Surnames of Length 8

This is a list of surnames in which the length is 8.
Panosyan Armenian
Means "son of Panos".
Papadaki f Greek
Feminine form of Papadakis.
Papoutsi f Greek
Feminine form of Papoutsis.
Partanen Finnish
Derived from Finnish parta meaning "beard".
Pavlenko Ukrainian
From the given name Pavlo.
Pavletić Croatian
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Pavle.
Pecháček m Czech
From a diminutive of the given name Petr.
Pedersen Danish, Norwegian
Means "son of Peder".
Pedrotti Italian
From a diminutive of the given name Pietro.
Pekkanen Finnish
Derived from the given name Pekka.
Peltonen Finnish
From Finnish pelto meaning "field".
Périgord French
From the name of a region in southern France, possibly of Gaulish origin.
Perković Croatian
Patronymic derived from an archaic diminutive of Petar.
Perrault French
From a diminutive of the given name Pierre.
Petersen Danish, Norwegian
Means "son of Peter".
Peterson English
Means "son of Peter".
Petrenko Ukrainian
From the given name Petro.
Petrescu Romanian
Means "son of Petre" in Romanian.
Peynirci Turkish
From Turkish peynir meaning "cheese".
Pfeiffer German
Occupational name meaning "pipe player" in German, from Middle High German pfifen "to whistle".
Pfenning German
From Old High German pfenning meaning "penny, coin". It was used in reference to feudal tax obligations.
Philippe French
From the given name Philippe.
Phillips English
Means "son of Philip".
Pietrzak Polish
Means "son of Piotr".
Pilkvist Swedish
From Swedish pil (Old Norse píli) meaning "willow" and qvist (Old Norse kvistr) meaning "twig, branch".
Pinheiro Portuguese
Means "pine tree" in Portuguese.
Pitkänen Finnish
From Finnish pitkä meaning "tall".
Plaskett English
Originally denoted a dweller by a swampy meadow, from Old French plascq meaning "wet meadow".
Poláková f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Polák.
Popovska f Macedonian
Feminine form of Popovski.
Popovski m Macedonian
Means "son of the priest" in Macedonian.
Portelli Italian
Diminutive form of Porto.
Pospíšil m Czech
Nickname for a person in a hurry, from Czech pospíšit "hurry".
Potočnik Slovene
From Slovene potok meaning "stream, brook".
Prescott English
From the name of various English places meaning "priest's cottage" in Old English.
Provenza Italian
From the name of the Provence region of southern France (in Italian Provenza). It is derived from Latin provincia "province", a territorial division.
Pugliese Italian
From an adjectival derivative of Puglia, from Latin Apulia, a region of southeast Italy containing the boot heel and some of the coastline of the Adriatic Sea. It is a regional name for someone from that region.
Qasımova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Qasımov.
Qodirova f Uzbek, Tajik
Feminine form of Qodirov.
Quaranta Italian
Means "forty" in Italian.
Quiñones Spanish
From various Spanish place names derived from quiñón meaning "shared piece of land", derived from Latin quinque "five".
Quintana Spanish, Catalan
Originally indicated someone who lived on a piece of land where the rent was a fifth of its produce, from Spanish and Catalan quintana "fifth", from Latin quintus.
Quliyeva f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Quliyev.
Qurbanov m Azerbaijani
Means "son of Qurban".
Qurbonov m Uzbek, Tajik
Means "son of Qurbon".
Radcliff English
From various place names in England that mean "red cliff" in Old English.
Rafferty Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Ó Rabhartaigh meaning "descendant of Rabhartach". The given name Rabhartach means "flood tide".
Raimondi Italian
Derived from the given name Raimondo.
Randolph English
Derived from the given name Randolf.
Rantanen Finnish
From Finnish ranta meaning "shore, beach".
Rasputin m Russian
From Russian распутье (rasputye) meaning "crossroads". A famous bearer was the Russian mystic Grigoriy Rasputin (1869-1916).
Reenberg Danish
Meaning unknown. The second element is probably from Old Norse berg "mountain" (modern Danish bjerg).
Reinders Dutch, Frisian
From the given name Reindert.
