Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which an editor of the name is Frollein Gladys.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Yesua Indonesian
From the given name Yesua, a variant of Yeshua. This surname is found among Indonesian populations.
Yocum German (Anglicized), English
Americanized form of Jochum, a Low German form of the given name Joachim.
Zale English, Polish (Anglicized)
Possibly from a Polish surname, the meaning of which is uncertain (it may have been a variant of the surname Zalas which originally indicated one who lived "on the other side of the wood", from za "beyond" and las "forest").
Zamboni Italian, Italian (Swiss), Romansh
Italian patronymic form of Zambon.
Zanugg Romansh
Derived from a diminutive form of the given name Gian.
Zelenin Russian
Derived from Russian зелень (zelen) meaning "greens, vegetables, verdure".
Zelle German, Dutch
Topographic name from Middle High German zelle "(hermit's) cell" and habitational name from a place called Zelle.
Zerfas German
Derived from a Low German and Upper German form of the personal name Servatius.
Zipplies German (East Prussian)
Lithuanian-Germanized form of the Swiss German surname Süpply
Zuan Romansh
Derived from the given name Zuan.