Irish Submitted Surnames

Irish names are used on the island of Ireland as well as elsewhere in the Western World as a result of the Irish diaspora. See also about Irish names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Devitt Irish
Comes from McDevitt, means "son of David."
Devon Irish
Variant of Devin 1.
Diamond Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Diamáin "descendant of Diamán", earlier Díomá or Déamán, a diminutive of Díoma, itself a pet form of Diarmaid.
Dickey Irish
Northern Irish: from a pet form of the personal name Dick 1.
Dillion Irish, English
Possibly a variant of Dillon.
Dillon Irish, English
Could be an Irish form of the Breton surname de Léon, meaning "of Léon", an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Duilleáen, from the given name Dallán "little blind one", or be from a Norman French personal name derived from Ancient Germanic Dillo, possibly a byname from dil- "destroy".
Dimond English, Irish
English and Irish variant of Diamond.
Dineen Irish (Anglicized)
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Duinnín which meant "descendant of Duinnín". The byname Duinnín was derived from a diminutive of Gaelic donn meaning "brown" (i.e. "brown-haired man") or "chieftain".
Dinkin Irish
Shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Duinnchinn, meaning “descendant of Donnchean, which is a byname composed of the elements donn meaning “brown-haired man” or “chieftain” + ceann meaning “head.”
Dinkins Irish (?)
Probably a variant (with English possessive -s) of Irish Dinkin.
Diskin Irish (Anglicized)
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Díscín "descendant of Díscín", which may be derived from díosc "barren". The place name Ballyeeskeen, now Ballydiscin, in County Sligo, is derived from the surname.
Doane Irish
Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Dubháin ‘descendant of Dubhán’, meaning ‘the little black one’, a common name in the 16th century in southern Ireland, or Ó Damháin ‘descendant of Damhán’ meaning ‘fawn’, ‘little stag’, a rare Ulster name... [more]
Dole English, Irish (Anglicized)
English: from Middle English dole ‘portion of land’ (Old English dal ‘share’, ‘portion’). The term could denote land within the common field, a boundary mark, or a unit of area; so the name may be of topographic origin or a status name... [more]
Dollahan Irish
Variant of Hallahan, meaning "Descendent of Áilleacháin"
Dollen English (British), Irish
English (British): See Dolling and compare Dollin and Dowland (1)... [more]
Dollin English (British), Irish
English (British): See Dolling and compare Dollen and Dowland... [more]
Dolphin English, Irish
Derived from the Old Norse personal name Dólgfinnr.
Donaghy Irish
Irish: variant of Donahue.
Donavan Irish
Meaning unknown. Possibly transferred use or Irish word for Don or Donald.
Donavon Irish
Variant of Donovan.
Donegan Irish
Anglicized form of the Gaelic surname Ó Donnagáin. Diminutive of "donn" which means "brown," referring to hair color.
Donel Irish
Variant of Donnel
Donell Irish
Variant of Donnell
Donley Irish
Variant of Donnelly.
Donn Scottish, Irish
Variant of Donne.
Donnan Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Donnáin meaning "descendant of Donnán", a diminutive of the given name Donn, derived from Irish donn "brown, brown-haired" or donn "prince, chieftain".
Donnel Irish
Variant of Donnell
Donnellan Irish
From the Gaelic Domhnallain, a diminutive of Donnell/Domhnall meaning "world mighty" (Irish form of the Scottish Donald).
Donnrin Irish
Irish origin derived from Donn. ... [more]
Donough Irish
From the Gaelic Ó Donnchadha meaning "the descendent of Donnchadh" (cf. Donoghue).
Doolin Irish
Variant of Dolan.
Dooling Irish
Variant of Dolan.
Dornan Irish
Anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic surname Ó Dornáin
Dorney Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of O'Doirinne.
Doud English, Irish
Variant of Dowd.
Dow Scottish, Irish
Variant of Duff.
