Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword island.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aarelaid Estonian
Aarelaid is an Estonian surname meaning "treasure islet".
Aaslaid Estonian
Aaslaid is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/lea islet".
Adney English
Habitational name from Adeney in Shropshire, named in Old English as Eadwynna ey "island of a woman called Eadwynn". English: from a Middle English pet form of Adam... [more]
Akishima Japanese
Aki can mean "autumn" or "bright" and shima means "island".... [more]
Allikmaa Estonian
Allikmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "spring (water source) island".
Alliksaar Estonian
Alliksaar is an Estonian surname meaning "spring (water source) island".
Allsaar Estonian
Allsaar is an Estonian surname meaning "below/under island".
Altosaar Estonian
Altosaar is an Estonian surname, possibly derived from the masculine given name "Alto" and "saar", meaning "island"; "Alto's island".
Alusaar Estonian
Alusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "base/foundation island".
Aoshima Japanese
Ao means "green, blue" and shima means "island".
Arulaid Estonian
Arulaid is an Estonian surname meaning "grassy meadow islet".
Arusaar Estonian
Arusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "meadow/grassland island".
Asusaar Estonian
Asusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "resident (of) island" ("island dweller/resident").
Avalon English
Means "island of apples".
Barrow English
Habitational name from any of the numerous places named with Old English bearo, bearu "grove" or from Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, which is named with an unattested Celtic word, barr, here meaning "promontory", and Old Norse ey "island"... [more]
Belleisle French
Name for someone from an island named Belle Isle, French for "beautiful island".
Chisholm Scottish
The name of a location in Roxburghshire, Scotland, which itself comes from cisil "gravel" and holm "islet".
Cronholm Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish krona (from Latin corona) meaning "crown" and holme (Old Norse holmr) meaning "small island".
Dejima Japanese
Means "sticking out island" in Japanese.
De La Isla Spanish
Means "of the island" in Spanish.
Denholm English, Scottish
habitational name from Denholm in southern Scotland near Hawick (Roxburghshire) formerly Denham from the elements denu "valley" and ham "homestead" or holmr "island"... [more]
Djazairi Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from Arabic الجزائر (al-Jazā’ir) meaning "the islands", referring to the country of Algeria or referring to an Algerian person. This surname could be used to refer to someone from the city of Algiers, or just a general Algerian person.
Dōjima Japanese
From Japanese 堂 (dou) meaning "temple, shrine" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Durham English
Denotes a person from either the town of Durham, or elsewhere in County Durham, in England. Durham is derived from the Old English element dun, meaning "hill," and the Old Norse holmr, meaning "island."
Eensaar Estonian
Eensaar is an Estonian name, possibly derived from "eend" (meaning "ledge") and "saar" ("island").
Eessaar Estonian
Eessaar is an Estonian surname meaning "fore island".
Eiland German
Topographic name for someone who lived on or owned property surrounded by water, from Middle High German eilant, "island"
Ekholm Swedish
Composed of the elements ek "oak" and holm "islet"
Enoshima Japanese
From Japanese 江 (e) meaning "bay", ノ (no) which is a particle of possession, and 島 (shima) meaning "island". This can refer to the island in the Kanagawa prefecture.
Fujijima Japanese
A variant of Fujishima, meaning "Wisteria island".
Fujishima Japanese
"Wisteria island".
Fujishima Japanese
From Japanese 藤 (fuji) meaning "wisteria" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Fukushima Japanese
From Japanese 福 (fuku) meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Furushima Japanese
Furu means "old" and shima means "island".
Gladney English
Probably means "bright island", from the Old English element glæd "bright" (cf. Glædwine) and the English element ney "island" (cf.... [more]
Gosney English
from Middle English gosse "goose" and ei "island" (Old English gos and ieg)... [more]
Gushima Japanese
From 具 (gu) meaning "tool" and 島 (shima) meaning "island."
Hackney English, Scottish
Habitational name from Hackney in Greater London, named from an Old English personal name Haca (genitive Hacan) combined with ēg "island, dry ground in marshland".
