Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword wet.
See Also
wet meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Atsuda Japanese
From Japanese 渥 (atsu) meaning "moist" combined with 田 (da) meaning "paddy, field".
Carrender English (American)
Probably from Scottish kerr meaning "rough, wet ground" combined with ender (possibly related to the end of something). It probably denoted someone who lived between rough, wet ground and normal ground.
Dimabasa Filipino, Tagalog
Means "dry" from Tagalog di- meaning "no, not" and basa meaning "wet, watery".
Gill Indian, Punjabi
Derived from Punjabi ਗਿੱਲਾ (gila) meaning "wet, damp, moist".
Gönen Turkish
Means "moist" in Turkish.
Junko Japanese
Junko can be written using different kanji characters and can mean any of the following:... [more]
Leith English
From the name of a Scottish town (now a district of Edinburgh), which is derived from Gaelic lìte "wet, damp". It is also the name of the river that flows though Edinburgh.
Mosele Italian, German (Austrian)
This surname is to be found in north-eastern Italy, more specifically in the Vicenza and Verona provinces. Families with this name are certain to be originally from the mountain town of Asiago, situated on a plateau north of Vicenza and now a well-known skiing resort... [more]
Nassau German, Dutch, Jewish
From the name of the town of Nassau in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (formerly the seat of an independent duchy in the 19th century), derived from Old High German naz meaning "damp, wet" and ouwa meaning "water meadow"... [more]
Netley English
Means "wet" and "open woodland" in Old English.
Riedel German
Derived from Middle High German riet "damp, mossy area".
Santala Finnish
From Finnish santa meaning "(slightly wet) sand" and the place suffix -la.