Japanese Submitted Surnames

Japanese names are used in Japan and in Japanese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Japanese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here. See also about Japanese names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Yamanaka 山中 Japanese
From Japanese 山 (yama) meaning "mountain" and 中 (naka) meaning "middle".
Yamanba 山姥, やまんば Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 山姥 (see Yamamba).
Yamane 山根 Japanese
From Japanese 山 (yama) meaning "mountain" and 根 (ne) meaning "root".
Yamano 山野, ヤマノ Japanese
From Japanese 山 (yama) meaning "mountain" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Yamanobe 山野辺, やまのべ Japanese
From Japanese 山 (yama) meaning "mountain", 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness" and 辺 (be) meaning "area, place, vicinity".
Yamanoue Japanese
Yama means "mountain", no is a possessive article, and ue means "above, top, upper".
Yamaoka 山岡 Japanese
From Japanese 山 (yama) meaning "mountain" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
Yamasato 山里, 山県, 山縣, ヤマサト Japanese
This surname combines 山 (san, sen, yama) meaning "mountain" and 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 県 or 縣 - outdated variant of 県 - (ken, ka.keru) meaning "county, district, subdivision, prefecture," the last meaning reserved for 県.... [more]
Yamasawa Japanese
Yama means "hill, mountain" and sawa means "swamp, marsh".
Yamase Japanese
Yama means "mountain" and se means "ripple".
Yamashiro 山城 Japanese
From Japanese 山 (yama) meaning "mounain, hill" and 城 (shiro) meaning "castle".
Yamatani Japanese
Yama means "mountain" and tani means "valley". ... [more]
Yamato 大和, やまと Japanese
From the given name Yamato.
Yamato 日本 Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Nihon.
Yamauba 山姥, やまうば Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 山姥 (yamauba/yamamba) meaning "mountain hag", referring to someone with mountain hag-like traits.
Yamawaki 山脇 Japanese
From 山 (yama, sen) meaning "mountain, hill", and 脇 (waki) meaning "armpit, side, flank, underarm".
Yamaya 山谷, やまや Japanese
From Japanese 山 (yama) meaning "mountain" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Yamikawa 闇川 Japanese
From Japanese 闇 (Yami) meaning "darkness" 川(Kawa) meaning "river", the name basically means "Dark river"
Yamura Japanese
From 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow" and 村 (mura) meaning "village".
Yanabu 柳父 Japanese
From 柳 (yana) meaning "willow" and 父 (bu) meaning "father".
Yanagawa 柳川, やながわ Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yana) meaning "willow" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Yanagi 柳, やなぎ Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow".
Yanagida 柳田, やなぎだ Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Yanagihara 柳原 Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Yanagimi Japanese
Yanagi means "willow" and mi means "viewpoint, outlook".
Yanagimoto Japanese
Yanagi means "Willow" and Moto means "Source, Root, Origin."
Yanagisawa 柳沢, やなぎさわ Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow" and 沢 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Yanagiya 柳谷, やなぎや Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Yanai 矢内 Japanese
From the Japanese 矢 (ya) "arrow" and 内 (nai or uchi) "inside."
Yanase 柳瀬, やなせ Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yana) meaning "willow" and 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, current".
Yanase 簗瀬, やなせ Japanese
From Japanese 簗 (yana) meaning "fish trap" and 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, current".
Yano 矢野, やの Japanese
From Japanese 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Yanshiji 薬師寺, 藥師寺, やんしじ Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 薬師寺 or 藥師寺 (see Yakushiji).
Yaoyorozu 八百万 Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 八 (ya) meaning "eight", 百 (o) meaning "one hundred", and 万 (yorozu) meaning "ten thousand"
Yari Japanese
From the kanji 槍, meaning spear. Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Yarimizo 鑓溝, やりみぞ Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 鑓 (yari) meaning "sword" and 溝 (mizo) meaning "ditch; drain".
Yashima 八島, 八嶋, やしま Japanese
From Japanese 八 (ya) meaning "eight" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Yasohachi 八十八, やそはち Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 八十八 (yasohachi), the characters broken down from a single character 米 (kome) meaning "rice".
Yasue 安江, やすえ Japanese
From Japanese 安 (yasu) meaning "inexpensive, rested, peace, quiet" and 江 (e) meaning "bay, inlet".
Yasuhiko Japanese
Yasu means "peace, even, level, cheap, inexpensive, relax" and hiko means "prince".
Yasuhiro 安央, ヤスヒロ Japanese
From Japanese 安 (yasu) meaning "peace, quiet" combined with 央 (hiro) meaning "centre, middle". Other Kanji combinations are possible.
