Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword honour.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aare Estonian
Aare is an Estonian masculine given name and surname meaning "treasure".
Aarelaid Estonian
Aarelaid is an Estonian surname meaning "treasure islet".
Abeygunaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit अभय (abhaya) meaning "fearless" combined with गुण (guna) meaning "quality, property, attribute" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Abeyratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit अभय (abhaya) meaning "fearless" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Alabanza Spanish
Means "praise" in Spanish, possibly denoted for a worshipper. from Spanish alabar "to praise" and a suffix. Travis Alabanza (1995-) is a British performance artist, writer, and theatremaker.
Alaee Persian
Derived from the word "Ala," which means "exalted" or "noble."
Amararatne Sinhalese (Rare)
From Sanskrit अमर (amara) meaning "immortal, undying" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Ampuan Filipino, Maranao
From a royal title meaning "one who asks for apology" or "revered, great" in Maranao.
Anzai Japanese
From Japanese 安 (an) meaning "peace" and 西 (sai) meaning "west", 斎 (sai) meaning "purification, worship", or 済 (sai) meaning "settle, finish".
Aradhya Indian, Sanskrit
Means "one who worships god". Commonly seen in India, Karnataka and other parts of India like kashi. They wear holy thread (yagnopaveetha).
Ariyaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit आर्य (arya) meaning "noble, honourable, respectable" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Arjmand Persian
Means "precious, valuable, honourable, esteemed" in Persian.
Auksi Estonian
Auksi is an Estonian surname derived from "auks" meaning "in honor of".
Auväärt Estonian
Auväärt is an Estonian surname meaning "honor worthy".
Bahandi Filipino, Cebuano
Means "wealth, riches, treasure" in Cebuano.
Bunsi Thai
From Thai บุญ (bun) meaning "merit" and ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour".
Chandraratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit चन्द्र (chandra) meaning "moon" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Chomchuen Thai
Means "congratulations" from Thai ชม (chom) meaning "see, watch, praise, admire" and ชื่น (chuen) meaning "happy, joyful, delighted".
Dai Chinese
From Chinese 戴 (dài) meaning "respect, esteem, support", also referring to the ancient state of Dai, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Henan province.
Dayaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit दया (daya) meaning "compassion, pity" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Dharmaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit धर्म (dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Dungog Filipino, Hiligaynon, Cebuano
Means "pride, honour" or "celebrity" in Hiligaynon.
Ehrenberg Jewish (Anglicized, Rare, Archaic), German
In German it means "mountain of honor"
Ehrenreich German, Jewish, Yiddish
Jewish/Yiddish German ornamental surname meaning “Rich in honour”
Erdene Mongolian
Meaning "jewel" or "treasure".
Erenhart English (Rare), German, Dutch
“Eren” is derived from the word “Ehren,” which is of German origin and means “honor” or “glory.” ... [more]
Erman German (Modern), French (Modern)
Erman is a shortened French adaption of the Swiss-German surname Ermendinger, itself derived from the older surname Ermatinger, a name connected to the village of Ermatingen on the Swiss shore of Lake Constance, and came into existence during the early or middle 18th century when Jean-Georges Ermendinger (1710-1767), a Swiss fur trader from Geneva, married into a French speaking Huguenotte family... [more]
Estimé Haitian Creole, French
Means "valued, esteemed" in French.
Fukushi Japanese
From Japanese 福 (fuku) meaning "happiness, good fortune, blessing" and 士 (shi) meaning "esteemed person, gentleman".
Gunaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit गुण (guna) meaning "quality, attribute, merit" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Haijima Japanese (Rare)
Hai (拝) here means "worship", hai (灰) here means "ash", jima/shima (島) means "island".
Herath Sinhalese
Possibly from Sanskrit हीर (hira) meaning "diamond" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Himaya Filipino, Cebuano
Means "glory, praise" or "bliss, joy" in Cebuano.
Hiransi Thai
From Thai หิรัญ (hiran) meaning "money, silver, gold" and ศรี (si) meaning "honour, glory, splendour".
Jayamanne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit जय (jaya) meaning "victory, conquest" and मान (mana) meaning "respect, honour, pride".
