Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword lime.
See Also
lime meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kalk German, Dutch
Occupational name for a lime burner from Middle High German kalc and Middle Dutch calk "lime" (both a loanword from Latin calx).
Kalkbrenner German
Occupational name for a lime burner from Middle High German kalc "chalk lime" and brenner "burner".
Kallmeyer German
from a Germanized form of Slavic kal "marshland bog" or from Middle High German Middle Low German kalc "lime" and Middle High German meier "tenant farmer" (see Meyer 1) hence a distinguishing nickname for a farmer whose farm lay on marshy land or near a lime pit.
Limbach German
Derived from any of numerous places in Germany named with Germanic lindo meaning "lime tree" and bach meaning "stream". Several of these places are in areas such as the Palatinate, which contributed heavily to early German immigration to the United States.
Lindahl Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and dal "valley".
Linde German, Dutch, Jewish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Derived from Middle Hugh German, Dutch linde or Scandinavian lind "lime tree". Almost exclusively ornamental in Swedish, otherwise probably habitational. There are also a number of feminine names containing the element lind, for example Linda, Dietlinde and Gerlinde, and it's possible that the surname is derived from any of those names.
Lindell English
Derived from various places in England named with Old Norse lind "lime tree" and dalr "valley".
Lindell Swedish
Derived from Swedish lind "lime tree".
Lindelöf Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and löf (an archaic spelling of löv) "leaf".
Lindenberg German, Jewish, Dutch
As a German and Jewish name, it is derived from any of numerous places called Lindenberg in Germany, composed of Middle High German linde meaning "lime tree" and berg meaning "mountain, hill"... [more]
Lindenmeyer German
Habitational name for the tenant of a farm identified by a lime tree, derived from Middle High German linde meaning "lime tree" and meier meaning "tenant farmer".
Lindfors Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree, linden" and fors "rapid, waterfall".
Lindhagen Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and hage "enclosed pasture". Carl Lindhagen was the Chief Magistrate of Stockholm in the early 1900s.
Lindstedt Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and stad "town, city" (spelling possibly influenced by German Stadt, also meaning "town, city").
Lindvall Swedish
Combination of Swedish lind "lime tree" and vall "pasture, grassy field".
Linley English
This surname can be derived from a place of the same name in Shropshire, which is derived from Old English lín meaning "flax, linen" and leah meaning "clearing." As a modern surname, it can also be a variant of Lindley (Lindley is used in 2 places in Yorkshire), which is derived from Old English lind meaning "lime tree" and leah.
Lipiński Polish
Name for someone from any of various places named Lipno, Lipin, Lipiny or Lipino, all derived from Polish lipa meaning "lime tree".
Lipov m Russian
Andrey Lipov is the agency executive of Roskomnadzor.... [more]
Lipowski Polish, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Lipowo, Lipowa, or Lipowe, named with an adjectival derivative of Polish lipa meaning "lime tree".
Lipschitz German, Jewish
The name is derived from the Slavic "lipa," meaning "linden tree" or "lime tree." The name may relate to a number of different place names: "Liebeschitz," the name of a town in Bohemia, "Leipzig," the name of a famous German city, or "Leobschutz," the name of a town in Upper Silesia.
Lipski Polish, Jewish
Habitational name for someone from any of various places called Lipie, Lipsk, Lipsko, Lipy, etc., all named with Polish lipa meaning "lime tree".
Pärnasalu Estonian
Pärnasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "lime grove".
Tejada Spanish
Meaning "roof" or "lime tree."