Reynolds English
Derived from the given name Reynold.
Řezníček m Czech
Diminutive of Řezník.
Richards English
Derived from the given name Richard.
Rietveld Dutch
Means "reed field", from Dutch riet "reed" and veld "field". It is found mostly in the western part of the Netherlands (the Holland area).
Robinson English
Means "son of Robin".
Roderick English
Derived from the given name Roderick.
Rogerson English
Means "son of Roger".
Rolvsson Norwegian
Means "son of Rolf".
Romanova f Russian
Feminine form of Romanov.
Romanyuk Ukrainian
From the given name Roman.
Roncalli Italian
From the names of places like Ronco or Ronchi, quite common in northern Italy, derived from ronco meaning "cleared land, terraced land". It was the surname of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (1881-1963), the pope John XXIII.
Rousseau French
Diminutive of Roux. A famous bearer was the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) whose ideas influenced the French Revolution.
Rowntree English
Originally given to a person who lived near a rowan tree or mountain ash.
Rudawska f Polish
Feminine form of Rudawski.
Rudawski m Polish
Indicated a person who lived near the Rudawa, a river in Poland.
Rudzītis m Latvian
Derived from Latvian rudzi meaning "rye".
Ruggiero Italian
From the given name Ruggiero.
Rybářová f Czech
Feminine form of Rybář.
Rybárová f Slovak
Feminine form of Rybár.
Saarinen Finnish
From Finnish saari meaning "island".
Sabbadin Italian
From a nickname from Italian sabbato "Saturday", a name for one born on that day of the week.
Sadıqova f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Sadıqov.
Sadowska f Polish
Feminine form of Sadowski.
Sadowski m Polish
Denoted someone who lived in Sadowo, Sadowice or other places beginning with Polish sad meaning "garden, orchard".
Sakamoto Japanese
From Japanese 坂 or 阪 (saka) meaning "slope" and (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Sakurada Japanese
From Japanese (sakura) meaning "cherry blossom" and (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Salminen Finnish
From Finnish salmi meaning "strait".
Salvador Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Salvador.
Salvaggi Italian
Italian form of Savage.
Sandberg Swedish, Norwegian, Jewish
From Swedish and Norwegian sand (Old Norse sandr) meaning "sand" and berg meaning "mountain" (or in the case of the Jewish surname, from the Yiddish or German cognates).
Sandford English
Indicated a person from Sandford, England, which means simply "sand ford".
Sandoval Spanish
Derived from the name of a town in Spain, ultimately from Latin saltus "forest, glade" and novalis "unploughed land".
Sangster English, Scottish
Occupational name or nickname for a singer, from Old English singan "to sing, to chant".
Santiago Spanish, Portuguese
From various Spanish and Portuguese places called Santiago.
Sapienti Italian
Means "wise, learned" in Italian.
Sargsyan Armenian
Means "son of Sargis" in Armenian.
Savatier French
From Old French savatier "shoemaker", derived from savate "shoe", of uncertain ultimate origin.
Scarlett English
Denoted a person who sold or made clothes made of scarlet, a kind of cloth, possibly derived from Persian سقرلاط (saqrelāṭ).
Schermer Dutch, Low German
Dutch and Low German form of Schirmer.
Schipper Dutch
Occupational name meaning "skipper, ship captain" in Dutch.
Schirmer German
Means "fencer, fencing master", from Old High German skirmen meaning "to defend".
Schlimme German
From German schlimm "bad, crooked, awry".
Schouten Dutch
Occupational name derived from Middle Dutch schout meaning "sheriff, bailiff".
Schreier German, Jewish
Occupational name for a town crier, from Old High German scrian meaning "to shout, to yell".
Schröder 1 Low German
Occupational name for a tailor, from Middle Low German schroden meaning "to cut".
Schröter German
Means "beer-porter, wine-porter" in German, an occupational name for a carrier of wine or beer barrels.
Schubert German
Variant of Schuchardt. This name was borne by the Austrian composer Franz Schubert (1797-1828).
Schuster German
Means "shoemaker, cobbler", from Middle High German schuoch "shoe" and suter, from Latin sutor "sewer, cobbler".
