Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword rye.
See Also
rye meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Çavdar Turkish
Means "rye" in Turkish.
Çavdar Turkish
Means "rye" in Turkish.
Mick German, Dutch, Irish
Short form of the given name Mikolaj or an occupational name from Middle Low German and Middle Dutch micke "(wheat or rye) bread"... [more]
Rudzutaka Latvian (Rare)
Rudzutaka is compound from two words first rudzu meaning "rye" and second taka meaning "path". Rudzutaka is femenine form of surname, the masculine form of surname is Rudzutaks. Most famous person with this surname is Jānis Rudzutaks:ānis_Rudzutaks... [more]
Rukki Estonian
Rukki is an Estonian surname derived from "rukis", meaning "rye"
Ryall English
From any of several places in England named from Old English ryge "rye" + hyll "hill".
Schönrock German
Either a metonymic occupational name for a baker from Middle High German schœn "fine" (see Schoen ) and rogge "rye"... [more]
Secară Romanian
It means "rye" in Romanian.
Stoklasa Czech
Means "rye brome" in Czech.... [more]
Stradlater Literature
The surname of Ward Stradlater, a character in J. D. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye".