English (Canadian) Submitted Surnames

These names are a subset of English names used more often in Canada. See also about English names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bersford English (Canadian)
Named after the city 'Bersford'... [more]
Browes English (Canadian, ?)
My mothers maiden name.
Bucsis English (Canadian)
Perhaps of Hungarian origin, but the original surname is not known.
Chambo English (Canadian)
Suspected to be of French origin. Specifically, a derivative of Archambault.
Cowan Scottish (Anglicized), Northern Irish (Anglicized), English (Canadian), English (New Zealand)
This surname, widespread in Scotland and Ulster, is an Anglicized form of the old Gaelic Mac Eoghain or MacEoin... [more]
Farand English (Canadian), French (Quebec)
Derived from the given name FARIMOND or from the French word ferrer meaning "to be clad in iron" or "to shoe a horse".
Flett Scottish, English (Canadian)
Probably originating in Orkney and Shetland, from a place in the parish of Delting, Shetland, named with an Old Norse term 'flotr' denoting a strip of arable land or pasture. Also possibly derived from the Old Norse byname Fljótr ‘swift’, ‘speedy’... [more]
Haughn English (Canadian, Modern)
Alternative/Modern form of Hahn.
Loudon Scottish, English (Canadian)
This surname is Scottish, although also recorded in England. It is believed to be locational from the village of Loudoun, in the district of Cunningham, in the county of Ayrshire. The placename is composed of the Northern English word "low", meaning a flame or beacon, itself from the pre 7th century Norse word "loge", plus the Gaelic "doun", meaning a hill... [more]
Mansell English (Canadian), Norman
Of Norman origin, a habitational or regional name from Old French mansel ‘inhabitant of Le Mans or the surrounding area of Maine’. The place was originally named in Latin (ad) Ceromannos, from the name of the Gaulish tribe living there, the Ceromanni... [more]
Morganton English (Canadian)
Created by combining the last names Morgan and Middleton in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in September of 2013.
Officer English (Canadian), English (American, Rare)
Occupational name for the holder of any office, from Anglo-Norman French officer (an agent derivative of Old French office ‘duty’, ‘service’, Latin officium ‘service’, ‘task’).
Orris English (Canadian)
This unusual and interesting name is of Italian, Latin origin, and derives from one of the earliest Roman names, "Horatius". The name is thought to mean something connected with "hora", the Latin for "hour", but the original meaning has been lost... [more]
Pappin English (Canadian)
Southeastern Ontario, Canada. My dad and uncle are the only two I met. I was told their family background was Metis/Cree.
Rivette French, English (American, Rare), English (Canadian, Rare)
Topographic name derived from a diminutive of Old French rive, meaning "(river) bank, shore"; see also Rivet.
Shevalier English (American), English (Canadian)
Anglicized form of the French surname Chevalier.
Sigurdson English (Canadian)
English form of Icelandic and Swedish surname Sigurdsson.
Sora English (Canadian)
Sora is a Kingdom Hearts character developed by Square Enix and Disney
Stickman English (Canadian)
The Origin for the surname Stickman comes from the YouTube series Iron Hand character "Tim Stickman" and his wife (season 3) his kids (season 4) and parents (all seasons) made in 2016 and premiering in 2017.
Westlake English (Canadian)
Combined of West and Lake.