Dowd Irish
From Irish Ó Dubhda meaning "descendant of Dubhda", where Dubhda is a byname derived from Irish dubh "black, black-haired".
Dowdall Irish
Of English origin
Dowell English, Scottish, Irish
Derived from the Gaelic name Dubhgall, composed of the elements dubh meaning "black" and gall, "stranger". This was used as a byname for Scandinavians, in particular to distinguish the dark-haired Danes from fair-haired Norwegians.
Dowland Irish
Probably a variant of Dowlin or Dolan.
Dowlin Irish
Variant of Dolan.
Downey Irish
Anglicization of Irish name Dounaigh, which is, in turn, an Gaelicization of a Norman name. Dates from the 11th c.
Doyal Irish
Variant of Doyle.
Doyne Irish
From the word donn meaning "brown".
Drach Irish
Variant of Drake.
Drennan Irish (Anglicized), Scottish
From Gaelic Ó Draighneáin meaning "descendant of Draighneán", a byname meaning "blackthorn".
Dromgoole Irish
An Anglicized from the Irish Gaelic place name Droim Gabhail in County Louth, Ireland meaning "ridge of the forking stream." Dromgoolestown in County Louth is believed to be named after this surname... [more]
Drury English, French, Irish
Originally a Norman French nickname, derived from druerie "love, friendship" (itself a derivative of dru "lover, favourite, friend" - originally an adjective, apparently from a Gaulish word meaning "strong, vigourous, lively", but influenced by the sense of the Old High German element trut, drut "dear, beloved").... [more]
Dubhagáinn Irish
Derived from the given name Dubhagáin.
Duck English, Irish
English from Middle English doke "duck", hence a nickname for someone with some fancied resemblance to a duck, or an occupational name for someone who kept or hunted ducks. Alternatively, a variant form of Duke... [more]
Duggan Scottish, Irish, English
Scottish and Irish variant spelling of Dugan. ... [more]
Dullea Irish
Variant of Dunleavy. A well-known bearer is American actor Keir Dullea (1936-).
Dunahoo Irish (Anglicized)
Further Anglicized version of O'Donahue and O'donoghue.
Dunleavy Irish, English
Anglicized form of Mac Duinnshléibhe meaning "son of Donn Sléibhe".
Dunne Irish, English, Scottish
This surname means dark and was likely given to those with a dark complexion or with dark hair.
Dunno Irish
Alternate spelling of Donough.
Durkin Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicised form of Mac Duarcáin meaning "son of Duarcán".
Durning Irish
First found in County Antrim, Ireland, Durning is possibly an Anglicized form of O'Duirnin. The name is derived from "dorn", which means "fist".
Dwiggins Irish
Anglicized form (with English genitive -s) of Gaelic Ó Dubhagáin (see Dugan) or, more likely, of Ó Duibhginn (see Deegan).Possibly a variant (by misdivision) of English Wiggins.
Dyal Irish
Variant of Doyle.
Eakin Irish
Variant of Egan.
Earley German, Irish
The surname Earley originally derived from the Old English word Eorlic which referred to one who displayed manly characteristics.... [more]
Early Irish, English, American, German
Irish: translation of Gaelic Ó Mocháin (see Mohan; Gaelic moch means ‘early’ or ‘timely’), or of some other similar surname, for example Ó Mochóir, a shortened form of Ó Mochéirghe, Ó Maoil-Mhochéirghe, from a personal name meaning ‘early rising’.... [more]
Egan Irish
Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAodhagáin (see Hagan).
Eigo English (American), Estonian, Irish, Filipino
Likely is a variant of "necessary" in Irish and derived from the given name Eigo.
Eilish f Irish, English (American)
From the given name Eilish.
Emory English, Irish
English variant spelling of Emery.
Enis Irish
Variant of Ennis
Enright Irish (Anglicized)
From Irish Gaelic Indreachtach, literally "attacker". The surname was borne by British poet D.J. Enright (1920-2002).
