YetiHebrew (Rare), English (American) Most common during the 1800s to 1900s. It has seen a large drop off since, but is not extinct as a last name.... [more]
YisraelיִשְׂרָאֵלHebrew Means "Israel" in Hebrew, from יִשְׂרָאֵל (Yiśrāʾēl).
Yomtovיומטוב, יום-טובHebrew (Modern) Means "good day", derived from Hebrew יום (yom) means "day" and טוב (tov) means "good".
YovelיוֹבֵלHebrew Means "jubilee" or "anniversary" in Hebrew, usually refers to a 50 years anniversary.
ZafriצפריHebrew From the name Ẓafār (Arabic: ظفار), also Romanized Dhafar or Dhofar, is an ancient Himyarite site situated in Yemen, some 130 km south-south-east of today's capital, Sana'a (Arabic: صَنْعَاء)... [more]
ZahaviזהביHebrew, Jewish From Hebrew זהב (zahav) meaning "gold", commonly used as a replacement for Ashkenazi surnames containing the element gold, such as Goldman, Goldstein or Goldberg.