Submitted Surnames with "alder" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword alder.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ahl Swedish
Derived from Swedish al "alder tree".
Ahlborn Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and -born, a Swedish surname suffix derived from German geboren "born".
Ahlin Swedish
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and the common Swedish surname suffix -in (ultimately derived from Latin -inus, -inius "descendant of").
Ahlqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and quist an old spelling of kvist "twig".
Alksnis Latvian
Means "alder tree" in Latvian.
Desaulniers French (Quebec)
Topographic name denoting a property distinguished by a grove of alder trees, derived from Old French au(l)ne meaning "alder".
Duvernay French
Means "from the alder grove," from Gaulish vern meaning "alder" combined with Latin -etum, whence Modern French -aie, forming names of orchards or places where trees/plants are grown)... [more]
Elford Medieval English
From the Old English personal name Ella, from the word oelf meaning "elf" or from the Old English alor/elre, meaning "alder tree." The name in full would mean "alder tree by a ford" or "Ella who lives by a ford".... [more]
Elkjær Danish
From Danish el meaning "alder" and kær meaning "fen, marsh". Danish former soccer player Preben Elkjær Larsen (1957-) bears this name.
Ellerby English
Denoted a person from a town called Ellerby, meaning "Ælfweard’s farm", or perhaps "alder tree town" from Middle English aller "alder tree" and Old Norse býr "farm, settlement".
Ellerhoff German
This name means "Black Alder Tree Courtyard" and was inspired by a tree in a yard at the family farm in Nettelstedt, Germany.
Ellermeyer German
It is a combination of the German words “Eller,” which means “alder,” and “Meyer,” which means “steward” or farmer”. So, it is thought to refer to someone who was either a steward or farmer who lived near an alder grove.
Elshout Dutch
Means "alder wood" in Dutch.
Haltz Basque
Derived from Basque haltz "alder (tree)".
Lepa Estonian
Lepa is an Estonian surname meaning "alder".
Lepajõe Estonian
Lepajõe is an Estonian surname meaning "alder water".
Lepmets Estonian
Lepmets is an Estonian word meaning "alder (lepp) forest (mets)".
Lepp Estonian
Means "alder (tree)" in Estonian.
Leppnurm Estonian
Leppnurm is an Estonian surname meaning "alder meadow".
Leppoja Estonian
Leppoja is an Estonian surname meaning "alder creek".
Olszański Polish
Name for someone from a place called Olszany or Olszanica, both derived from Polish olsza meaning "alder".
Paakspuu Estonian
Paakspuu is an Estonian surname meaning "alder buckthorn" and "black alder".
Uudelepp Estonian
Uudelepp is an Estonian surname meaning "new alder".
Varney English
From the French place name Vernay meaning "alder grove, alder wood", derived from Gaulish vern "alder (tree)" and the Latin locative suffix -etum "place of; plantation, grove" (-aie in modern French).
Verdun French, English (British, Rare), Spanish, Catalan
From the various locations in France called Verdun with the Gaulish elements ver vern "alder" and dun "hill fortress" and Verdú in Catalonia, English variant of Verdon