Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword beach.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ahama Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 阿 (a), a phonetic character and 浜 (hama) meaning "beach; seashore".
Blomstrand Swedish
From Swedish blomma (Old Norse blóm) meaning "flower" and strand (Old Norse strǫnd) meaning "beach, sea shore".
Chénier French
French surname which indicated one who lived in an oak wood or near a conspicuous oak tree, derived from Old French chesne "oak" (Late Latin caxinus). In some cases it may be from a Louisiana dialectical term referring to "an area of shrub oak growing in sandy soil" (i.e., "beach ridge, usually composed of sand-sized material resting on clay or mud... [more]
Chiura Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 千浦, 地浦 or 知浦 with 千 (sen, chi) meaning "thousand," 地 (ji, chi) meaning "earth, ground", 知 (chi, shi.raseru, meaning "know, wisdom" and 浦 (ho, ura) meaning "bay, beach, creek, gulf, inlet, seacoast."... [more]
Fujiura Japanese
Fuji means "wisteria" and ura means "bay, beach".
Hama Japanese
Hama means "Beach, Seashore".
Hamabe Japanese
Hama means "beach" and be means "division".
Hamabe Japanese
From Japanese 浜 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 辺 (be) meaning "area, place, vicinity".
Hamada Japanese
From Japanese 浜 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Hamadate Japanese
From the Japanese 浜 or 濱 (hama) "beach" and 舘 or 館(date or tate) "mansion," "large building," "palace"
Hamajima Japanese
From Japanese 浜 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Hamakawa Japanese
From the Japanese 浜 or 濱 (hama) "beach" and 川 or 河 (kawa) "river."
Hamamoto Japanese
From Japanese 浜, 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Hamamura Japanese
From Japanese 浜, 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Hamanaka Japanese
Hama means "beach" and naka means "middle".
Hamano Japanese
From Japanese 浜 or 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Hamashō Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 浜 (hama) meaning "beach; seashore" and 正 (shō) meaning "correct".... [more]
Hamataka Japanese
Hana means "beach" and taka means "tall, high, expensive".
Hamato Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 浜 (hama) meaning "beach; seashore" and 戸 (to) meaning "door; doorway".... [more]
Hamazono Japanese
Hamazono/濱園 = "Beach Garden"
Idarand Estonian
Idarand is an Estonian surname meaning "eastern beach/seashore".
Iso Japanese
From Japanese 磯 (iso) meaning "seashore, shore, beach".
Isobe Japanese
From the Japanese 磯 (iso) "beach" and 部 (be) "region," "division," "part."
Isogai Japanese
From Japanese 磯 (iso) meaning "seashore, beach" and 貝 (kai) meaning "shellfish".
Isogai Japanese
From Japanese 磯 (iso) meaning "seashore, beach" and 谷 (gai) meaning "valley".
Isoko Japanese
Iso means "beach, seashore" and ko means "child, sign of the rat".
Isomura Japanese
From Japanese 磯 (iso) meaning "seashore, beach" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Isono Japanese
From Japanese 磯 (iso) meaning "seashore, beach" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Isotani Japanese
From 磯 (iso) meaning "beach, shore, seashore" and 谷 (tani) meaning "valley".
Isozaki Japanese
From the Japanese 磯 (iso) "beach" and 崎 or 埼 (zaki or saki) "cape," "peninsula."
Kaljurand Estonian
Kaljurand is an Estonian surname meaning "cliff beach".
Kishida Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kishii Japanese
Koshi means "shore, bank, beach" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit".
Kishikawa Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Kishino Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Kishio Japanese
Kishi means "bank, shore, beach" and o means "tail".
Kishioka Japanese
formed with 岸 (Kishi, Gan) meaning "Beach" and 岡 (Oka, Kō) meaning "Mount; hill; knoll”. So the mean it could be interpreted as “Hill of the Beach” or “Beach Hill”
Kishiyama Japanese
From Japanese 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Loorand Estonian
Loorand is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "loor" meaning "veil" and "fog" and "rand" meaning "beach": "fog(gy) beach".
Minegishi Japanese
From Japanese 嶺 (mine) meaning "peak, summit" and 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, seashore, bank".
Minegishi Japanese
From Japanese 嶺 or 峰 (mine) meaning "peak, summit, ridge" and 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, seashore, bank".
Nagahama Japanese
From Japanese 長 (naga) meaning "long" and 浜 or 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore".
Nakahama Japanese
Naka means "middle" and hama means "beach, seashore".
Nakaura Japanese
Naka means "Middle" and Ura means "Gulf, Bay, Inlet, Beach, Seacoast, Creek."
Negishi Japanese
From Japanese 根 (ne) meaning "root, source, foundation" and 岸 (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank".
Obama Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small" and 浜 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore".
Ōhama Japanese
From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "big, great" and 浜 or 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore".
Ojandi Estonian
Ojandi is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "oja" ("stream/creek") and "rand" ("beach").
Puurand Estonian
Puurand is an Estonian surname meaning "tree beach/shore".
Rand Estonian
Rand is an Estonian surname meaning "beach".
Randalu Estonian
Randalu is an Estonian surname derived from "rand" ("beach") and "salu" ("sandy heath" or "heathy woodland").
Randmaa Estonian
Randmaa is an Estonian name meaning "beach land".
Randmets Estonian
Randmets is an Estonian surname meaning "beach/seashore forest".
Randpalu Estonian
Randpalu is an Estonian surname meaning "beach/seashore sandy heath".
Randpere Estonian
Randpere is an Estonian surname meaning "beach/seashore folk".
Randpõld Estonian
Randpõld is an Estonian surname meaning "beach/shore field".
Randsalu Estonian
Randsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "beach grove".
Randvee Estonian
Randvee is an Estonian surname meaning "beach water".
Randviir Estonian
Randviir is an Estonian surname meaning "beach line/bar".
Rannaste Estonian
Rannaste is an Estonian surname derived from "rand" and meaning "beach" or "shore".
Rannikmäe Estonian
Rannikmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "beach/coastal hill/mountain".
Salurand Estonian
Salurand is an Estonian surname meaning "grove beach".
Sande Norwegian
Habitational name from any of forty or more farmsteads so named, especially on the west coast, from the dative case of Old Norse sandr meaning "sand", "sandy plain", "beach".
Shirahama Japanese
From Japanese 白 (shira) meaning "white" and 濱 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore".
Sjöstrand Swedish
Combination of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and strand "beach, shore".
Strandberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish strand "beach, sea shore" and berg "mountain".
Strandheim German, Jewish
From a location name meaning "beach home" in German, from Middle High German strand meaning "beach" and heim meaning "home". As a Jewish surname it is ornamental.
Takahama Japanese
Taka means "tall, high, expensive" and hama means "beach".
Urahata Japanese
Ura means "bay, creek, inlet, beach, gulf, seacoast" and hata means "field".
Voorand Estonian
Voorand is an Estonia surname derived from "voor" meaning "drumlin" and "rand" meaning "beach/seashore".
Wickstrand Swedish (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Variant of Wikstrand, a surname composed of Swedish vik "bay" and strand "beach".
Yokohama Japanese
Yoko means "beside" and hama means "beach, seashore".
Yoshihama Japanese
From the Japanese 吉 (yoshi) "good luck" and 浜 or 濱 (hama) "beach."