Swedish Submitted Surnames

Swedish names are used in the country of Sweden in northern Europe. See also about Scandinavian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Rosell Swedish
Combination of ros "rose" and the common surname suffix -ell.
Rosén Swedish
Combination of Swedish ros "rose" and the common Swedish surname suffix -én.
Rosendahl Swedish, Danish, German
Swedish and Danish ornamental name meaning "rose valley" and German variant of Rosenthal, also meaning "rose valley".
Rosenqvist Swedish
Derived from Swedish ros meaning "rose" and qvist (Old Norse kvistr) meaning "twig, branch".
Rudeen Swedish (Archaic)
Variant or possibly an anglicized form of Rudén. Rudeen is currently not used in Sweden. One known bearer, bishop Torsten Rudeen (1661-1729), got his name from his father's surname Rudenius (also related to Rudén).
Rudén Swedish (Rare)
Swedish rud "clearing" (compare Ruud) combined with the common surname suffix -én.
Rudström Swedish
Combination of Swedish rud "deforested land, clearing" and ström "stream".
Rundgren Swedish
Swedish surname with somewhat unclear etymology. The first element is possibly taken from a place named with either of the elements rund and/or run. Rund coincides with the Swedish word for "round", but it is not clear if the element used in this name is derived from that word... [more]
Rundqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish rund "round" and qvist, an archaic spelling of kvist, "twig".
Ruthström Swedish
Means "Ruth's stream" in Swedish.
Rydberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish ryd "woodland clearing" and berg "mountain". Notable bearers are author and poet Viktor Rydberg (1828-1895) and physicist Johannes Rydberg (1854-1919).
Rydell Swedish
Combination of Swedish ryd "woodland clearing" and the common surname suffix -ell.
Rydén Swedish
Combination of Swedish ryd "woodland clearing" and the common surname suffix -én.
Rydinger Swedish (Rare)
Either a combination of Swedish ryd "woodland clearing" and the common surname suffix -ing "belonging to, coming from" (compare Norling), a variant of Ryding, or a Swedish form of German Rüdinger.
Sahlin Swedish
Swedish sal "hall, large room" (possibly from a place name containing this element) combined with the common surname suffix -in.
Salander Swedish
Meaning uncertain. Possibly a variant of Selander or a combination of an unexplained first element and the common surname suffix -ander.
Salming Swedish (Rare)
Derived from Salmi, the name of a small village in Northern Sweden (see also Salmi).
Sand English, Scottish, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German, Jewish
From the vocabulary word sand. As a Swedish and Jewish name, often ornamental. Otherwise topographic.
Sandahl Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Swedish and Norwegian sand "sand" and dal "valley".
Sandblom Swedish
Combination of Swedish sand "sand" and blomma "flower".
Sandén Swedish
Combination of Swedish sand "sand" and the common surname suffix -én.
Sandvall Swedish
Combination of Swedish sand "sand" and vall "wall, pasture, field of grass".
Santesson Swedish
Means "son of Sante". Sante is a medieval Swedish form of Alexander.
Scheele German, Dutch, Swedish (Rare)
From Middle Low German schele and Dutch scheel meaning "squinting, cross-eyed". A notable bearer was German-Swedish pharmaceutical chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) who discovered oxygen and identified several other elements.
Schelin Swedish
Combination of an unknown element (probably derived from a place name) and the common surname suffix -in.
Schön German, Swedish
Derived from Middle High German schoene "beautiful, friendly".
Schoug Swedish
Variant of Skog.
Schough Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Swedish Skog or of German Schug.
Seaborg English, Swedish (Americanized)
English cognate of Sjöberg, as well as the Americanized form. Glenn T. Seaborg (1912-1999) was an American chemist whose involvement in the synthesis, discovery and investigation of ten transuranium elements.
Sedin Swedish
Two famous bearers are the Swedish ice hockey players, and twins, Henrik and Daniel Sedin (b. 1980).
Seger Swedish, English, Dutch
Means "victory" in Swedish. It is also a variant of the English surname Seager or derived from the Germanic given name Sigiheri "victory army".
Selander Swedish
Combination of Swedish sel "stretch of calm water in a river or stream" and the common surname suffix -ander (originally from Greek aner "man"). The first element, sel, is also a common place name element in Northern Sweden and it's possible that this name is both ornamental and locational in origin.
Sibelius Finland Swedish
Latinization of Swedish Sibbe, the name of an estate in Eastern Uusimaa, Finland. A notable bearer was Finnish composer Jean Sibelius (1865-1957).
Sievert Low German, Dutch, Swedish
Derived from the given name Sievert. A Sievert (Sv) is a unit measuring the effect of ionizing radiation on the human body (called equivalent absorbed radiation dose)... [more]
Sigfridsson Swedish
Means "son of Sigfrid 1" in Swedish.
