Surnames of Length 8

This is a list of surnames in which the length is 8.
Vervloet Flemish
Means "from the stream" in Dutch.
Viktorov m Russian, Bulgarian
Means "son of Viktor".
Villalba Spanish
Denoted a person from one of the various Spanish places by this name. It is derived from Spanish villa "town" and alba "white".
Vinković Croatian
Means "son of Vinko".
Virtanen Finnish
Derived from Finnish virta meaning "stream". This is the second most common surname in Finland.
Visscher Dutch
Variant of Visser.
Vlahović Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic from Serbo-Croatian Vlah meaning "Romanian, Wallachian".
Von Essen German
Means "from Essen", a city in Germany, possibly a derivative of Old High German asc meaning "ash tree".
Vonnegut German
Possibly from the German words von meaning "from, of, by" and gut meaning "good". A famous bearer was the American author Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007).
Voronina f Russian
Feminine form of Voronin.
Vrabcová f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Vrabec.
Vrublová f Czech
Feminine form of Vrubel.
Vuorinen Finnish
From Finnish vuori meaning "mountain".
Walmsley English
Originally denoted a person from the English town of Walmersley.
Wardrobe English
From Old French warder "to guard" and robe "garment", an occupational name for a servant responsible for the clothing in a household.
Watanabe Japanese
From Japanese (wata) meaning "cross, ferry" and (nabe) meaning "area, place".
Waterman 1 English
Means "servant of Walter".
Waterman 2 English, Dutch
Occupational name for a boatman or a water carrier. It could also describe a person who lived by water.
Wechsler German, Jewish
Means "money changer, banker", from German wechseln "to exchange".
Wedekind German
From the given name Widukind.
Westcott English
From any of the several English towns by this name, derived from Old English meaning "west cottage".
Wheatley English
From any of the various places in England with this name, meaning "wheat clearing" in Old English.
Wheelock English
Originally indicated a person from the town of Wheelock, England. It was named for the nearby River Wheelock, which is derived from Welsh chwylog meaning "winding".
Whitaker English
From a place name composed of Old English hwit "white" and æcer "field".
Willemse Dutch
Derived from the given name Willem.
Williams English
Means "son of William".
Winfield English
From various English place names, derived from Old English winn "meadow, pasture" and feld "field".
Winograd Jewish
Jewish form of Vinogradov.
Winthrop English
Habitational name from the place names Winthrope 1 or Winthrope 2.
Wirnhier German
From the given name Werner.
Wojewoda Polish
From the Polish title wojewoda meaning "governor, voivode" (originally meaning "warlord").
Wolańska f Polish
Feminine form of Wolański.
Wolański m Polish
Denoted a person who came from one of the places in Poland called Wola or Wolany, derived from the given name Wolan meaning "to want".
Woodcock English
Nickname referring to the woodcock bird.
Woodward English
Occupational name for a forester, meaning "ward of the wood" in Old English.
Xylander German
From Greek ξύλον (xylon) meaning "wood, timber" and ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "man". This surname was a Greek translation of German surnames of the same meaning.
Yakovlev m Russian
Means "son of Yakov".
Yamamoto Japanese
From Japanese (yama) meaning "mountain" and (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Yamauchi Japanese
From Japanese (yama) meaning "mountain" and (uchi) meaning "inside".
Yamazaki Japanese
From Japanese (yama) meaning "mountain" and (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Yegorova f Russian
Feminine form of Yegorov.
Yordanov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Yordan".
Yoshioka Japanese
From Japanese (yoshi) meaning "good luck" and (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
Yosipova f Tatar
Feminine form of Yosipov.
Yukimura Japanese
From Japanese (yuki) meaning "snow" and (mura) meaning "town, village".
Zahariev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Zahari".
Zajacová f Slovak
Feminine form of Zajac.
Zajícová f Czech
Feminine form of Zajíc.
Zakharov m Russian
Means "son of Zakhar".
Zambrano Spanish
Possibly a habitational name for someone from Zambrana, a town in the province of Álava in Spain.
Zamorano Spanish
Originally denoted a person from Zamora, the name of both a province in Spain and its capital city.
Zapatero Spanish
Spanish cognate of Savatier.
Zaytseva f Russian
Feminine form of Zaytsev.
Zemanová f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Zeman.
Zhivkova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Zhivkov.
Ziemniak Polish
Means "potato" in Polish.
Zlatkova f Bulgarian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Zlatkov.
Zoltánfi Hungarian
Means "son of Zoltán".
Żukowska f Polish
Feminine form of Żukowski.
Żukowski Polish
From various Polish towns named Żukowo or Żuków, which are derived from żuk meaning "beetle".
Zupančič Slovene
Patronymic form of Zupan.
Zvirbule f Latvian
Feminine form of Zvirbulis.