Yasuhiru 安蒜 Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 安蒜 (see Ambiru).
Yasui 安井, ヤスイ Japanese
From Japanese 安 (yasu) meaning "calm, peaceful, tranquil" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Yasuki Japanese
Yasu means "Relax, Cheap" and Ki mean "Tree". Yasuki is also a first name.
Yasumatsu Japanese
Yasu means "relax, peaceful, cheap, inexpensive" and matsu means "pine, fir tree".
Yasumi 安己 Japanese
Yasu meaning ‘Restful’ and Mi meaning ‘one’s self/yourself’
Yasumizu 安水 Japanese
From 安 (yasu) meaning "calm, peaceful, low, inexpensive" and 水 (mizu) meaning "water".
Yasumoro 安室 Japanese
Variant reading of Amuro.
Yasumoto 安元 Japanese
From 安 (yasu) meaning "relax, cheap, inexpensive" and 元 (moto) meaning "origin".
Yasumuro 安室 Japanese
Variant reading of Amuro.
Yasunami 安波 Japanese
Means "calm wave" in Japanese.
Yasunishi Japanese
yasu means "Peace,Quiet" and nishi means "West". See Anzai for alternative, but similar meaning.
Yasura Japanese
Yasu means "cheap, relax, peace" and ra means "good".
Yasura 安良, やすら Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 安良 (Yasura) meaning "Yasura", a former village in the former district of Izushi in the former Japanese province of Tajima in parts of present-day Hyōgo, Japan.
Yasuraoka 安良岡 Japanese (Rare)
安 (yasu) means "cheap, low, inexpensive, rested, peaceful, relax".良 (ra) means "good, excellent", and 岡 (oka) means "ridge, hill"... [more]
Yasuryo 安良, やすりょう Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 安良 (see Yasuryō).
Yasuryō 安良, やすりょう Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 安良 (see Yasura).
Yasusan 安蒜 Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 安蒜 (see Ambiru).
Yasutomi Japanese
Yasu means "relax, cheap, peace" and tomi means "wealth, abundance".
Yasuyama 安山 Japanese
安 (yasu) means "peaceful, rested, relax, cheap, low" and 山 (yama) means "mountain".
Yata 八田, やた Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 八田 (see Hatta).
Yataba 八田羽, やたば Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 八田羽 (see Hattawa).
Yatano 八田野, やたの Japanese (Rare)
Variant of Hatta, added Japanese 野 (no) meaning "field; plains".
Yatsuda 八田, やつだ Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 八田 (see Hatta).
Yatsuka 八束, やつか Japanese
From Japanese 八 (ya) meaning "eight" and 束 (tsuka) meaning "bundle, bunch, sheaf".
Yatsuta 八田, やつた Japanese
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 八田 (see Hatta).
Yatsuyama 八山 Japanese
Variant reading of Hachiyama.
Yauchi 矢内, やうち Japanese
From Japanese 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow" and 内 (uchi) meaning "inside".
Yayama 八山 Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Hachiyama.
Yazaki Japanese
A variant of Yasaki.... [more]
Yazawa 谷沢, 谷澤, やざわ Japanese
From Japanese 谷 (ya) meaning "valley" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Yazawa 矢沢, 矢澤, やざわ Japanese
From Japanese 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Yogi 與儀 Japanese
Means ‘bestow’ and ‘ceremony’
Yoichi 与市, ヨイチ Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 与市 with 与 (yo, ata.eru, azuka.ru, kumi.suru, tomoni) meaning "bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend" and 市 (shi, ichi) meaning "city, market, town."... [more]
Yoichien 与市園  Japanese (Rare)
与 (Yo) meaning "give, award, participate", 市 (ichi) means "in the city, market" or "town" and 園 (en) means "garden".
Yoichimae 与市前 Japanese (Rare)
与 (Yo) means "provide, give, award, participate", 市 (ichi) means "town, market, city" and 前 (mae) "front, forward".
Yokobe 横部, よこべ Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "beside, next to" and 部 (be) meaning "part, section".
Yokobori 横掘 Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning “beside, next to” and 掘 (hori) meaning “ditch, moat, canal”.
Yokohama Japanese
Yoko means "beside" and hama means "beach, seashore".
Yokohira Japanese
Yoko means "beside, next to" and hira means "peace, level, even".
Yokohori Japanese
Yoko means "beside, next to" and hori means "moat, canal".