Schuyler Dutch
Possibly a Dutch form of Schuler.
Schwenke 1 German
Derived from Middle High German swenken meaning "to swing".
Schwenke 2 German
From a given name, a Low German diminutive of Swanhild.
Scordato Italian
Means "forgotten, left behind" in Italian.
Seabrook English
Denoted a person from a town by this name in Buckinghamshire, England. It is derived from that of a river combined with Old English broc "stream".
Sedláček m Czech, Slovak
Diminutive form of Sedlák.
Semenyuk Ukrainian
From the given name Semen.
Serafini Italian
Derived from the given name Serafino.
Sergeant English, French
Occupational name derived from Old French sergent meaning "servant", ultimately from Latin servire "to serve".
Sergeeva f Russian
Alternate transcription of Russian Сергеева (see Sergeyeva).
Sergeyev m Russian
Means "son of Sergey".
Serizawa Japanese
From Japanese (seri) meaning "celery" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Sessions English
From the name of the city of Soissons in northern France, itself derived from the name of the Celtic tribe of the Suessiones.
Severins Dutch
Derived from the Latin given name Severinus.
Sevriens Dutch
Derived from the Latin given name Severinus.
Sharipov m Uzbek, Tajik
Means "son of Sharif".
Shepherd English
Occupational name meaning "shepherd, sheep herder", from Old English sceaphyrde.
Sherburn English
Denoted a person hailing from any of the various places called Sherborne or Sherburn in England, derived from Old English scir "bright" and burna "spring, fountain, stream".
Sheridan Irish
From the Irish name Ó Sirideáin meaning "descendant of Sirideán". The given name Sirideán possibly means "searcher".
Shevchuk Ukrainian
Derived from Ukrainian швець (shvets) meaning "shoemaker".
Shinkawa Japanese
From Japanese (shin) meaning "fresh, new" and (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Sierżant Polish
Polish cognate of Sergeant.
Silveira Portuguese
Means "forests" in Portuguese.
Simeonov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Simeon".
Simoneit German
From the given name Simon 1.
Šimonová f Slovak, Czech
Feminine form of Šimon.
Simonson English
Means "son of Simon 1".
Šimonytė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Šimonis. This form is used by unmarried women.
Sinclair English
Derived from a Norman French town called "Saint Clair".
Skalická f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Skalický.
Skalický m Czech, Slovak
Indicated the original bearer came from a place named Skalice, Skalica or Skalička in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, derived from the Slavic root skala meaning "rock".
Slavkova f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Slavkov.
Slováček m Czech
Variant of Slovák.
Smagulov m Kazakh
Means "son of Smagul".
Smirnova f Russian
Feminine form of Smirnov.
Snaaijer Dutch
Dutch cognate of Snyder.
Sneiders Dutch
Dutch cognate of Snyder.
Sneijder Dutch
Dutch cognate of Snyder.
Sneijers Dutch
Dutch cognate of Snyder.
Snijders Dutch
Dutch cognate of Snyder.
Sodiqova f Uzbek
Feminine form of Sodiqov.
Sokolova f Russian, Bulgarian
Feminine form of Sokolov.
Sokolová f Slovak, Czech
Feminine form of Sokol.
Sokolsky Jewish
Means "son of Sokol".
Sörensen Swedish
Swedish form of Sørensen.
Součková f Czech
Feminine form of Souček.
Southers German (Anglicized)
Possibly an Americanized form of Sauter.
Spalding English
From the name of the town of Spalding in Lincolnshire, derived from the Anglo-Saxon tribe of the Spaldingas.
Spearing English
Patronymic form of Spear.
Speziale Italian
Means "grocer" in Italian, derived from Latin speciarius "spice seller".
Spurling English
From Middle English sparewe "sparrow" and the diminutive suffix -ling.
Stafford English
From the name of the English city of Stafford, Staffordshire, derived from Old English stæð meaning "wharf, landing place" and ford meaning "ford, river crossing".
Stanford English
Derived from various English place names meaning "stone ford" in Old English.
Staňková f Czech
Feminine form of Staněk.
