LesorukovmRussian From Russian dialectal лесорук (lesoruk), meaning "lumberjack, woodcutter". The word itself comes from лес (les) "forest" and рука (ruka) "hand, arm".
LetovmRussian From Russian лето (leto), meaning "summer".
LimonovmRussian Derived from Russian word "лимон (limon)" meaning "lemon". This is the last name of Eduard Limonov, the leader of the National Bolshevik Party in Russia.
MandrykmRussian (Rare) I have done some research on this name (because it is my surname) and the origins of this name are largely unknown. However it is believed to have originated from Russia/Ukraine/Poland/Chechnya (formerly independent country now a Russian republic) and is prevalent in Canada, Russia, Ukraine, The United States, South America (Brazil & Argentina) and Australia... [more]
MasopustmCzech From a Czech nickname meaning "carnival", originally given to a festive person. A famous bearer was the Czech soccer player Josef Masopust (1931-2015).