Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword saw.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aimi Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "mutual" combined with 見 (mi) meaning "see".
Cena English (American), English
Cena is a prominently used English name. It is derived from the word "see", however it rather than referring to the ability to see it, what it actually refers to is the inability to see as the other half of the name ("-na") means "naw" a synonym for "no"... [more]
Chomchuen Thai
Means "congratulations" from Thai ชม (chom) meaning "see, watch, praise, admire" and ชื่น (chuen) meaning "happy, joyful, delighted".
Fukami Japanese
深 (Fuka) means "deep" and 見 (mi) means "view, mindset, see".
Gören Turkish
Means "seer, one who sees" in Turkish.
Hayami Japanese
From Japanese 速 (haya) meaning "fast", 逸 (haya) meaning "deviate" or 早 (haya) meaning "early"; combined with 水 (mi) meaning "water" or 見 (mi) meaning "see".
Hikomi Japanese
Hiko means "prince" and mi means "see, viewpoint, outlook".
Hitomi Japanese
Hito means "person" and mi means "see, viewpoint, mindset".
Kenma Japanese
Japanese surname meaning "to see enough".
Kitami Japanese
From Japanese 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice" or 北 (kita) meaning "north", combined with 多 (ta) meaning "many" and/or 見 (mi) meaning "see".
Michalsky Polish
A variant of Michalski. "Polish and Jewish (from Poland): habitational name for someone from a place called Michale in Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship or Michały in Masovian Voivodeship both named with the personal name Michał (see Michal ). Jewish (from Poland): patronymic from the personal name Michal." ... [more]
Mine Japanese
This surname is used as 岑, 峯, 峰, 嶺, 三根, 美根, 美祢, 美禰 or 見根 with 岑 (gin, shin, mine), an outdated character meaning "mountaintop, peak," 峯/峰 (hou, ne, mine) meaning "peak, summit," 嶺 (ryou, rei, mine) meaning with the same meaning as 峯/峰, 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three," 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beauty/iful," 見 (ken, mi.eru, mi.seru, meaning "chances, hopes, idea, look at, opinion, see, visible," 根 (kon, ne, -ne) meaning "head (pimple), radical, root" and 祢/禰 (dei, nai, ne) meaning "ancestral shrine."... [more]
Mitsugi Japanese
This surname is used as 貢, 三木, 三ツ木, 三津木, 三樹, 三次, 参木, 満木, 見次, 身次 or 巳継 with 貢 (ku, kou, meaning "finance, support, tribute", 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three", 津 (shin, tsu) meaning "ferry, harbour, haven, port", 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood", 樹 (juu, ki) meaning "timber trees, wood", 参 (san, shin, mai-,, majiwaru, mitsu) meaning "be defeated, be madly in love, coming, die, going, nonplussed, three, visit, visiting", 満 (ban, man, mi.tasu, mi.chiru, mi.tsu) meaning "enough, full, fullness, satisfy", 見 (ken, mi.eru, mi.seru, meaning "chances, hopes, idea, look at, opinion, see, visible", 身 (shin, mi) meaning "one's station in life, person, somebody", 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, meaning "next, order, sequence", 巳 (shi, mi) meaning "sign of the snake/serpent (6th sign of Chinese zodiac)" and 継 (kei,, mama-) meaning "graft (tree), inherit, patch, succeed."... [more]
Nenge Tiv
Means, "see".
Niimi Japanese
Nii means "new" and mi means "see, outlook, viewpoint".
Onai Shona
Onai means "See, observe". #It is a name that calls the hearer to see or observe that which happened".
Peevey Norman, English
Means "a place with a fine view". Composed of the Old French roots beu, which means "fair" and "lovely", and voir, which means "to see".
Prevedoros Greek
From the Italian rank of provveditore "he who sees to things" (overseer) was the style of various local district governors in the extensive, mainly maritime empire of the Republic of Venice.
Puusaag Estonian
Puusaag is an Estoian surname meaning "wood saw".
Saag Estonian
Saag is an Estonian surname meaning "saw".
Saagpakk Estonian
Saagpakk is an Estonian surname meaning "saw log".
Sakurami Japanese
Sakura means "Cherry Blossom (tree)" and Mi means "View, See, Mindset."
Sakurami Japanese
From Japanese 桜, 櫻 (sakura) meaning "cherry blossom" combined with 見 (mi) meaning "to see" or 実 (mi) meaning "berry, fruit, nut, real".
Takami Japanese
Taka means "High, Tall, Expensive" and Mi means "Viewing, See, Outlook".
Takumi Japanese
From 宅 (taku) meaning "home, house, residence" and 見 (mi) meaning "see, view, outlook".
Tatsumi Japanese
This surname is used as the combinations shown above + others that aren't on this entry.... [more]
Tsunemi Japanese
Tsune can mean "constant" or "always" and mi means "see, outlook, viewpoint" .
Tumgoev Ingush (Russified)
Russified form of an Ingush surname, which is from the name of an Ingush teip (clan). The clan's name itself is derived from Tumag (ТIумагI), the name of a village in Ingushetia, possibly meaning "to see with the heart" in Ingush.
Zosimovich Belarusian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Means "son of Zosim (see Zosimus)"; rarely used in both Belarus and Ukraine.