Stárková f Czech
Feminine form of Stárek.
Starosta Polish
Means "mayor, leader, elder" in Polish.
Starrett Scottish
Originally indicated a person from Stairaird, an estate in Scotland.
Steensen Danish
Means "son of Steen".
Stenberg Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Derived from Scandinavian sten (Old Norse steinn) meaning "stone" and berg meaning "mountain". As a Swedish name it is ornamental.
Stendahl Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish sten (Old Norse steinn) meaning "stone" and dal (Old Norse dalr) meaning "valley".
Štěpánek m Czech
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Štěpán.
Stepanov m Russian
Means "son of Stepan".
Stephens English
Derived from the given name Stephen.
Sterling Scottish
Derived from city of Stirling, which is itself of unknown meaning.
Stidolph English
From the Old English given name Stithulf.
Stigsson Swedish
Means "son of Stig".
St Martin French
From a place named for Saint Martin.
Stoddard English
Occupational name for a horse keeper, from Old English stod "stallion, stud" and hierde "herder".
Stojanov m Macedonian
Means "son of Stojan".
Stoyanov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Stoyan".
St Pierre French
From a French place named for Saint Peter.
Stringer English
Occupational name for a maker of string or bow strings, from Old English streng "string".
Sudworth English
From an English place name composed of Old English suþ "south" and worþ "enclosure".
Sugimoto Japanese
From Japanese (sugi) meaning "cedar" and (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Sugimura Japanese
From Japanese (sugi) meaning "cedar" and (mura) meaning "town, village".
Sugiyama Japanese
From Japanese (sugi) meaning "cedar" and (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Sullivan Irish
Anglicized form of the Irish name Ó Súileabháin meaning "descendant of Súileabhán". The name Súileabhán means "dark eye".
Sultonov m Uzbek, Tajik
Means "son of Sulton".
Sulzbach German
Toponymic name from German places named Sulzbach meaning "salty stream", derived from Old High German sulza "salty water" and bah "stream".
Sundberg Swedish
From Swedish sund meaning "strait" and berg meaning "mountain".
Svendsen Danish, Norwegian
Means "son of Svend".
Svensson Swedish
Means "son of Sven".
Sydykova f Kyrgyz
Feminine form of Sydykov.
Sýkorová f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Sýkora.
Szekeres Hungarian
Occupational name for a cartman, derived from Hungarian szekér meaning "cart, wagon".
Szewczyk Polish
Diminutive form of Szewc.
Szilágyi Hungarian
Denoted one from the region of Szilágy in Hungary, derived from Hungarian szil meaning "elm" and ágy meaning "bed".
Tähtinen Finnish
Derived from Finnish tähti meaning "star".
Takenaka Japanese
Means "dweller amongst bamboo", from Japanese (take) meaning "bamboo" and (naka) meaning "middle".
Takeuchi Japanese
From Japanese (take) meaning "bamboo" and (uchi) meaning "inside".
Tangeman German
Originally indicated a person from a place named Tange in northern Germany.
Teixeira Portuguese
From Portuguese teixo meaning "yew tree".
Temitope Yoruba
From the given name Temitope.
Tennison English
Means "son of Denis".
Tennyson English
Means "son of Denis".
Ter Avest Dutch
Means "at the edge, eave" indicating a person who lived at the edge of a forest or under a covered shelter.
Terrazas Spanish
Originally a name for a person from Terrazas in the Spanish city of Burgos, a place name meaning "terraces".
Tesařová f Czech
Feminine form of Tesař.
Thälmann German
From the given name Thilo. It was borne by the German communist party leader Ernst Thälmann (1886-1944).
Thatcher English
Referred to a person who thatched roofs by attaching straw to them, derived from Old English þæc meaning "thatch, roof". A famous bearer was the British prime minister Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013).
Thibault French
Derived from the given name Thibault.
Thompson English
Means "son of Thomas".
Thorburn English, Scottish
Derived from the Old Norse given name Þórbjǫrn.
Thornton English
From any of the various places in England by this name, meaning "thorn town" in Old English.
Thurstan English
Derived from the Old Norse name Þórsteinn.
Todorova f Bulgarian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Todorov.