Erwin English, German, Irish, Scottish
From the given name Erwin. From the Middle English personal name Everwin Erwin perhaps from Old English Eoforwine (eofor "boar" and wine "friend") but mostly from an Old French form of the cognate ancient Germanic name Everwin or from a different ancient Germanic name Herewin with loss of initial H- (first element hari heri "army")... [more]
Fadden Irish, Scottish
Shortened form of Mcfadden.
Fagan Irish
'The name Fagan in Ireland is usually of Norman origin, especially in Counties Dublin and Meath. In the County Louth area the name is derived from the native Gaelic O'Faodhagain Sept of which there are a number of variants including Feighan, Fegan and Feehan.' (from
Fahey Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Fathaidh or Ó Fathaigh meaning "descendant of Fathadh", a given name derived from the Gaelic word fothadh "base, foundation".... [more]
Fahy Irish
Variant of Fahey.
Fair English, Irish
English: nickname meaning ‘handsome’, ‘beautiful’, ‘fair’, from Middle English fair, fayr, Old English fæger. The word was also occasionally used as a personal name in Middle English, applied to both men and women.... [more]
Fallon Irish
Anglicized form of the surname Ó Fallamhain meaning "descendant of Fallamhan", the name being a byname meaning "leader" (derived from follamhnas meaning "supremacy").
Fanning Irish
The roots of the name are unclear. It seems the name is Native Irish Gaelic. It is thought to be derived from the Gaelic name Ó Fionnáin which means "fair".
Faraday Irish
From Irish Gaelic Ó Fearadaigh "descendant of Fearadach", a personal name probably based on fear "man", perhaps meaning literally "man of the wood". A famous bearer was British chemist and physicist Michael Faraday (1791-1867).
Farey Irish
Anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic surname Ó Faircheallaigh.
Farley Irish
anglicized form of the Gaelic surname O'Faircheallaigh.
Farling Irish
Perhaps a variant of Scottish and northern Irish Farland.
Farmer Irish
Anglicized (part translated) form of Gaelic Mac an Scolóige "son of the husbandman", a rare surname of northern and western Ireland.
Farnan Irish (Anglicized)
Irish shortened Anglicization of Gaelic Ó Farannáin ‘descendant of Forannán’, a personal name possibly based on forrán ‘attack’... [more]
Farrelly Irish
A variant of Irish surname Farrell
Fee Irish
Variant of O'fee.
Feehily Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Mac Fithcheallaigh.
Fenlon Irish
Gaelic: Derived from old Gaelic name O'Fionnalain,"Son of the Fair one". Found most commonly in Carlow and Wexford counties.
Fennessey Irish
An ancient Irish name. Presumed to come from the name Fionnghusa, or sometimes O'Fionnghusa.... [more]
Fergus English, Scottish, Irish
From the given name Fergus.
Ferrell Irish
Irish variant of Farrell.
Finan Irish
Means "descendant of Fionnán", anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Fionnáin.
Finnan Irish
Variant of Finan.
Finnerty Irish
Reduced anglicisation of Irish Ó Fionnachta meaning "descendant of Fionnachta", a given name derived from fionn meaning "fair, white" and sneachta meaning "snow".
Finnigan Irish
This interesting surname is of Irish origin, and is an Anglicization of the Gaelic Ó Fionnagáin, meaning the descendant(s) of Fionnagan, an Old Irish personal name derived from the word "fionn", white, fairheaded.
Fitzclarence Irish
Means "son of Clarence" in Anglo-Norman French.
Fitzgerald Irish
Alternate capitalization of Fitzgerald
Fitzgibbon Irish
Means "son of Gibbon" in Anglo-Norman French.
Fitzharris Irish
Means "son of Harry" in Anglo-Norman French.
Fitzhenry Irish
Means "son of Henry" in Anglo-Norman French.
Fitzherbert Irish
Derives from Anglo-Norman French fi(t)z "son" and the personal name Herbert to mean "son of Herbert".