Jayaratne Sinhalese
From Sanskrit जय (jaya) meaning "victory, conquest" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Kaetsu Japanese
From Japanese 嘉 (Ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", and 悦 (etsu) meaning "ecstasy, joy, rapture". Other kanji combinations are possible, and can create alternate meanings.
Kamoto Japanese
This surname is used as 加本, 嘉本, 家本, 賀本, 下元, 嘉元 or 賀元 with 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add(ition), Canada, include, increase, join," 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise," 家 (ka, ke, ie, uchi, ya) meaning "expert, family, home, house, performer, professional," 賀 (ga, ka) meaning "congratulations, joy," 下 (ka, ge, o.riru, kuda.saru, kuda.ri,, sa.garu, sa.geru, shita, shimo, moto) meaning "below, descend, down, give, inferior, low," 本 (hon, moto) meaning "book, main, origin, present, real, true" and 元 (gan, gen, moto) meaning "beginning, former time, origin."
Kanedakara Japanese
Combination Kanji Character "金" meaning "Gold", with "宝" meaning "Treasure".
Karunaratne Sinhalese
From Sanskrit करुणा (karuna) meaning "compassion, kindness, mercy" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Kawaei Japanese
From 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 栄 (ei) meaning "glory, honour, flourish, prosper".... [more]
Kiidemaa Estonian
Kiidemaa is an Estonian surname meaning "praised land".
Kimpō Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 金 (kin) meaning "gold, metal" and 宝 (), the joining form of 宝 () meaning "treasure", possibly referring to someone who manufactured precious metals.
Kõrge Estonian
Kõrge is an Estonian surname meaning "tall" and "exalted".
Kularatne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit कुल (kula) meaning "family" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Lobsang German (Rare, Archaic)
German name meaning "sung praise"
Longfellow English
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an American poet and educator whose works include "Paul Revere's Ride", The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline.
Mane Indian, Marathi
Drived from Sanskrit मान (mana) meaning "respect, honour" or मान्य (manya) meaning "respected, venerable".
Mann Sanskrit (Anglicized)
Originally Sanskrit, now in Punjabi and Hindi - used by Jats predominantly in Punjab area of NW India. Well represented in Sikhs. Also spelled as {!Maan} when anglicized. Belonged to landholding nobility of warrior caste (knights) that at one time held a strong and established kingdom.... [more]
Mehta Indian, Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi
Derived from Sanskrit महित (mahita) meaning "honoured, worshipped, esteemed".
Menon Malayalam
Means "accountant" in Malayalam, itself derived from the title മേലവൻ (melavan) meaning "overseer, boss, exalted one", from മേല (mel) meaning "top, above, high" and the third person pronoun അവൻ (avan) meaning "he".
Nawaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit नव (nava) meaning "nine" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Ogami Japanese
This surname is used as 拝, 小上, 小神, 尾上, 尾神, 男神 with 拝 (hai,, meaning "adore, pray to, worship," 小 (shou, o-, ko-, sa-, chii.sai) meaning "little, small," 尾 (bi, o) meaning "end, tail," 男 (dan, nan, o, otoko) meaning "male," 上 (shan, shou, jou, a.gari, a.garu, a.geru, ue, -ue, uwa-, kami,, nobo.seru, nobo.ri,, meaning "above, up" and 神 (shin, jin, kami, kan-, kou-) meaning "gods, mind, soul."
Ōtaka Japanese
This surname combines 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii) meaning "big, large" with 高 (kou, taka, taka.i, taka.maru, taka.meru, -daka) meaning "expensive, high, tall," 鷹 (ou, you, taka) meaning "hawk," 孝 (kyou, kou, taka) meaning "child's respect, filial piety," 嵩 (shuu, suu, kasa,, taka.i) meaning "be aggravated, grow bulky, grow worse, swell" or 貴 (ki, tatto.i, tatto.bu, touto.i, touto.bu, taka) meaning "esteem, honour, precious, prize, value."... [more]
Premaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit प्रेम (prema) meaning "love, affection" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Quimpo Filipino
From Hokkien 金舖 (kim-phò͘) meaning "gold shop" or 金寳 (kim-pó) meaning "golden treasure".
Rajaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit राज (raja) meaning "king" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Ratnapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Ratnapriya Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and प्रिय (priya) meaning "beloved, dear".
