Kurdish names are used by the Kurdish people of the Middle East.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
ArdehiPersian, Kurdish, Old Persian House Ardehis of Zagors or Ardahvans (Persian: اردهیان) were one of the Persian Sassanid royal families, who occupied the Mounts of Zagros before the Islamic conquest of Persia in 650 CE. Ardahvans in Shahnameh and Persian mythology are mentioned to be the first settlers of Zagros mountains, and the constructors of Forts Of Zagros.
GursulturJewish (Latinized), Kurdish, Hebrew This name is a composition of the following words: GUR; Hebrew for "lion cub", SUL; which is an abbreviation of Suleman (Kurdish for king Solomon), TUR; this word is derived from the Arba'ah Turim. The Arbaáh Turim are often called simply the Tur, which is an important Halakhic code.... [more]
Holmez هولمازهولمازKurdish Name of Kurdish, kurmanji origin used in northern syria. Surname of an old family