Fitzmaurice Irish
Means "son of Maurice" in Anglo-Norman French.
Fitzmorris Irish
Variant spelling of Fitzmaurice.
Fitznicholas Irish
Fitznicholas means "Son of Nicholas"
Fitzsimons Irish
Fitzsimons (also spelled FitzSimons, Fitzsimmons or FitzSimmons) is a surname of Norman origin common in both Ireland and England. The name is a variant of "Sigmundsson", meaning son of Sigmund. The Gaelicisation of this surname is Mac Shíomóin.
Fitzwilliams Irish
Means "son of William" in Anglo-Norman French.
Flaherty Irish (Anglicized)
Irish (Connacht) reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Flaithbheartaigh ‘descendant of Flaithbheartach’, a byname meaning ‘generous’, ‘hospitable’ (from flaith(eamh) ‘prince’, ‘ruler’ + beartach ‘acting’, ‘behaving’).
Flannery Irish
Appears originally in Irish Gaelic as O Flannabhra derived from flann, meaning "red", and abhra, meaning "eyebrow". First appeared in County Tipperary, Ireland.
Fling Irish, English
Perhaps derived from Flynn.
Flood Irish
There are some English Flood's, but the name mainly derives from the Irish O'Taicligh or Mac an Tuile and was Anglicized to Flood, Floyd, and Tully when the Gaelic language was outlawed in Ireland by the English.
Flyn Irish
Variant of Flynn.
Fogarty Irish (Anglicized)
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Fógartaigh ‘son of Fógartach’, a personal name from fógartha meaning "proclaimed", "banished", "outlawed". It is sometimes Anglicized as Howard.
Fogerty Irish (Anglicized)
Variant spelling of Fogarty.
Foley Irish
As a northern Irish surname it is derived from the Gaelic personal name Searrach, which was based on searrach "foal, colt" and anglicized as Foley because of its phonetic similarity to English foal.
Foody Irish
Anglicized version of ó Fuada, or 'descendent of Fuada'. It comes from the personal name 'fuad' or 'swift' but also 'rush' and 'speed'.
Forbes Irish, Scottish
Comes from a Scottish place meaning "field" in Gaelic. It can also be used as a first name.... [more]
Forde English, Irish
Variant of Ford. This is a very common spelling in Ireland.
Foy Irish
Variant of Fee.
Foy Irish (Anglicized)
A different form of Fahy (from Irish Gaelic Ó Fathaigh "descendant of Fathach", a personal name probably based on Gaelic fothadh "foundation").
Furey Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Fiúra and Ó Fiodhabhra. Means "bushy eyebrows" derived from Irish fiodh "wood" and (f)abhra "eyebrow."
Furlong English, Irish
Apparently a topographic name from Middle English furlong ‘length of a field’ (from Old English furh meaning "furro" + lang meaning "long".
Furlow English (British), Irish
the warrens came over to America on the Mayflower. they made settlements and went through the revolutionary war. the name changed to Baughman then Furlow. the furlows fought in the cival war and were slave owners... [more]
Fury Scottish, Irish
Derived from the given name Ó Fiodhabhra.
Gall Scottish, Irish, English
Nickname, of Celtic origin, meaning "foreigner" or "stranger". In the Scottish Highlands the Gaelic term gall was applied to people from the English-speaking lowlands and to Scandinavians; in Ireland the same term was applied to settlers who arrived from Wales and England in the wake of the Anglo-Norman invasion of the 12th century... [more]
Galligan Irish
Shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Gealagáin 'descendant of Gealagán' a personal name from a double diminutive of geal 'bright white'.
Gallogly Irish, Irish (Anglicized)
shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac An Ghalloglaigh from galloglach "foreign warrior" or "galloglass"... [more]
Galvan Irish
Variant form of O'Galvin (see also Galvin).
Galway Irish, Scottish
Variant of Galloway. Derived from the given name O Gallchobhair.
