Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
ArmendarizSpanish, Basque Variant of Basque Armendaritze, a habitational name from a village in Low Navarre named Armendaritze, or directly from a patronymic form of the Basque personal name Armendari or Armentari, from Latin Armentarius "herdsman".
DžambasRomani Meaning "herdsman, horse trader", from Persian ganbas, which translates as "herdsman". In the Turkish language, this term has the same meaning as... [more]
FeemsterEnglish, Scottish Occupational name meaning "herdsman", from Middle English fee "cattle" and English master.
KarjaneEstonian Karjane is an Estonian surname meaning "herdsman".
SwanwickEnglish Habitational name from Swanwick in Derbyshire, possibly also Swanwick in Hampshire. Both are named from Old English swan, "herdsman," and wic, "outlying dairy farm."