BestautyOssetian Derived from Ossetian бистэ (biste) meaning "village, suburb" or from Persian به (beh) meaning "good, excellent, better". In the case of the former, it would have been used to indicate the place of residence of an ancestor.
BulguchevIngush (Russified) Russified form of an Ingush surname derived from the name of an Ingush teip (clan). The clan's name is derived from the name Bulguch of unknown meaning.
DiasamidzeGeorgian Means "son of Diasami", from a Georgian given name of unknown meaning, perhaps meaning "master" or derived from Abkhaz дәаӡа (dwaʒa) meaning "uncultivated land, virgin soil" (thus used to refer to someone who plowed land)... [more]
DudayevChechen, Ossetian (Russified) Russified form of a Chechen and Ossetian family name of disputed meaning; the name may be derived from Ossetian дудахъхъ (dudaqq) meaning "bustard", from Ingush тат (tat) meaning "Mountain Jew", or from Circassian дадэ (dade) meaning "grandfather" or "king, head, chief"... [more]
DzagoevOssetian (Russified) Russified form of the Ossetian surname Зæгъойты (Zægoyty), which came from the nickname Dzagoy. The name was probably from Ossetian дзаг (dzag) meaning "full, complete", ultimately derived from Persian چاق (čâq) meaning "fat".
DzharimovCircassian (Russified) Russified form of a Circassian name possibly from Adyghe джары (ǯ̍ārə) meaning "that is" combined with мэ (mă) meaning "this" or "smell". A notable bearer is Aslan Dzharimov (1936-), the former President of the Adyghe Republic from 1992-2002.
DzhigurdaAbkhaz (Russified) The highest percentage of registered communists in Russia's last name is Dzhigurda, and people with this last name in the US are about 8% more likely to be registered communists than the average American.
DzugaevOssetian (Russified) Probably derived from Dzuga, the name of a past ancestor and the founder of the family/clan of uncertain meaning, though it could have been used to refer to a shepherd or herder if derived from Iron Ossetian дзуг (dzug) meaning "flock, herd (of sheep or cattle)".
EvloevIngush (Russified) Russified form of an Ingush name, which is derived from Yovloy, the name of an Ingush teip (clan), which is of unknown meaning. It may be from the name of the Alans, a medieval Iranian nomadic group (the word itself derived from Sanskrit आर्य (ā́rya) meaning "noble, honourable") or from Adyghe елъы (ełăə) meaning "to sharpen" combined with елъэ (ełă) meaning "to jump over".
GabaratyOssetian Derived from Алгуз (Alguz), an earlier Ossetian family name of unknown meaning. Historically, the last of the Alguz family migrated to the village of Zalda (located in present-day South Ossetia), where most members of the family presently reside.
GandaloevIngush (Russified) Russified form of the Ingush clan name Гӏоандалой (Ghoandaloy), derived from the name of the ancient village of Gandaloy in present-day Ingushetia.
GarabedianArmenian Means "son of Garabed", an Armenian personal name meaning literally "leader, precursor" and traditionally used as an epithet of John the Baptist in the Armenian church.
GazdantyOssetian Possibly derived from Arabic غَازِي (ḡāzī) meaning "hero, champion".
GazdievIngush (Russified), Ossetian (Russified) Russified form of an Ingush and Ossetian surname derived from the name of an Ingush teip (clan) of unknown meaning, possibly of Turkic origin. The name is mainly found in present-day Ingushetia and North Ossetia-Alania.