Silfwergård Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish silver "silver" and gård "farm, estate, yard".
Sirén Finnish, Swedish
meaning "siren" or "lilac"
Sivertsson Swedish
Swedish cognate of Sivertsen.
Sjöblom Swedish
Combination of Swediah sjö "lake, sea" and blom "bloom".
Sjödin Swedish
Combination of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and the common surname suffix -in.
Sjölander Swedish
Combination of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and the common surname suffix -ander (a combination of land and the habitational suffix -er). The second element is sometimes said to be derived from Greek aner "man".
Sjöman Swedish
Means "seaman, sailor" in Swedish, although this name is more likely to be an ornamental name composed of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and man "man". A notable bearer is film director Vilgot Sjöman (1924-2006).
Sjöö Swedish
Derived from Swedish sjö "lake, sea".
Sjöqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and qvist, an archaic spelling of kvist, "twig".
Sjöstrand Swedish
Combination of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and strand "beach, shore".
Sjöström Swedish
Ornamental name composed of Swedish sjö "lake, sea" and ström "stream, small river".
Sjunnesson Swedish
Means "son of Sjunne".
Skarsgård Swedish (Rare)
Allegedly a habitational name derived from Skärlöv, a village located on the island of Öland, Kalmar County, Sweden. The name of the village is said to mean "Skare's farm" (Skares gård in Swedish)... [more]
Skog Norwegian, Swedish
Means "forest" in Norwegian and Swedish.
Skoglund Swedish, Norwegian
Combination of Swedish and Norwegian skog "forest" and lund "grove".
Sköld Swedish
Means "shield" in Swedish.
Skoog Swedish
Variant of Skog.
Smed Danish, Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Scandinavian cognate of Smith.
Snäll Swedish
Possibly taken from English Snell or its German cognate Schnell, meaning "quick, fast", and having its spelling influenced by Swedish snäll "nice, kind"... [more]
Snygg Swedish
Means "handsome, good looking" in Swedish.
Söder Swedish
Swedish surname meaning "south".
Söderblom Swedish
Combination of Swedish söder "south" and blom "bloom, flower".
Söderholm Swedish, Finnish
Combination of Swedish söder "south" and holm "islet, small island".
Söderlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish söder "south" and lund "grove".
Söderman Swedish
From Swedish söder "south" and man "man".
Solemark Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Swedish sol "sun" and mark "ground, earth".
Sonesson Swedish
Means "son of Sone".
Spjut Swedish
Taken directly from Swedish spjut "spear".
Spjuth Swedish
Variant of Spjut.
Staaf Swedish
Derived from various place names beginning with stav- or staf-, often meaning "boundary marker" when used in place names. Other meanings are possible. Also found occasionally as a soldier's name pre-20th century... [more]
Ståhl Swedish
Variant of Stål.
Ståhlberg Swedish, Finnish
Variant of Stålberg. A notable bearer was Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg (1865-1952), the first President of Finland.
Stål Swedish
Means "steel" in Swedish.
Stålberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish stål "steel" and berg "mountain".
Stålhammar Swedish
Means "steel hammer" (from Swedish stål "steel" and hammare "hammer"). Was originally a name common among blacksmiths.
Stenlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish sten "stone, rock" and lund "grove".
Stenmark Swedish
Combination of Swedish sten "stone, rock" and mark "ground, land, field".
Stensson Swedish
Means "son of Sten" in Swedish.
Stenvall Swedish
Composed of the elements sten "stone" and vall "mound".
Stolt Swedish
Swedish soldier name meaning "proud". ... [more]
Storgård Finland Swedish
From Swedish stor "large, big, great" and gård "farm, estate".
Strandberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish strand "beach, sea shore" and berg "mountain".
Sträng Swedish
Probably taken directly from Swedish sträng "strict, stern, harsh, grim". although it could also be derived from the name of the city Strängnäs.
Strid Swedish
From the Swedish word stid meaning either "swift, rapid" or "battle, combat, fight".
Strindberg Swedish
Likely a combination of Strinne, the name of a village in Multrå parish, Ångermanland, Sweden, and berg "mountain". A well known bearer of this name was Swedish playwright and novelist August Strindberg (1849-1912).
Strom Norwegian (Anglicized), Danish (Anglicized), Swedish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Danish and Norwegian Strøm and Swedish Ström, all meaning "stream, current".
Strömgren Swedish
Combination of Swedish ström "stream" and gren "branch".
Sture Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse stura "to be contrary". This was the surname of two important families in the 15th and 16th century Sweden. Members of these families served as regents of Sweden during this time... [more]
Sturesson Swedish
Means "son of Sture".
Sundin Swedish
Combination of Swedish sund "strait" and the common surname suffix -in.
