Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which an editor of the name is Rejtblat.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aloni Hebrew
Derived from the forename Alon
Avner Hebrew
From the given name Avner.
Beilin Jewish (Ashkenazi)
Derived from the feminine given name Beile or Bayla; the given names themselves are Yiddish forms of English Bella... [more]
Bellefleur French, Literature
Means "beautiful flower" in French. This is the surname of the notable family in the 2001 to 2013 novel series The Southern Vampire Mysteries and the 2008-2014 TV series that inspired it, True Blood.
Dahan Jewish (Sephardic)
Occupational name for a painter or a seller of oils from Arabic دُهْن (duhn) meaning "grease, fat, oil".
Edgecombe English
From a location meaning ridge valley, from Old English ecg "edge, ridge" and cumb "valley".
Fridman Yiddish, German (Anglicized)
Derived from the Yiddish "Frid" (see fridu) meaning "peace," combined with "man" meaning "man" or "person." Originally derived from a vernacular form of Shalom, it is also an anglicized spelling of the German name Friedmann.
Friedmann German, German (Swiss), Jewish (Ashkenazi)
German and Swiss German from a derivative of Friedrich. ... [more]
Gutmann German, Jewish (Ashkenazi)
German cognate of Goodman. from Middle High German guot man literally "good man, capable man" derived from the elements guot "good" and man "man"... [more]
Kogan Jewish (Russified)
Russified version of the common Jewish surname Cohen.
Launder English
From English launder, itself from French lavandier both meaning "washerman".
Liebmann Yiddish
a variant of Liebermann originally a Medieval Jewish name... [more]
Salkind Yiddish
a last name originally derived from a medieval Yiddish given name
Seaward English
Means “dweller by the sea”.
Süsskind Yiddish
Derived from a Medieval Yiddish given name, it is a variant of a German variant Ziskind
Zuckerman German, Yiddish
As a German surname, it is an occupational name for a merchant who sold sugar or nickname for a sweet tooth.... [more]