AbagnaleItalian Either an occupational name for a shepherd or a person who lived near a sheepfold (derived from Italian abbagnale meaning "good shepherd, good sheepfold"), or a topographic name for someone who lived in a wet or swampy area (from abagnato meaning "drenched, soaked")... [more]
AberdeenScottish, English Habitational name denoting someone from the Scottish city Aberdeen, derived from Scottish Gaelic aber "river mouth" and the name of the river Don.
AbulafiaJudeo-Spanish From Arabic أبو العافية (abū l-ʿāfiya) meaning "father of health" from أبو (abū) meaning "father" and عافية (ʿāfiya) meaning "health, well-being".
AdornadoFilipino Derived from the given name Adorno meaning "adorned". However, its root actually came from Spanish meaning “decoration, embellishment, ornament”... [more]
AdrienneMedieval English The surname dervies from the Latin male given name "(H)adrianus", originally an ethnic name for someone from the seaport of Adria - which gave its name to the Adriatic Sea - who settled in Rome and became known as "the man from Adria" (in Latin, "Adrianus")... [more]
AgatsumaJapanese (Rare) From 上 (aga) meaning "upper, top, above" or 我 (aga) meaning "ego, I, oneself, our, selfish" and 妻 (tsuma) meaning "wife, spouse".
AkamakkaJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red", referring to pinus densiflora, and 真下 (makka) meaning "(literally) down; below; beneath", referring to low lands.... [more]
AkanishiJapanese Means "red west" in Japanese. From the Japanese words 赤 (red) and 西 (west).
AkarregiBasque Derived from Akerregi, the name of a place in Basque Country composed of aker "goat, billy goat" combined with either hegi "side, slope, bank; edge, border" or -egi "place".
AkashiroJapanese From 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 城 (shiro) meaning "castle".... [more]
AkashitaJapanese From Japanese 赤 (aka) or 丹 (aka) both meaning "red" combined with 下 (shita) meaning "below, down, descend, give, low, inferior". Other kanji combinations are possible.
AkatsukaJapanese From Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red" and 塚 (tsuka) meaning "hillock, mound".
AkatsukiJapanese 丹 (Aka) means "red" and 月 (tsuki) means "month, moon". This surname is a reference to what the moon looks like during a lunar eclipse.... [more]
AkinashiJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 秋なし (aki nashi) meaning "no autumn". This is due to the absence of 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" in 春夏冬 (haru-natsu-fuyu) meaning "spring, summer, winter".
AkishimaJapanese Aki can mean "autumn" or "bright" and shima means "island".... [more]
AkishinoJapanese 秋 (Aki) means "autumn" and 篠 (shino) means "dwarf bamboo".
AkiyoshiJapanese Aki can mean "bright" or "autumn", and yoshi can mean "good luck, fortune".
AkkineniTelugu The surname Akkineni (అక్కినేని) is derived from the Telugu and Kannada word "akki (అక్కి)" which means rice and the suffix "neni (నేని)" which means country or region... [more]
AlabanzaSpanish Means "praise" in Spanish, possibly denoted for a worshipper. from Spanish alabar "to praise" and a suffix. Travis Alabanza (1995-) is a British performance artist, writer, and theatremaker.
AlamilloSpanish Spanish: topographic name from alamillo a diminutive of álamo 'poplar' or a habitational name from any of the many places called with this word in particular one in Ciudad Real.
AlbaneseItalian Southern Italian : ethnic name from albanese ‘(an) Albanian’, applied to someone from Albania or from one of the Albanian settlements in Abruzzo, Apulia, Campania, and Sicily.
AldereteSpanish Habitational name from any of the places in Galicia (Spain) and Portugal called Alderete probably from a Gothic personal name or derived from the Old English personal, or first name “Aldrich,” which means old ruler
AldermanEnglish Status name from Middle English alderman, Old English ealdorman, "elder". In medieval England an alderman was a member of the governing body of a city or borough; also the head of a guild.
al-DosariArabic Means "the Dosari" in Arabic, referring to a person from the Dawasir (الدواسر) Bedouin tribe of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. The tribe was formed in the town of Wadi Al Dawasir, in the Riyadh Province of Saudi Arabia.
AldridgeEnglish habitational name from a place in the West Midlands called Aldridge; it is recorded in Domesday Book as Alrewic, from Old English alor ‘alder’ + wīc ‘dwelling’, ‘farmstead’.
AlhadeffJudeo-Spanish Possibly an occupational name for a weaver from Arabic الهداف (al-̣haddāf) meaning "the weaver's shuttle". Alternately, it may be from Arabic الهدى (al-hadā) meaning "the guided one".
AlhambraSpanish Refers to the Alhambra, a palace complex located in Granada, Spain. The name itself is derived from Arabic الْحَمْرَاء (Al-Ḥamrā) meaning "the red one" or, ultimately, from Arabic أَحْمَر (ʾaḥmar) "red".
AlipantePortuguese (Portuguese-style, Rare) The meaning of the given name Alipante represents compassion, creativity, reliability, generosity, loyalty and a love for domestic life.... [more]
AlkaiagaBasque From the name of a neighborhood in the municipality of Lesaka, Nevarre, of uncertain etymology. The last element is almost certainly -aga "place of, group of"; suggestions for the other elements include Basque a(ha)l "power, capacity, might" and kai "dock, pier, harbour", or alka "wild oats, wild grass", or alk "rock" and ai "slope".
AllemannGerman (Swiss) Derived from German Alemanne, originally "member of the Alemanni tribe", this word came to denote "of Germanic descent". It was used to refer to members of the German-speaking population of Switzerland (as opposed to those who spoke one of the Romance languages; compare Welsch).
AllgeierGerman The harried officials at Ellis Island began to assign surnames based upon the pronunciation of the name by the immigrant, rather than attempting to ferret out the actual spelling. ... [more]
AllikiviEstonian Allikivi is an Estonian surname meaning "source/wellspring stone".
AllikmaaEstonian Allikmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "spring (water source) island".
AllikmäeEstonian Allikmäe is an Estonian surname meaning "wellspring hill".
AllikveeEstonian Allikvee is an Estonian surname meaning "well water" or "wellspring water".
AllisterScottish The name Allister is derived from the given name Alexander, which in turn was originally derived from the Greek name, which means defender of men. In the late 11th century, Queen Margaret introduced the name, which she had heard in the Hungarian Court where she was raised, into Scotland by naming one of her sons Alexander... [more]
al-LogariPashto, Persian Denoted a person from Logar, one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan.
AlloolooInuit Surname borne by inuk writer and artist Siku Allooloo and by politician Titus Allooloo.
AlmaguerCatalan Habitational name from a place in Valencia named Almaguer.
AlmandozBasque It indicates familial origin within the eponymous neighborhood of the Navarrese municipality of Baztan.
AlmánzarSpanish (Caribbean) Derived from Arabic المنظر (al manẓar) meaning "the view" or "the lookout". This surname is primarily used in the Dominican Republic.
AlmenaraSpanish Almenara in Spanish is "beacon", but it is an old kind of beacon that consisted of a fire that was lit on top of the battlements to give a signal.
AlmorotoFilipino Possibly derived from almus, which means "nurturing", and toto, which means "all over", from Latin during Spanish colonization and rule in the Philippines. Almoroto could mean "nurturing all over."... [more]
AlmqvistSwedish Combination of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and kvist (Old Norse kvistr) meaning "twig, branch".