Haijima Japanese (Rare)
Hai (拝) here means "worship", hai (灰) here means "ash", jima/shima (島) means "island".
Hamajima Japanese
From Japanese 浜 (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Harashima Japanese
From Japanese 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Hiielaid Estonian
Hiielaid is an Estonian surname meaning "grove islet".
Hirashima Japanese
From the Japanese 平 (hira) "peace" and 島, 嶋 or 嶌 (shima) "island."
Hiroshima Japanese (Rare)
Hiro means "widespread,broad","generous","prosperous" depending on kanji used. Shima means "Island" the same as "jima" does. So this surname rather mean "Prosperous Island"or "Broad Island"."Generous Island" might be possible,but it's not likely used for the last name the same as it is for the given name, Hiro.
Holmbeck Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish holm "islet" and bäck "stream".
Holmqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish holm "islet, small island" and kvist "twig".
Holmsten Swedish
Combination of Swedish holm "islet" and sten "stone".
Holtey German
Old German name meaning "Wood Island". Holt means wood and ey means island. Family can be traced back to around 650 A.D. and is located in the Ruhr and Essen area of Germany.
Iishima Japanese
Ii means "cooked grains" and shima means "island".
Ilosaar Estonian
Ilosaar is an Estonian surname meaning "merry island".
Ishijima Japanese
From Japanese 石 (ishi) meaning "stone" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Ishima Japanese
I means "well, pit, mineshaft" and shims means "island", or it could be spelled with ishi meaning "rock, stone" and ma meaning "pause".
Isla Spanish
Means "island" in Spanish.
Jäälaid Estonian
Jäälaid is an Estonian surname meaning "ice islet".
Järvesaar Estonian
Järvesaar is an Estonian surname meaning "lake island".
Jazayeri Persian
Derived from Persian جزایر (jazâyir) meaning "islands", of Arabic origin.
Jõesaar Estonian
Jõesaar is an Estonian surname meaning "river island".
Jõgisaar Estonian
Jõgisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "river island".
Jugasaar Estonian
Jugasaar is an Estonian surname meaning "waterfall island".
Kabashima Japanese
From Japanese 樺 (kaba) meaning "birch tree" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kadoshima Japanese (Rare)
I don't want to assume it's rare but it's definitely uncommon. Kado means "Gate" and Shima means "Island".
Kaljulaid Estonian
Kaljulaid is an Estonian surname meaning "cliff islet".
Käosaar Estonian
Käosaar is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "käokann" ("campion"), "käoking" ("Aconitum"), or "käoline" ("cuckoo"), and "saar" ("island").
Kari Finnish, German (Austrian), Slovene (?), Hungarian, Indian, Marathi
As a Finnish name, it is a topographic and ornamental name from kari "small island", "stony rapids", "sandbar", or "rocky place in a field". This name is found throughout Finland.... [more]
Kaselaid Estonian
Kaselaid is an Estonian surname meaning "birch islet".
Kashima Japanese
From Japanese 鹿 (ka) meaning "deer" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kaunissaare Estonian
Kaunissaare is an Estonian surname meaning "beautiful/fair island".
Kawashima Japanese
From Japanese 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream, brook" and 島 (shima) or 嶋 (shima) both meaning "island".
Kayashima Japanese
From Japanese 萱 (kaya) meaning "miscanthus reed" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kirishima Japanese (Rare)
From 桐 (kiri), referring to the tree known commonly as the empress or foxglove tree, 霧 (kiri) meaning "fog, mist" or 切 (kiri) meaning "end, finish; bounds, limits" combined with 島/嶋 (shima) meaning "island."
Kitajima Japanese
From Japanese 北 (kita) meaning "north" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kitasawa Japanese
Kita means "north" and shima means "island".
Kitashima Japanese
Kita means "north" and shima means "island".
Kivisaar Estonian
Kivisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "stone island".
Kodajima Japanese
From Japanese 古 (Ko) meaning "Old" and 田 (Ta, Da) meaning "Rice Field" and 島 (Shima) meaning "Island"
Kojima Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" or 児 (ko) meaning "young" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kõnnusaar Estonian
Kõnnusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "wilderness island".