Yokoi 横井, よこい Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "side, beside, next to" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Yokokawa 横川, よこかわ Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "beside, next to" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Yokomizo 横溝 Japanese
横 (Yoko) means "beside" and 溝 (mizo) means "groove, trench, gutter, gully, drain, ditch, gap". A notable bearer is Seishi Yokomizo, a Japanese novelist in the Showa Period.
Yokomori Japanese
Yoko means "beside, next to" and mori means "forest".
Yokomura 横村 Japanese
横 (Yoko) means "Beside" and 村 (Mura) means "Village, Hamlet". Check the source if needed.
Yokono Japanese
Yoko means "beside" and no means "field, plain, wilderness".
Yokoo 横尾, よこお Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "beside, next to" and 尾 (o) meaning "tail, foot, end".
Yokosawa 横澤, よこさわ Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "beside, next to" and 澤 (sawa) meaning "swamp, wetland, marsh".
Yokose Japanese
Yoko means "beside next to" and se means "current, ripple".
Yokoshima 横島, 横嶋, よこしま Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "side, beside, next to" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Yokotake 横竹, よこたけ Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "side, beside, next to" and 竹 (take) meaning "bamboo".
Yokotani 横谷, よこたに Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "next to, beside" combined with 谷 (tani) "valley".
Yokote Japanese
Yoko ("Beside") + Te , this is the Japanese word for hand. This surname means "Beside a Hand". Michiko Yokote is an example. She wrote the Pichi Pichi Pitch manga and did screenwriting for Masamune-kun's Revenge.
Yokoyama 横山 Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "side, beside, next to" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Yokoyama Japanese
A Japanese surname with a combination of Yoko and Yama
Yokozawa 横沢, よこざわ Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "beside, next to" and 沢 (sawa) meaning "swamp, wetland, marsh".
Yomohiro 東西北南 Japanese (Rare)
This is a very rare surname with the kanji of all four directions: (東西北南) "east, west, north, south", in that order. Yomo literally means "four directions" and hiro means "extension".
Yonaga 夜長 Japanese
From Japanese 夜長 (yonaga) meaning "a long night".
Yonamine 與那嶺, 与那嶺 Japanese
From the Japanese 與 or 与(yo) "together with," 那 (na) "what" and 嶺 (mine) "peak," "summit."
Yonao 与猶, 與猶, よなお Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 与 (yo) or 與 (yo), both meaning "to bestow, to participate, to provide, cause, gift, godsend" or referring to a given name with one of those characters and 猶 (nao) meaning "still".
Yone Japanese
Yo (与) means together.... [more]
Yoneda 米田, 米多, よねだ Japanese
From the Japanese 米 (yone) meaning "rice" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy" or 多 (ta or da) meaning "many."
Yoneichi Japanese
Yone (米) means rice.... [more]
Yonekawa 米川, よねかわ Japanese
From Japanese 米 (yone) meaning "rice" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Yonekura 米倉, よねくら Japanese
From Japanese 米 (yone) meaning "rice" and 倉 (kura) meaning "granary, storehouse".
Yonemoto Japanese
Yone means "rice, America" and moto means "origin, root, source, base".
Yonemura Japanese
Yone means "rice, America" and mura means "village".
Yonesawa Japanese
Yone means "rice, America" and sawa means "swamp, wetland, marsh".
Yoneyama 米山, よねやま Japanese
From Japanese 米 (yone) meaning "rice" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Yonezawa 米澤, 米沢 Japanese
From the Japanese 米 (yone or kome) "rice" and 澤 or 沢 (zawa or sawa) "swamp."
Yorita 依田, 寄田, よりた Japanese
From Japanese 依 (yori) meaning "reliant" or 寄 (yori) meaning "bring near", combined with 田 (ta) meaning "rice field".
Yoruno 夜野 Japanese
From Japanese 夜 (yoru) meaning "night" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Yoshi Japanese
Yoshi means "good luck, fortune".
Yoshidome 吉留 Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck, fortune, auspicious" combined with 留 (tome) meaning "detain, stop, remain, to stay still".
Yoshidomi 吉富 Japanese
A variant of Yoshitomi.
Yoshihama 吉浜, 吉濱 Japanese
From the Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck" and 浜 or 濱 (hama) meaning "beach."
Yoshihara 吉原 Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, good" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Yoshihashi よしはし, 吉橋 Japanese
From 吉 (yoshi) meaning "luck, good fortune" and 橋 (hashi) meaning "bridge".
