Mexican Submitted Surnames

Mexican names are used in the country of Mexico in southern North America.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Villarroel Spanish
Derivative and rarer version of Villa, unexplained. Compare Villarruel.
Villarrubia Spanish
Spanish: habitational name from Villarrubia (Córdoba) Villarrubia de los Ojos (Ciudad Real) or Villarrubia de Santiago (Toledo) so named from villa '(outlying) farmstead (dependent) settlement' (see Villa ) + rubia 'light red'.
Villarruel Spanish
Cognate of Villa with the second element of unexplained etymology. Compare Villarroel.
Villasante Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the Castilian municipality of Merindad de Montija.
Villatoro Spanish
Presumably a name given to someone from Villatoro, Spain
Villavicencio Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Philippines)
Denoted someone who came from the name of the municipality of Villavicencio de los Caballeros in Castile and León, Spain.
Villeda Spanish
Probably from french.
Villegas Spanish
Habitational name from the municipality of Villegas in Burgos province, Spain.
Villoslada Spanish
From the village of Villoslada in Spain.
Vinagre Spanish, Portuguese
An occupational surname for someone who sells vinegar.
Viniegra Spanish
This indicates familial origin within either of 2 Riojan municipalities in the Comarca of Anguiano: Viniegra de Arriba or Viniegra de Abajo.
Vinuesa Spanish
It indicates familial origin within the eponymous municipality.
Viramontes Spanish
Viramontes is composed of the elements "mira" and "montes," two Spanish words with the combined meaning of "place with a view of the mountains."
Virgen Spanish
Spanish form of Virgo.
Virgil Spanish
From the given name Virgil.
Virtuoso English (American), Spanish, Italian
This Italian surname could possibly be connected to those whose ancestors were involved in playing a musical instrument or somehow connected to the musical instrument industry.
Vivanco Spanish
This indicates familial origin within the Castilian locality of Vivanco de Mena.
Vivar Spanish, History
From the village of Vivar, later renamed Vivar del Cid, nowadays part of Quintanilla Vivar located near Burgos, Castile and León, Spain.... [more]
Wero Spanish (Latin American), Maori
Maori: Means "to cast a spear"... [more]
Xotlanihua Nahuatl
Means "owner of flowering" or "there will be growing" in Nahuatl, probably originating as a personal name.
Yagüe Spanish
It is possibly derived from a name for someone born on St James' Day, from Old Spanish Santi Yague, a common medieval form of Santiago.
Yáñez Spanish
Patronymic of Juan 1.
Yansen Indonesian, Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Jansen. Most commonly found in Indonesia and Argentina.
Yepes Spanish
Habitational name from Yepes in the province of Toledo (named as Hippo or Hipona in or before Roman times).
Yerbabuena Spanish (Latin American)
From Spanish yerba buena meaning "good herb"
Zacarias Portuguese, Spanish
From the given name Zacarias.
Zacatenco Spanish (Mexican)
One who came from Zacatecas.
Zaldívar Basque (Hispanicized), Spanish
Castilianized form of Basque Zaldibar "horse valley".
Zambrana Spanish
Likely comes from a town of the same name in Spain.
Zamora Spanish
Habitational name from Zamora, a city in northwestern Spain, of uncertain etymology. Possibly derived from Berber azemur "wild olive tree".
Zapata Spanish
Occupational surname for a shoemaker, from Spanish zapato meaning "shoe". It can also be considered a habitational name for someone originally from any of the various locations in Spain called Zapata.
Zapato Spanish
Means "shoe" in Spanish.
Zaragoza Spanish, Aragonese
Name given to someone who was from the city Zaragoza in the Aragon region in Spain.
Zárate Spanish
Habitational surname meaning "entrance to the grove coppice".
Zavattari Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian
A derivation of the Old French word 'savate'... [more]
Zayas Spanish, Caribbean
Derives from the Basque word 'zai', meaning watchman or guard.
Zazueta Spanish
Probably a topographic name of Basque origin, from an unexplained first element + the collective suffix -eta 'place or group of'.
Zegarra Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a Castilianized form of the Catalan Segarra.
Zenteno Spanish
Variant of Centeno
Zerdán Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
This surname is mainly found in Argentina.
Zuleta Spanish, Basque
Variant of Zulueta, which comes from the Basque topographic name 'zulo' meaning ‘hole hollow’ + the collective suffix '-eta' meaning "place or group of."
Zúñiga Spanish
Spanish form of Zuñiga.
Zurdo Spanish
Means "left-handed" in Spanish.
Zurita Spanish, Aragonese
An Aragonese surname derived from the Stock Bird, a species of bird.
Zurita Spanish
Habitational surname from either of two places called Zurita in Huesca and Cantabria named with a derivative of Basque zuri 'white'