Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword weak.
See Also
weak meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Deble English
This surname is of French derivation and was introduced to Britain by the Normans. It has two possible derivations, the first from the Roman (Latin) 'debil-is', which means literally "poorly" or "weak", and may have been a metonymic for a doctor or healer, whilst the second possible origin is a nickname derivation from the old French 'Theodore' to Tibald and Tibble or Dibble, Deble.
Hinay Filipino, Cebuano
Means "slow, feeble, weak" in Cebuano.
Lalor Irish
Lalor is an Irish surname derived from the Irish Ó Leathlobhair, from leath- “leper; weak, ailing person”
Leino Finnish
Derived from Finnish leina, leini and leino meaning "sad, weak".