Ratnasiri Sinhalese, Thai
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty"... [more]
Ratnasuriya Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and सूर्य (surya) meaning "sun".
Ratnayake Sinhalese
From Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and नायक (nayaka) meaning "hero, leader".
Rueangsi Thai
From Thai เรือง (rueang) meaning "bright, brilliant" and ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour".
Salavati Persian
From Persian صلوات (salavat) meaning "praise, blessing, greeting".
Samararatne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit समर (samara) meaning "coming together, meeting" or "conflict, struggle" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Saygı Turkish
Means "respect, esteem" in Turkish.
Sayın Turkish
Means "dear, esteemed" in Turkish.
Senaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit सेना (sena) meaning "army" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Seneviratne Sinhalese
From Sinhala සෙනෙවි (senevi) meaning "commander, general" combined with Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Shimpō Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 神 (shin) meaning "deity; god" and 宝 (), from 宝 () meaning "treasure".
Sibunrueang Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, fame" combined with บุญ (bun) meaning "merit" and เรือง (rueang) meaning "bright, glowing, brilliant".
Sikham Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" and คำ (kham) meaning "gold".
Simongkhon Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" and มงคล (mongkhon) meaning "good, auspicious, propitious".
Simueang Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" and เมือง (mueang) meaning "city, town, state".
Sirimanne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit श्री (shri) meaning "diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty" and मान (mana) meaning "pride, honour".
Sirueang Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" and เรือง (rueang) meaning "bright, brilliant".
Sisuk Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" and สุข (suk) meaning "joy, happiness, delight".
Sisuwan Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" and สุวรรณ (suwan) meaning "gold".
Sithong Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" and ทอง (thong) meaning "gold".
Somsri Thai
From Thai สม (sǒm) meaning "suitable, right" combined with ศรี (sǐi) meaning "honour, glory, splendour".
Srisuwan Thai
From Thai ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour" combined with สุวรรณ (suwan) meaning "gold".
Suksi Thai
From Thai สุข (suk) meaning "joy, happiness" and ศรี (si) meaning "glory, honour, splendour".
Sumanaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit सुमन (sumana) meaning "good-minded, benevolent" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Tesauro Italian
metonymic occupational name for a treasurer or person in charge of financial administration from Old Italian tesauro "treasure treasury" (from Latin thesaurus "hoard"). It may also be from the personal name Tesauro with the same origin.
Tesoro Spanish, Italian
from tesoro "treasure" (from Latin thesaurus "hoard") applied as a metonymic occupational name for a treasurer. In some cases this may be a habitational name from El Tesoro in southern Spain... [more]
Thilakaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit तिलक (tilaka) meaning "mark, dot, ornament" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Ulukaya Turkish
From Turkish ulu meaning "great, large, exalted" and kaya meaning "rock".
Ulusoy Turkish
Means "great lineage", derived from Turkish ulu meaning "supreme, great, exalted" combined with soy meaning "ancestry, lineage".
Weeraratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit वीर (vira) meaning "hero, man, brave" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Wickramaratne Sinhalese
From Sanskrit विक्रम (vikrama) meaning "stride, pace" or "valour" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Wijayaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Wijegunaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" combined with गुण (guna) meaning "quality, attribute, merit" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Wijemanne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" and मान (mana) meaning "pride, honour".
Wijeratne Sinhalese
From Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Wimalaratne Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विमल (vimala) meaning "clean, pure" and रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Würdemann German
From the German "Würde"-honour or dignity, and "Mann"-man or person. "Man of Honour" or "Person of Dignity".
Wurdemann German (Rare)
This is a German surname, also spelled WÜRDEMANN (original) and often rendered as WUERDEMANN in English. It come from the German "würde", "dignity" or "honor" and "mann", meaning "man" or "person".... [more]
Yalaoui Arabic (Maghrebi)
Algerian family name possibly derived from Arabic يَعْلَى (yaʿlā) or يَعْلَ (yaʿla) both meaning "exalted, high".
Yambao Filipino
Possibly from Vietnamese iàm-báu meaning "treasure."
Yüce Turkish
Means "exalted, lofty, noble" in Turkish.
Yücel Turkish
Means "lofty, exalted" in Turkish.