Sundqvist Swedish
From Swedish sund meaning "sound, strait", and kvist meaning "twig, branch".
Sunesson Swedish
Means "son of Sune".
Svahn Swedish
From Swedish Svan "swan".
Svan Swedish
Means "swan" in Swedish.
Svanberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish svan ”swan” and berg ”mountain”.
Svanström Swedish
Combination of Swedish svan "swan" and ström "stream".
Svärd Swedish
Means "sword" in Swedish.
Svedberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish svedja "to burn off, to swidden" (referring to slash-and-burn agriculture (in Swedish: svedjebruk)) and berg "mountain". This name can be both locational (surname derived from a place named with Sved-... [more]
Svedin Swedish
Combination of Swedish svedja "to burn off, to swidden" (referring to slash-and-burn agriculture (in Swedish: svedjebruk)) and the common surname suffix -in.
Svensk Swedish
Means "Swede, Swedish" in Swedish.
Swedenborg Swedish
Derived from the surname Svedberg (sometimes spelled Swedberg). A notable bearer was Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), a Swedish theologian and scientist.
Swenson English, Swedish
Variant or Americanized form of Svensson or Svensen. As an English name it may also mean "son of Swain".
Syrén Swedish
Meaning uncertain. Perhaps a combination of an unknown first element and the common surname suffix -én, or taken directly from Swedish syren "lilac".
Tapper Swedish
Swedish soldier name meaning "brave". ... [more]
Tegnér Swedish
Derived from the name of Tegnaby parish in Småland, Sweden. The name was originally spelled Tegnérus, but was later shortened to Tegnér. Notable bearers include Alice Tegnér (1864-1943), composer of many Swedish hymns and children's songs, and Esaias Tegnér (1782-1846), bishop and writer.
Teodorsson Swedish
Means "son of Teodor".
Themptander Swedish (Rare)
Derived from the name of Tämta parish in Västergötland, Sweden.
Theodorsson Swedish
Means "son of Theodor".
Thorén Swedish
Combination of the name Thor (possibly derived from a place named with this element) and the common surname suffix -én.
Thörn Swedish
Either a cognate of English Thorn or German Torn, or a soldier name derived from Swedish törn "thorn".
Thorson Norwegian (Americanized), Swedish (Americanized)
Americanized form of Swedish Thorsson or Norwegian Thorsen.
Thulin Swedish
Meaning uncertain. Possibly derived from thule, an ancient Greek and Roman term for an area in northern Europe which some believe to be the Nordic countries.
Thunberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish tun (from Old Norse tún) "enclosure, courtyard, plot, fence" and berg "mountain".
Tiger Swedish
Perhaps taken from Swedish tiga "to keep quiet, to say nothing". Tiger is one of the names adopted by Swedish soldiers in the 17th century.
Tjernström Swedish
Combination of Swedish tjärn "tarn" and ström "stream".
Topelius Finnish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Latinized form of the Finnish place name Toppila in Ostrobothnia, Finland. Zachris Topelius (1818-1898) was a Swedish-speaking Finnish author, journalist, and historian.
Törnblad Swedish
Combination of Swedish törne "thorn" and blad "leaf".
Torp Norwegian, Swedish, Danish
Scandinavian form of Thorpe.
Torsdottir Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Torsdotter meaning "Tor's daughter". It may also be a Swedification of Icelandic Þórsdóttir... [more]
Torvalds Finland Swedish
From the given name Torvald. A notable bearer is Finnish software engineer Linus Torvalds (b. 1969), inventor of the Linux kernel.
Torvaldsson Swedish
Swedish patronymic meaning "son of Torvald". It was the surname name of Erik the Red (Eiríkr Þorvaldsson, anglicized as Erik Thorvaldsson or Erik Torvaldsson), father of Viking explorer Leif Erikson.
Troedsson Swedish
Means "son of Troed".
Trolle Swedish, Old Swedish
Swedish noble family. According to legend, an early ancestor killed a troll and that's how the family got its name. The family's coat of arms depicts a headless troll. The earliest known ancestor is Birger Knutsson Trulle (died approx... [more]
Truedsson Swedish
Means "son of Trued".
Trulsson Swedish
Means "son of Truls".
Tvilling Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Means "twin" in Swedish and Danish.
Tysk Swedish
Means "German" in Swedish. It probably started out as a nickname for someone who had immigrated from Germany or for someone who had German ancestry. It could also be a 'soldier name' and refer to the military unit someone belonged to... [more]
Uggla Swedish
Means "owl" in Swedish.
Ulvaeus Swedish (Rare)
Allegedly a latinization of Ulfsäter, a combination of Swedish ulv "wolf" and säter "mountain pasture". Björn Ulvaeus (b. 1945) is a Swedish songwriter, composer and former member of ABBA.
