Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword bean.
See Also
bean meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bobeck Swedish, German, Jewish, Slavic
A respelling of the Swedish Bobäck, an ornamental name composed of the elements bo meaning "farm" and bäck meaning "stream".... [more]
Bóbski Polish
Possibly derived from the Polish word bób, which means "broad bean".
Boen Dutch
Occupational name for a bean grower, from Middle Dutch bone, boene "bean".
Boon Dutch
From boon "bean". Refers to a person who grows beans, or a nickname for someone tall and thin (i.e. stringbean).
Favier French
Occupational name for a grower of beans or a bean merchant derived from Latin faba "bean".
Izuhara Japanese
This surname is used as 出原, 泉原 or 伊豆原 with 出 (shutsu, sui, i.dasu, i.deru,,, -de,, izu) meaning "come out, exit, go out, leave, protrude, put out", 泉 (sei, izumi, izu) meaning "fountain, spring", 伊 (i, kare) meaning "Italy, that one", 豆 (zu, tou, mame, mame-) meaning "beans, midget, pea" and 原 (gen, hara) meaning "field, meadow, original, plain, prairie, primitive, tundra, wilderness."
Uba Estonian
Uba is an Estonian surname meaning "bean".