Yoshii 吉井 Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, good fortune" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Yoshiizumi 吉泉, ヨシイズミ Japanese
formed with 吉 (Yoshi, Kichi, Kitsu) meaning "good luck; joy; congratulations" and 泉 (Izumi, Sen) meaning "spring; fountain". So the meaning could be interpreted as “Fountain of Good Luck” or “Lucky Fountain”
Yoshikawa 吉川 Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Yoshimaru 吉丸 Japanese
YOSHIMARU/吉丸 = Good Fortune/Luck Circle
Yoshimi 吉見, よしみ Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck" and 見 (mi) meaning "look, appearance, view".
Yoshimitsu Japanese
Yoshi means "good luck" and mitsu means "light".
Yoshimori Japanese
Yoshi means "good luck" and mori means "forest".
Yoshimoto 吉本 Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Yoshimura 吉村, 佳村 Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, good" or 佳 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful, good, excellent" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Yoshina Japanese
Yo means "night" and shina means "family, department, section".
Yoshinari 吉成, よしなり Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck" and 成 (nari) meaning "become".
Yoshinuma Japanese
Yoshi means "good luck, fortunate" and numa means "marsh, swamp".... [more]
Yoshisawa Japanese
Yoshi means "good luck, fortunate" and sawa means "marsh, swamp".
Yoshitake 吉武, よしたけ Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck" and 武 (take) meaning "military, martial".
Yoshitomi 吉富 Japanese
From 吉 (yoshi, kichi, kitsu) meaning "good luck, fortunate" and 富 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance".
Yoshiura 吉浦 Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck" and 浦 (ura) meaning "bay, coast".
Yoshiyama Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Yoshiyasu 吉安, よしやす Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi), an alternative spelling of 吉し (yoshi) meaning "good luck" and 安 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, tranquil, safe, simple, ammonium".
Yoshizaki 吉崎, よしざき Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck, fortune" and 崎 (saki) meaning "promontory, cape, peninsula".
Yoshizawa 吉沢, 吉澤, よしざわ Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "swamp, wetland, marsh".
Yotsuyanagi 四柳, 四ツ柳, 四桺, よつやなぎ Japanese
From Japanese 四柳 (Yotsuyanagi) meaning "Yahaba", a former village in the district of Kashima in the former Japanese province of Noto in parts of present-day Ishikawa in Japan.... [more]
Yoyanagi 四柳, よつやなぎ Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 四柳 (see Yotsuyanagi).
Yuasa 湯浅, ゆあさ Japanese
From Japanese 湯 (yu) meaning "hot spring" and 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow".
Yube 弓部, ゆべ Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 弓部 (see Yumbe).
Yuge 結解, ゆげ Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 結解 (see Kekke).
Yuhnomidoh 熊野御堂, ゆうのみどう Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 熊野御堂 (see Yūnomidō).
Yui 由比, 由井, 油井 Japanese
It is written three ways: 由 (yu) meaning "reason, cause" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mineshaft, pit". Or (yu) meaning the same as the latter, but with 比 (i) meaning "compare". Lastly, 油 (yu) can mean "oil" and (i) meaning the same as the first example.... [more]
Yukawa 湯川, ユカワ Japanese
From Japanese 湯 (yu) meaning "hot spring" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Yukida 雪田 Japanese (Rare)
Combination of Kanji Characters "雪" meaning "Snow", and "田" meaning "Rice Field".
Yukimatsu Japanese
Yuki can mean "snow" or "lucky" and matsu means "pine, for tree".
Yukimitsu Japanese
雪 (Yuki) means "snow" and 光 (mitsu) means "light, radiance".
Yukimiya 雪宮 Japanese
From Japanese, 雪 (yuki) meaning "snow" combined with 宮 (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace".
Yukimori Japanese
Means 'snow forest' from 'yuki' meaning 'snow' and 'mori' meaning 'forest'.
Yukino Japanese
Yuki means "snow" and no means "plain, field, wilderness".
Yukishita Japanese
Yuki means "snow" and shita means "under".
Yukitō 雪藤 Japanese
From Japanese 雪 (yuki) meaning "snow" and 藤 (tō) meaning "wisteria".
Yukitomo 行友 Japanese
From 行 (yuki) meaning "going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank" and 友 (tomo) meaning "friend".
Yukiyama 幸山, 雪山, 行山, ユキヤマ Japanese
This surname combines 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi, shiawa.se, yuki) meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness," 雪 (setsu, yuki) meaning "snow" or 行 (an, gyou, kou, -i.ki, -iki, i.ku, okona.u, oko.nau, -yu.ki, -yuki, yu.ku) meaning "going, journey" with 山 (san, sen, yama) meaning "mountain."... [more]
Yukiyasu Japanese
Yuki can mean "snow" or "luck" and yasu means "peace, relax, cheap".
