BonacciItalian "Bona" comes from the Italian for good, "Buona" and "cci" is ancient Latin form for "man." Thus, "the good man." A derivation of FiBonacci, or "son of Bonacci." Was the name of the famous mathematician, Leondardo de Pisa: Leonardo of Pisa is now known as Fibonacci short for filius Bonacci... [more]
FukumatsuJapanese Fuku means "lucky, fortunate" and matsu means "pine tree".
FukumoriJapanese Fuku means "lucky, fortunate" and mori means "forest".
FukunoJapanese Fuku means "lucky, fortunate" and no means "field, plain".
FukusawaJapanese Fuku means "lucky, fortunate" and sawa means "marsh, swamp".
FukutaJapanese Fuku means "lucky, fortunate" and ta means "field, rice paddy".
GoudeauGermanic (Rare, Archaic), French Possible variant of the surname Goethe. It also possibly derives from the diminutive Old French of "gode", meaning "happy-go-lucky, debauched".
HeureauxFrench (Caribbean) Possibly from French heureux "happy, lucky, good". Ulises Heureaux (1845-1899) was the 22nd, 26th, and 27th president of the Dominican Republic
KutluTurkish Means "auspicious, blessed, happy, holy, lucky" in Turkish.
SadulaevChechen From the Arabic given name Sadulla meaning “happiness of Allah” from سَعِدَ (saʿida) “to be happy, to be lucky” combined with Allah.
SeelyMedieval English Means "Blessed", "Happy", and/or "Lucky." By adding an Un- to Seely makes it "Unblessed", "Unhappy", and/or "Unholy." Used primarily in Northern England and Southern Scotland during the Middle English period but is derived from the Old English sǣl and gesǣlig... [more]
YoshiharaJapanese From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, good" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
YoshiiJapanese From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, good fortune" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
YoshiizumiJapanese formed with 吉 (Yoshi, Kichi, Kitsu) meaning "good luck; joy; congratulations" and 泉 (Izumi, Sen) meaning "spring; fountain". So the meaning could be interpreted as “Fountain of Good Luck” or “Lucky Fountain”
YoshimuraJapanese From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, good" or 佳 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful, good, excellent" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
YukimatsuJapanese Yuki can mean "snow" or "lucky" and matsu means "pine, for tree".