Koshima Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small" or 児 (ko) meaning "young" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kurisu Japanese
This surname is used as 栗栖, 栗須, 栗洲 with 栗 (ri, ritsu, ononoku, kuri) meaning "chestnut", 栖 (sei, meaning "cobweb, den, hive, nest, rookery", 須 (shu, su, subekara.ku, subeshi, hige, matsu, mochi.iru, moto.meru) meaning "by all means, necessarily, ought" and 洲 (shuu, su, shima) meaning "continent, country, island, sandbar."... [more]
Kuroshima Japanese
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kurushima Japanese
From 栗 (kuru) meaning "chestnut" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kuwajima Japanese (Rare)
Kuwa (桑) means "mulberry", shima/jima (島) means "island". Shima changes to jima because of rendaku. It is also possible to be spelled as Kuwashima
Kuwashima Japanese (Rare)
Kuwa (桑) means "mulberry", shima (島) means "island". It is also possible to be spelled as Kuwajima
Laid Estonian
Laid is an Estonian surname meaning "islet".
Laidla Estonian
Laidla is an Estonian surname meaning "near an islet".
Laidvee Estonian
Laidvee is an Estonian surname meaning "islet water".
Laisaar Estonian
Laisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "wide/expansive island".
Lehtsaar Estonian
Lehtsaar is an Estonian surname meaning "leaf(y) island".
Lidholm Swedish
Combination of Swedish lid "slope" and holm "islet".
Löfholm Swedish (Rare)
From Swedish elements löv "leaf" and holme "islet".
Lõhmussaar Estonian
Lõhmussaar is an Estonian surname meaning "linden island".
Loosaar Estonian
Loosaar is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "lood" ("level") and "saar" ("island"); or "loog" ("windrow") and "saar" ("ash tree").
Lumisaar Estonian
Lumisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "snow island".
Lundholm Swedish
Combination of Swedish lund "grove" and holm "islet".
Lyle English
Derived from Norman French l'isle "island".
Maejima Japanese
Mae means "Front, Forward" and Jima means "Island". This is a variant of Maeshima.
Maejima Japanese
From Japanese 前 (mae) meaning "front, forward" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Maeshima Japanese
Mae means "front, forward" and shima means "island".
Majima Japanese (Rare)
Ma means "Real,Genuine" (this is used most likely,anyway) and Jima means "Island".
Makishima Japanese
From Japanese 牧 (maki) meaning "shepard" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Manhattan English
From the name of the most densely populated of the five boroughs of New York City, in the U.S. state of New York. Derived from the Munsee Lenape language term manaháhtaan (where manah- means "gather", -aht- means "bow" and -aan is an abstract element used to form verb stems), meaning "the place where we get bows" or "place for gathering the (wood to make) bows"... [more]
Mashima Japanese
Ma can mean "real, genuine, true" or "flax" and shima means "island".
Matsushima Japanese
From Japanese 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Meiesaar Estonian
Meiesaar is an Estonian surname meaning "our island".
Merisaar Estonian
Merisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "sea island".
Mikkelsaar Estonian
Mikkelsaar is an Estonian surname derived from the masculine given name "Mikkel (Mihkel)" and "saar", meaning island; "Mikkel's island".
Minoshima Japanese
Mi means "beauty", no is a possessive particle, and shima means "island".
Mishima Japanese
From Japanese 三 (mi) meaning "three" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Mitsushima Japanese
Mitsu could mean "three" or "light" and shima means "island".
Miyagishima Japanese
From Japanese 宮 (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace", 城 (ki) meaning "castle" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Miyashima Japanese
Miya means "shrine, palace temple" and shima means "island".
Morijima Japanese
A variant of Morishima.... [more]
Morishima Japanese
Mori means "forest, grove" and shima means "island".
Morishima Japanese
From Japanese 森 (mori) meaning "forest" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Mugishima Japanese
Mugi means "wheat" and shima means "island".