Gambon English, Irish
Derived from Anglo-Norman French gambon meaning "ham", itself derived from a Norman-Picard form of Old French jambe meaning "leg". A famous bearer is the Irish-English actor Sir Michael Gambon (1940-).
Gamon Irish
This name is a last name for the Irish it means Liam Gamon.
Gannon Irish
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Mag Fhionnáin, a patronymic from the personal name Fionnán... [more]
Gargan Irish
shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Geargáin "descendant of Geargán" or shortened from Mac Geargáin "son of Geargán" a personal name from a diminutive of garg "fierce".
Garrighan Irish
to denote 'son of Geargain' a name which originally in derived from 'gearg' which meant grouse but which was often used figuratively for warrior
Garvin Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Ó Gairbhín "descendant of Garbhán", a given name derived from a diminutive form of Old Irish garb "rough, coarse, rugged, cruel".
Gaul Scottish (Latinized, Rare), Irish, German
Scottish and Irish: variant of Gall ... [more]
Geddes Scottish, Irish
There is a place of this name in Nairn, but the name is more likely to be a patronymic from Geddie.
Gee Irish, Scottish, English, French
Irish and Scottish: reduced form of McGee, Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Aodha ‘son of Aodh’ (see McCoy). ... [more]
Geeson Irish
This unusual name is the patronymic form of the surname Gee, and means "son of Gee", from the male given name which was a short form of male personal names such as "Geoffrey", "George" and "Gerard"... [more]
Geohegan Irish
a patronymic from the personal name Eochagán
Gerahty Irish
Anglicised form of the Gaelic Mag Oireachtaigh, meaning "son of Oireachtach", which in turn means "member of the assembly".
Gerrity Irish
the son of Oireachtach (member of an assembly).
Getty Irish
Meaning: Hill, valley.... [more]
Gheen Irish
Anglicised form of Geoghegan.
Gibney Irish
Anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic surname Ó Gibne.
Gibsey Irish
A variant of the surname Gibson.
Gibson Irish
Anglicized form of Irish-Gaelic Ó Gibealláin.
Gihon Irish
Anglicized form of Irish-Gaelic Ó Gaoithín
Gildea Irish
shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Giolla Dhé "son of the servant of God" from dia "God"... [more]
Gillan Irish
The Gillan surname is a reduced Anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic Mac Gille Fhaoláin, which means "son of the servant of St Faolán." While the name may have originated in Ireland, this line was extant by the beginning of the 17th century, only to find many of the family to return to Ireland about 100 years later with the Plantation of Ulster.... [more]
Gillespie Scottish, Irish
Gillespie can be of Scottish and Irish origin. The literal meaning is "servant of bishop", but it is a forename rather than a status name. The Irish Gillespies, originally MacGiollaEaspuig, are said to to be called after one Easpog Eoghan, or Bishop Owen, of Ardstraw, County Tyrone... [more]
Gillicuddy Irish
Angliczed from the Irish surname Mac Giolla Chudha means 'descendant of sea warrior'.
Gilligan Irish
English translation of Gaelic name Mac Giollagain, derived from the word, giolla, meaning: lad.
Gillooly Irish
shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Giolla Ghuala "son of the gluttonous lad" from gola "gullet gut".
Gilmartin Irish (Anglicized), Scottish (Anglicized)
shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Giolla Mhartain, a patronymic from the personal name Giolla Mhartain "servant of (Saint) Martin"... [more]
Gilpin English, Irish, Northern Irish
English: in the northeast, from the Gilpin river in Cumbria; in southern counties, probably a variant of Galpin. ... [more]
Gilroy Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Scottish
"Red servant" in Gaelic.
Gilsenan Irish
From a follower of Saint Senán mac Geirrcinn
Ginnane Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Cuinneáin or Ó Cuineáin.
Glass Irish, Scottish
Anglicized form of the epithet glas "gray, green, blue" or any of various Gaelic surnames derived from it.