Vadén Swedish
Combination of Swedish place name element vad which in most cases mean "ford, place for wading", and the common surname suffix -én.
Vallin Swedish
Derived from either Latin vallis "valley" or Swedish vall "wall, pasture, field of grass".
Vasa Old Swedish, Swedish (Archaic)
Swedish noble and former royal family. Possibly from vase meaning "bundle" or "withy". The name is believed to be a reference to the family's coat of arms. The most notable member of the family was Gustav Eriksson Vasa (1496-1560), later known as Gustav I of Sweden (in modern times known exclusively as Gustav Vasa)... [more]
Vestin Swedish
Combination of Swedish väst "west" and the common surname suffix -in.
Viberg Swedish
Variant of Wiberg.
Vikander Swedish
Swedish vik ”bay” combined with the common surname suffix -ander.
Vikingsson Swedish (Rare)
Means "son of Viking" in Swedish.
Viklund Swedish
Combination of Swedish vik "bay" and lund "grove".
Vilhelmsson Swedish
Means "son of Vilhelm".
Von Sydow Swedish, German
von Sydow is a German and Swedish noble family from Pomerania, an area in modern day Poland and Germany. Some members of the family immigrated to Sweden in 1724. The name literary means "from Sydow"... [more]
Wahlberg German, Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Composed of German wal "field, meadow" or Swedish vall "grassy bank" and berg "mountain, hill".
Wall Swedish
Derived from Swedish vall "pasture, field of grass". It may be either ornamental or habitational.
Wallgren Swedish
Composed of the Swedish elements vall "grassy bank, pasture" and gren "branch".
Wallman Swedish
Combination of Swedish vall "pasture, field of grass" and man "man".
Warg Swedish
Taken from Swedish varg "wolf", ultimately derived from Old Norse vargr.
Wennerström Swedish
Combination of the place name element wenner, which is probably derived from the name of Lake Vänern, and Swedish ström "stream".
Wernersson Swedish
Means "son of Werner".
Westergård Swedish, Finnish
From Swedish väster meaning "west, western" combined with gård meaning "farm, yard, estate".
Westergren Swedish
Combination of Swedish väster "western" and gren "branch".
Westin Swedish
Variant spelling of Vestin.
Westling Swedish
Combination of Swedish väst "west" and the common surname suffix -ling. A notable bearer is Prince Daniel (b. 1973), husband of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.
Wiberg Swedish
Combination of Old Norse víðr "forest, wood" (probably taken from a place name) and Swedish berg "mountain".
Wickstrand Swedish (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Variant of Wikstrand, a surname composed of Swedish vik "bay" and strand "beach".
Wickström Swedish, Finland Swedish, Finnish
Variant of Wikström. A notable bearer was Finnish engineer John Wickström (1870–1959)
Widegren Swedish
Combination of Swedish vide "willow" and gren "branch".
Wideman Swedish (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Swedish Widman.
Widman Swedish
Meaning uncertain. Perhaps a combination of Old Swedish viþr "wood, forest" or vid "wide" and man "man". It is also possible, though less likely, that it is a re-spelling of Vikman, where the first element is Swedish vik "bay".
Wieslander Swedish
Combination of an unexplained first element and the common surname suffix -lander.
Wijk Swedish
Derived from Swedish vik "bay".
Wikén Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish vik "bay" and the common surname suffix -én.
Wikström Swedish
Composed of the elements vik "bay" and ström "stream"
Wilén Swedish, Finland Swedish, Finnish
Variant of Vilén or Willén (meanings uncertain, they might be variants of the same name).
Wilhelmsson Swedish
Means "son of Wilhelm".
Wind Swedish (Rare)
From Swedish vind "wind". It's either ornamental or a habitational name derived from a place named with this element.
Wogel German (Portuguesified), Swedish
Swedish and Brazilianized form of Vogel.
Wretman Swedish
Combination of Swedish vret "remote small field situated some distance away from a bigger field" and man "man".
Youngberg Swedish (Americanized), Jewish (Americanized)
Americanized form of Jewish Jungberg, composed of German jung "young" and berg "mountain, hill", or of Swedish Ljungberg.
Zakrisson Swedish
Means "son of Zakris" in Swedish.
Zelmerlöw Swedish (Rare)
Rare Swedish surname composed of the name of the family's ancestor Selma Löf. One bearer is Swedish artist Måns Zelmerlöw (b.1986) who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2016.
Zetterberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish säter "outlying meadow" and berg "mountain, hill".
Zettergren Swedish
Combination of Swedish säter "outlying meadow" and gren "branch".
Zetterlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish säter "outlying meadow" and lund "grove".
Zetterström Swedish
Combination of Swedish säter "outlying meadow" and ström "stream".
Zilliacus Finland Swedish
Latinization of the surname Ziliaks.