Toivonen Finnish
Derived from Finnish toivo meaning "hope".
Toledano Spanish
Derived from the name of the city of Toledo in Spain, which was from Latin Toletum, which may have been derived from a Celtic word meaning "hill".
Tómasson Icelandic
Means "son of Tómas".
Tomasson Swedish
Means "son of Tomas".
Torosian Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Թորոսյան (see Torosyan).
Torosyan Armenian
Means "son of Toros" in Armenian.
Townsend English
Indicated a person who lived at the town's edge, from Old English tun "enclosure, yard, town" and ende "end, limit".
Traversa Italian
Italian form of Travers.
Traverse French
French variant of Travers.
Traversi Italian
Italian form of Travers.
Traverso Italian
Italian form of Travers.
Travieso Spanish
Spanish form of Travers.
Tremblay French
From French tremble meaning "aspen". It is especially widespread in Quebec, being the most common surname there.
Trengove English
Originally indicated a person from Trengove in Cornwall, England.
Trifonov m Bulgarian, Russian
Means "son of Trifon".
Troelsen Danish
Means "son of Troels".
Trujillo Spanish
Originally denoted a person from Trujillo, Spain, originally called Turgalium in Latin.
Tsvetkov m Bulgarian
Means "son of Tsvetko".
Tuominen Finnish
Derived from Finnish tuomi meaning "bird cherry".
Turnbull English, Scottish
Nickname for someone thought to be strong enough to turn around a bull.
Uchimura Japanese
From Japanese (uchi) meaning "inside" and (mura) meaning "town, village".
Uchiyama Japanese
From Japanese (uchi) meaning "inside" and (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Urbanová f Czech, Slovak
Feminine form of Urban.
Urbańska f Polish
Feminine form of Urbański.
Urbański m Polish
Habitational name for a person from towns called Urbanowo or Urbanowice, derived from the given name Urban.
Urquhart Scottish
Derived from Brythonic ar "by" and cardden "thicket". This is the name of several places, the most famous being north of Loch Ness.
Vacíková f Czech
Feminine form of Vacík.
Valencia Spanish
From the name of the Spanish city of Valencia.
Valentin French, German
From the given name Valentin.
Valeriev m Bulgarian
Means "son of Valeri".
Valiente Spanish
From a nickname derived from Spanish valiente meaning "brave".
Van Aarle Dutch
Variant of Aarle.
Van Aller Dutch
Means "from the Aller", a river in Germany, of uncertain meaning.
Van Andel Dutch
Means "from Andel", a town in the Netherlands, possibly meaning "upper forest" in Old Dutch.
Van Assen Dutch
Means "from Assen", a city in the Netherlands, which is possibly from essen meaning "ash trees".
Van Breda Dutch
Means "from Breda", a city in the province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands. It is derived from Dutch breed meaning "wide" and Aa, the name of a river.
Van Buren Dutch
Means "from Buren", a small town on the island of Ameland in the north of the Netherlands, as well as a small city in the Dutch province Gelderland. The place names derive from Old Dutch bur meaning "house, dwelling". In the 16th century the countess Anna van Buren married William of Orange, the founder of the Dutch royal family. A famous bearer of this surname was Martin van Buren (1782-1862), the eighth President of the United States.
Vancheva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Vanchev.
Van Dalen Dutch
Means "from the valley", from Old Dutch dal meaning "valley".
Van Damme Flemish
Means "from Damme", the name of a town in Belgium, derived from Dutch dam meaning "dam". A famous bearer is the Belgian actor Jean-Claude Van Damme (1960-), who was born with the surname Van Varenberg.
Vanhanen Finnish
From Finnish vanha meaning "old".
Van Hoorn Dutch
Dutch form of Horn.
Van Vliet Dutch
Means "from the stream" in Dutch.
Vasileva f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Vasilev.
Vasiliev m Russian
Alternate transcription of Russian Васильев (see Vasilyev).
Vasiliou Greek
Means "son of Vasilios".
Vasilyev m Russian
Means "son of Vasil".
Veenstra Dutch
Derived from Dutch veen meaning "fen, swamp, peat".