Gleason Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Irish Ó Glasáin, from a diminutive of glas "green, blue, gray"
Glissen English, Irish
Possible British version of the Irish surname Glasson from the the Gaelic word O’Glasain. Meaning green from the counties of Tipperary.
Gorey English, Irish (Anglicized)
See Mcgorry. Edward Gorey was a noted bearer.
Gormley Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicised form of Ó Gormghaile meaning "descendant of Gormghal," Gormghal, a personal name, being derived from gorm meaning "noble, (dark) blue" and gal meaning "valour, ardour."
Govern English, Irish
Reduced form of McGovern.
Gowan Irish
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Gobhann ‘descendant of the smith’.
Grady Irish
From the Gaelic Gráda meaning "noble."
Grayden Irish
Variation of Graden.
Grayson Scottish, Irish
Means "son of Gray".
Greany Irish
The surname Greany comes from the original Irish Ó Gráinne, from the female Christian name Gráinne... [more]
Gribben Irish
This surname is of Old Gaelic origin, and is a variant of "Cribben", which itself is the Anglicized form of the Gaelic name "MacRoibin", meaning "son of (mac) Robin", a patronymic from the Anglo-Norman French given name "Robin"... [more]
Griffin Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized (part translated) form of Gaelic Ó Gríobhtha "descendant of Gríobhtha", a personal name from gríobh "gryphon".
Grimes English, Irish
Patronymic derived from Grime.... [more]
Groark Irish
Variant of O'Rourke.
Grogan Irish
Derived from the native Gaelic O'Gruagain Sept that was initially located in County Roscommon but which became widely dispersed. The name is derived from a Gaelic word meaning 'fierceness'.
Grugan Irish
Variant of Grogan.
Guilfoyle Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Mac Giolla Phóil
Guinan Irish
The surname Guinan comes from the Irish surname O Cuanain (O'Conein and MacConein) and is derived from the Irish Cuinin for "rabbit", son of Dugal. They claim descendancy through the Donnelly line of the native Irish.
Gurry Irish
Variant of Gorry.
Guthrie Scottish, Irish
As a Scottish surname, this is either a habitational name for a person from the village of Guthrie near Forfar, itself from Gaelic gaothair meaning "windy place" (a derivative of gaoth "wind") and the locative suffix -ach, or alternatively it might possibly be an Anglicized form of Scottish Gaelic Mag Uchtre meaning "son of Uchtre", a personal name of uncertain origin, perhaps related to uchtlach "child".... [more]
Hadden Irish
Variation of Haden
Hagan Irish
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÁgáin "descendant of Ógán", a personal name from a diminutive of óg "young".
Hagan Irish
Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAodhagáin "descendant of Aodhagán", a personal name formed from a double diminutive of Aodh meaning "fire".
Hainey Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Scottish, English
(Celtic) A lost me devil village in Scotland; or one who came from Hanney island in Berkshire.
Halligan Irish
shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÁilleagán "descendant of Áilleagán" a double diminutive of áille "beauty".
Hallinan Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÁilgheanáin "descendant of Áilgheanán", a pet form of a personal name composed of old Celtic elements meaning "mild, noble person".
Halpin Irish
Anglicized form of the Irish-Gaelic given name Ó Hailpín.
Hamill Irish
According to MacLysaght, a shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÁdhmaill "descendant of Ádhmall", which he derives from ádhmall "active".
Hanafin Irish
Shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAinbhthín (modernized as Ó hAinifín) ‘descendant of Ainbhthín’, a personal name derived from ainbhíoth ‘non-peace’, ‘storm’.
Haney Irish
Derived from the Gaelic name Ó hEighnigh
Hanley Irish
Means “descendant of Áinle.” Derived from “O’Hanley,” an anglicized form of “Ó hÁinle,” ultimately from Gaelic “ainle” meaning “beauty, grace.”
Hanlon Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hAnluain "descendant of Anluan", a personal name from the intensive prefix an- and luan "light", "radiance" or "warrior". