Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword game.
See Also
game meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Gammon English
From a medieval nickname applied to a merry or sportive person (from Middle English gamen "game"), or to someone who walked in a strange way or had some peculiarity of the legs (from Anglo-Norman gambon "ham").
Hazard English, French, Dutch
Nickname for an inveterate gambler or a brave or foolhardy man prepared to run risks, from Middle English, Old French hasard, Middle Dutch hasaert (derived from Old French) "game of chance", later used metaphorically of other uncertain enterprises... [more]
Jääger Estonian
Jääger is an Estonian surname meaning "game warden". Ultimately, from the German-language "jäger" meaning "hunter".
Kaiyō Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 回 (e, kai, ka.eru, mawa.shi-, -mawa.shi,,, -mawa.ri,,, meaning "game, revolve, round" and 陽 (you, hi) meaning "daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang principle."... [more]
Spielberg Jewish, German
From Old High German spiegel "lookout point" or German Spiel "game, play" and berg "mountain". Locational surname after a town in Austria. A famous bearer is American director Steven Spielberg (1946-present).
Trinket English, Popular Culture
Effie Trinket's surname: one of "The Hunger Games"'s trilogy character.
Uluots Estonian
Uluots is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from "uluk" ("(hunting) game" ) and "ots" ("end").
Zabel German
The surname has multiple meanings. It may come from a Slavic given name, or the High German word zabel, meaning "board game" - given, perhaps, as a nickname to those who played many board games.