Yukizome 雪染 Japanese
From Japanese 雪染 (yukizome) meaning "snow prints, dyed snow".
Yukumoto Japanese
Yuku means "conduct, go, travel, line, row" and moto means "origin, source, root".
Yumbe 弓部, ゆんべ Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 弓 (yun), a contraction of 弓 (yumi) meaning "bow, archery" and 部 (be) meaning "division", possibly referring to a fighter who specialized in archery.
Yumehara 夢原 Japanese
From Japanese 夢 (yume) means "dream" and 原 (hara) means "field".
Yumekawa Japanese
Yumekawa means yume (夢) means "dream" and kawa (川) means "river", so this means "dream river".
Yumeno 夢野 Japanese
yumeno means "dream field" the kanji used for this name are 夢 (yume) meaning " dream" and 野 (no) meaning "field".
Yumi Japanese
Yu means "cause, reason, logic" and mi means "beauty". ... [more]
Yumibe 弓部, ゆみべ Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 弓部 (see Yumbe).
Yumihiro 広, 廣 Japanese
From Japanese 弓 (yumi) meaning "archery bow" combined with 広 or 廣 (hiro) meaning "broad, wide, spacious"
Yunbe 弓部, ゆんべ Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 弓部 (see Yumbe).
Yuno 湯野 Japanese
From 湯 (yu) meaning "hot water, bath, hot spring" and 野 (no) meaning "plains, field".
Yūnomidō 熊野御堂, ゆうのみどう Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 熊野御堂 (see Kumanomidō).
Yunomido 熊野御堂, ゆうのみどう Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 熊野御堂 (see Yūnomidō).
Yusa 遊佐 Japanese
From Japanese 遊 (yu) meaning "play" and 佐 (sa) meaning "help, aid".
Yuuma 遊馬 Japanese
From the Japanese 遊 (yu) "recreation," "fun" and 馬 (uma, ma or ba) "horse."
Yuunomidou 熊野御堂, ゆうのみどう Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 熊野御堂 (see Yūnomidō).
Yuyamido 熊野御堂, ゆやみどう Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 熊野御堂 (see Yuyamidō).
Yuyamidō 熊野御堂, ゆやみどう Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 熊野御堂 (see Kumanomidō).
Yuyamidoh 熊野御堂, ゆやみどう Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 熊野御堂 (see Yuyamidō).
Yuyamidou 熊野御堂, ゆやみどう Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 熊野御堂 (see Yuyamidō).
Yuzuki 柚木, ゆずき Japanese
From Japanese 柚 (yuzu) meaning "grapefruit, pomelo, citrus fruit" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Yuzurihara Japanese
Means "the field of the gentle Village". From the Japanese words Yasuri (gentle village) and Hara (plain, field).
Zaizen 財前 Japanese (Rare)
From 財 (zai) meaning "wealth, riches, property" and 前 (zen) meaning "front, forward".
Zakuro 柘榴, ざくろ Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 柘榴 (Zakuro) meaning "Zakuro", an area in the town of Seika in the district of Sōraku in the prefecture of Kyōto in Japan.
Zayasu 座安, ざやす Japanese
From Japanese 座 (Za) meaning "squat; seat; cushion; gathering; sit" and 安 (Yasu) meaning "relax; cheap; low; quiet; rested; contented; peaceful".
Zemmosa 善茂砂, ぜんもさ Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 善 (zen) meaning "virtue, goodness", 茂 (mo) meaning "overgrown; luxuriant", and 砂 (sa) meaning "sand", referring to a place with lots of sand.
Zemmosha 善茂砂, ぜんもしゃ Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 善茂砂 (see Zemmosa).
Zemosa 善茂砂, ぜもさ Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 善茂砂 (see Zemmosa).
Zenda 全田 Japanese (Rare)
Combination of Kanji Characters 全 meaning "everything" and 田 meaning "rice paddy field".
Zen'in 禅院, 禪院, ぜんいん Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 禅院 (zen'in) meaning "dhyana temple".... [more]
Zenin 禅院, 禪院, ぜんいん Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 禅院 or 禪院 (see Zen'in).
Zenmosa 善茂砂, ぜんもさ Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 善茂砂 (see Zemmosa).
Zenmosha 善茂砂, ぜんもしゃ Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 善茂砂 (see Zemmosha).
Zukin 頭巾, ずきん Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 頭巾 (zukin) meaning "headscarf, hood, handkerchief".