Murashima Japanese
Shima means "island" and mura means "hamlet, village".
Nagashima Japanese
From Japanese 長 (naga) meaning "long" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Nanashima Japanese (Rare)
Japanese surname meaning "seven island".
Niinelaid Estonian
Niinelaid is an Estonian surname meaning "linden islet".
Nishishima Japanese
From Japanese 西 (nishi) meaning "west" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Nojima Japanese
From Japanese 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Northey English
Habitational name from Northay in Hawkchurch Devon. The placename derives from Middle English north "north northern" and heie "fence enclosure hedge" (Old English norþ (ge)hæg)... [more]
Noshima Japanese
No means "field, rice paddy, wilderness" and shima means "island".
Nyholm Swedish, Danish, Finland Swedish
Derived from Swedish and Danish ny "new" and holme "islet".
Odajima Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small", 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Okajima Japanese
From Japanese 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Okashima Japanese
岡 (Oka) means "ridge, hill" and 島 (shima) means "island".
Oldham English
Habitational name from Oldham in Lancashire. The placename derives from Old English ald "old" and Old Norse holmr "island water meadow" or eald "old" and ham "farmstead" meaning either "old lands" or "old farm".
Olissaar Estonian
Olissaar is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "õli" meaning "oil/fat" and "saar" meaning "island".
Ölund Swedish
Combination of Swedish ö "island" and lund "groove".
Orgussaar Estonian
Orgussaar is an Estonian surname meaning "valley island".
Orusaar Estonian
Orusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "valley island".
Ōshima Japanese
From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "big, great" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Öström Swedish
Combination of Swedish ö "island" and ström "stream, river".
Övall Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish ö "island" and vall "wall, pasture, field of grass".
Øy Norwegian
From Norwegian øy meaning "island".
Øyen Norwegian
Means "the island" in Norwegian.
Pajulaid Estonian
Pajulaid is an Estonian surname meaning "willow islet".
Palmsaar Estonian
Palmsaar is an Estonian surname meaning "palm island".
Palusaar Estonian
Palusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "sandy heath/heathy woodland island".
Pelisaar Estonian
Pelisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "capstan/windlass island".
Piirisaar Estonian
Piirisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "border island".
Põldsaar Estonian
Põldsaar is an Estonian surname meaning "field island".
Rahusaar Estonian
Rahusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "reef island".
Rajasaar Estonian
Rajasaar is an Estonian surname meaning "border island" or "storm island".
Rohulaid Estonian
Estonian surname meaning "grassland islet".
Roolaid Estonian
Roolaid is an Estonian surname meaning "reedy islet".
Roossaar Estonian
Roossaar is an Estonian surname meaning "rose island".
Saarejõe Estonian
Saarejõe is an Estonian surname meaning "island river".
Saareke Estonian
Saareke is an Estonian surname meaning "islet".
Saarela Estonian
Saarela is an Estonian surname meaning "island area".
Saaremäe Estonian
Saaremäe is an Estonian surname meaning "island hill/mountain".
Saarepera Estonian
Saarepera is an Estonian surname meaning "island folk".
Saarkoppel Estonian
Saarkoppel is an Estonian surname meaning "island paddock".
Saarmaa Estonian
Saarmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "island land".
Saarniit Estonian
Saarniit is an Estonian surname meaning "island meadow".
Saaroja Estonian
Saaroja is an Estonian surname meaning "island stream".
Saarsalu Estonian
Saarsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "island grove".
Saarsoo Estonian
Saarsoo is an Estonian surname meaning "island swamp".
Sakurajima Japanese
From Japanese 桜 or 櫻 (sakura) both meaning "cherry blossom" combined with 島 (jima) meaning "island". This surname comes from 桜島 (Sakurajima), an active stratovolcano located in Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan... [more]
Sakurashima Japanese
Sakura means "cherry blossom" and shima means "island".
Sala Latvian
From Latvian sala meaning "island".
