Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the usage is Italian; and the number of syllables is 3.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Sulpizio Italian
From the given name Sulpizio
Syracuse Italian (Anglicized)
Americanized spelling of Siracusa. This is also the name of a city in the U.S. state of New York, though the etymology is unrelated.
Taibbi Sicilian (Americanized, Modern)
A Sicilian name of Lebanese origin, Taibbi is a variant spelling of Taibi.
Taibi Sicilian
Taibi is a Sicilian nickname for a robust person; from Arabic ṭayyib "in good health".
Tancredi Italian
From the given name Tancredi.
Tognazzi Italian
From the given name Antonio. A famous bearer was Italian actor Ugo Tognazzi (1922–1990).
Tomasi Italian
From the given name Tomaso.
Tomeo Italian
From a short form of the given name Bartolomeo.
Tommaso Italian
From the given name Tommaso.
Torquato Italian, Portuguese
From the given name Torquato
Toscano Italian, Spanish
Originally indicated someone who came from the region of Tuscany in central Italy.
Tremonti Italian
Pluralised form of Tremonte, a habitational name meaning "over the mountain".
Trevisan Italian
From the city of Treviso, in Veneto.
Tripoli Italian
Habitational name from Tripoli in Libya, a place name of Greek origin meaning "triple city", from the elements τρι- (tri-) "three, thrice" and πόλις (polis) "city".
Tristano Italian
From the given name Tristano.
Turturro Italian, Sicilian
Metonymic occupational name for a groom (a person employed to take care of horses), derived from Sicilian turturo, (ultimately from Italian tortoro) meaning "straw, hay, plait used for strapping horses"... [more]
Ulisse Italian
From the given name Ulisse.
Urbano Italian, Spanish
From the given name Urbano.
Usanza Italian
Means, "custom, tradition, habit" in Italian.
Venezia Italian, Judeo-Italian
Habitational name from the city of Venice or from the region of Venetia, both of which are called Venezia in Italian.
Ventrelli Italian
Meaning 'small belly' from the Italian ventre (belly) and the diminutive suffix elli, meaning small or little.
Vernetti Italian, Piedmontese
From various places called Vernetti or Vernetto in Piedmont, Italy.
Vincente English, Italian
English variant of Vincent 1, otherwise from the given name Vincente
Vincenzi Italian
Patronymic form of Vincenzo.
Vincenzo Italian
From the given name Vincenzo
Zanotti Italian
Comes from a pet form of Zani.
Zucchino Italian
Derived from zucchino meaning "zucchini, courgette" (Cucurbita pepo). It is also related to those surnames derived from zucca meaning "pumpkin" and to those derived from zuccone meaning "dumb, stubborn".
Zuccoli Italian
Derived from the Italian word zucca meaning "pumpkin", originally referred to someone who used to grow or trade pumpkins.
Zumpano Italian
Comes from the town Zumpano in the province Cosenza in Calabria, Italy. The meaning is unknown but it possibly comes from a Greek-Calabrese surname.
Zurzolo Italian
The last name of actor, Lorenzo Zurzolo, who is Niccolo in Baby and Theodore Nott in Harry Potter.