This is a list of submitted surnames in which an editor of the name is Sehentsin.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
AbgarowiczPolish (Rare) Meaning "son of Abgar". The name originates from a wealthy Armenian merchant family (called Sołtan at the time) who settled in Kyiv in the 16th century... [more]
ArczyńskiPolish Patronymic from a name beginning with Jaro- (meaning "strong; robust") such as Jarosław, Jaromir or Jarogniew, suffixed with -yński based on habitational surnames.
BabrauskasmLithuanian Ultimately from the Balto-Slavic element *bébrus meaning "beaver". It is possibly an adaptation of Polish Bobrowski, or a related Slavic surname.
BakunPolish Possibly from bak "screaming" or bakać "to scold", from bakun "low-quality tobacco", or from the Hebrew personal name Bakum, possibly related to Habakkuk.
CzakPolish From Old Polish czakać meaning "to wait", or from the short form of a personal name such as Czabor or Czasław.
CzechPolish, English From the ethnonym meaning "Czech", or from the short form of a personal name such as Czesław. The English surname is borrowed from the Polish surname, or from Czech or Slovak Čech.
GrabińskiPolish Habitational name for someone from a settlement named Grabienice, Grabin, Grabina, Grabiny, etc.; ultimately from grab meaning "hornbeam" or, in the case of Grabienice, possibly from gręba meaning "hill".
HawleyEnglish From the place name Hawley, specifically from the former settlement in Yorkshire from Old Norse haugr meaning "hill" and Old English leah meaning "woodland".
RuszczakPolish From the verb ruszać with numerous potential meanings—"to move; to set out", "to shake; to waver", "to bother; to harass" or "to disturb someone else's belongings"—or from Rus meaning either "reddish-haired person" or "Ruthenian; Rusyn".