NaslenmArabic Naslen is an Arabic male name. It came from India. this means "good", "really", "heart". A notable bearer is the Indian actor Naslen born in (2000)
NavalnymUkrainian More common transcription of Navalnyy, due to the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
NavalnyymUkrainian Means "stormy, cloudy" in Ukrainian. Aleksey Navalnyy was a Russian political dissident of partially Ukrainian origin. He died on 16 February 2024. The more common transcription is Navalny.
ObukhovmRussian Occupational name for a lumberjack or a maker of axes, derived from Russian обух (obukh) meaning "butt" (referring to the thicker end of a tool or weapon like an axe).
OżgamPolish (Polonized, Modern) The Polish surname Ozga, originating in the 15th century, derives from the Polish word "ozga," denoting a young tree or sapling, especially a willow. Variations such as "Ożga" reflect regional dialectal differences and linguistic shifts... [more]
PobedonostsevmRussian Derived from Russian победоносный (pobedonósnyj) meaning "victorious, triumphant". Konstantin Pobedonostsev (1827-1907) was a Russian jurist and statesman who served as an adviser to three Russian emperors.
PodshivalovmRussian From Russian подшивать (podshivat'), meaning "to hem (sew)".
PohranychnyymUkrainian Means "on the border", from Ukrainian границя (hranytsya), meaning "border", and the prefix по- (po-), meaning "by, on, in, to". Denoted to a person living near a border.
PrigozhinmRussian From Russian пригожий (prigozhiy), meaning "beautiful, pretty". Prigozhin was the last name of Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner PMC until 2023 when he died in a plane crash... [more]