Samejima Japanese
”鮫” (sa me) is meaning ”shark”(in ancient use, ”alligator” ) and ”島”(or ”嶋”) (shima in west Japan , jima in east Japan) is meaning "island" in Japan.... [more]
Sara Sami
Probably derived from Finnish saari "island", though some claim that it is taken from the given name Sara.
Savisaar Estonian
Savisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "loam" or "clay island".
Shima Japanese
From Japanese 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Shimai Japanese
Shima means "island" and i means "well, pit, mineshaft".
Shimajiri Japanese
From 島 (shima) meaning "island" and 尻 (jiri) meaning "rear".
Shimamori Japanese
Shima (島) means "island", mori (森) means "forest"
Shimamoto Japanese
From Japanese 島 (shima) meaning "island" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Shimano Japanese
Shima means "island" and no means "field, wilderness, plain".
Shimazaki Japanese
From Japanese 島 (shima) meaning "island" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Shimazu Japanese
From Japanese 島 (shima) meaning "island" and 津 (zu) meaning "harbor".
Sinissaar Estonian
Sinissaar is an Estonian surname meaning "blue island".
Söderholm Swedish, Finnish
Combination of Swedish söder "south" and holm "islet, small island".
Soosaar Estonian
Soosaar is an Estonian surname meaning "swamp island".
Stokholm Danish, Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Norwegian skyta "to shoot" (indicating a protruding piece of land like a cape or headland) and holme "islet".
Suigusaar Estonian
Suigusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "somnolent (sleepy) island".
Susiluoto Finnish (Rare)
Combination of Finnish susi "wolf" and luoto "islet".
Tajima Japanese
From Japanese 田 (ta) meaning "field" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Takashima Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Talusaar Estonian
Talusaar is an Estonian surname meaning "farm island".
Tammiksaar Estonian
Tammiksaar is an Estonian surname meaning "oak wood island".
Tammsaar Estonian
Tammsaar is an Estonian surname, meaning "oak island".
Tashima Japanese
Ta means "field, rice patty" and shima means "island".
Tellisaar Estonian
Tellisaar is an Estonian surname meaning "brick island".
Tennosaar Estonian
Tennosaar is an Estonian surname meaning "Tenno's (a masculine given name) island".
Terashima Japanese
From Japanese 寺 (tera) meaning "Buddhist temple" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Teshima Japanese
From Japanese 手 (te) meaning "hand" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Tsunashima Japanese
From Japanese 綱 (tsuna) meaning "rope, cable, cord" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Ushijima Japanese
From Japanese 牛 (ushi) meaning "cow, bull, ox" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Ushishima Japanese
Ushi means "cow, bull, ox, second sign of the Chinese zodiac" and shima means "island".
Uussaar Estonian
Uussaar is an Estonian surname meaning "new island".
Vahesaar Estonian
Vahesaar is an Estonian surname meaning "middle island".
Vaiksaar Estonian
Vaiksaar is an Estonian surname meaing "quiet/still ("vaikus") island ("saar")". May also come from "väike saar", meaning "little island".
Veesaar Estonian
Veesaar is an Estonian surname meaning "water island".
Viirelaid Estonian
Viirelaid is an Estonian surname meaning "tern islet".
Vooglaid Estonian
Vooglaid is an Estonian surname meaning "billowing islet".
Watney English
Probably means "person from Watney", an unidentified place in England (the second syllable means "island, area of dry land in a marsh"; cf. Rodney, Whitney)... [more]
Whittlesey English
A habitational surname for someone from Whittlesey, an ancient market town in the Fenland district of Cambridgeshire in England. The town's name is derived from an unattested Old English personal name Wittel (or Witil), an occupational name given to a moneyer, and the Old English eg, meaning "island", also used to describe a piece of firm land in a fen... [more]
Yajima Japanese
Derived from Japanese 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow" or 谷 (ya) meaning "valley, lowland, plain" combined with 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".... [more]
Yashima Japanese
From Japanese 八 (ya) meaning "eight" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".
Yokoshima Japanese
From Japanese 横 (yoko) meaning "side, beside, next to" and 島 or 嶋 (shima) meaning "island".