Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword shout.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bauersack German
Semi-Germanized form of the Polish surname Burczak, originally derived from Polish burczec "growl; shout".... [more]
Geller Yiddish, German, Russian
The name may derive from the German word "gellen" (to yell) and mean "one who yells." It may derive from the Yiddish word "gel" (yellow) and mean the "yellow man" or from the Yiddish word "geler," an expression for a redheaded man... [more]
Greiner Upper German, German (Swiss)
Nickname for a quarrelsome or cantankerous person, derived from Middle High German grīner meaning "squabbler, quarreler" (ultimately an agent derivative of grīn meaning "loud, cry, screaming, shouting")... [more]
Lõugas Estonian
Lõugas is an Estonian surname derived from "lõugama" meaning to "shout" and "caterwaul".
Schreur Dutch (Dutchified, Rare)
Comes from two places; one from the German word stemming from "schrien", or "shout", and two from the Dutch word stemming from "schreuder", or "tailor".
Schruijer Dutch
Presumably an occupational name for a town crier, from "schreien" or "schreeuwen", meaning "to shout", or "to yell".