, who was the counselor aboard the USS Enterprise.
TsunetsukiPopular Culture In the case of the character Matoi Tsunetsuki (常月 まとい) from 'Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei', the surname is made up of 常 (jou, tsune, toko) meaning "constant" and 月 (getsu, gatsu, tsuki) meaning "moon, month."... [more]
TubbsPopular Culture Surname of Cleveland's second wife Donna and her children Roberta and Rallo from American sitcom The Cleveland show (2009-2013)
TweakPopular Culture Tweek Tweak is one of the reoccurring characters on the animated TV series South Park.
UniversePopular Culture From the English word universe. It is borne by the titular protagonist in the Cartoon Network show "Steven Universe".
UrarakaPopular Culture In the case of the character Ochako (Ochaco) Uraraka (麗日 お茶子) from 'My Hero Academia', her surname is made up of the adjective 麗らか (uraraka) meaning "bright, clear, beautiful, glorious" and 日 (ka) meaning "day."
UzakiJapanese, Popular Culture From Japanese, 宇 (u) meaning "world, universe, space" combined with 崎 (zaki) meaning "cape, peninsula". A fictional bearer of this surname is Hana Uzaki (宇崎 花) from Uzaki~chan Wants to Hang Out! (宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい!).
Von HammersmarkPopular Culture, German (?) Means "from Hammersmark" in German. Bridget von Hammersmark is a fictional character in Quentin Tarantino's film 'Inglourious Basterds' from 2009.
WazowskiPopular Culture The name of the main character in Pixar’s Monster’s Inc. In Polish, it would be pronounced as vazz-OV-skee, instead now replacing all the letter W to make the V sound.
ZangievOssetian, Soviet, Russian, Popular Culture The Russified Soviet and Modern Russian form of the Ossetian surname Зæнджиаты Zændžiaty. A famous user of it is wrestler Victor Zangiev, himself the inspiration for Zangief of Street Fighter fame.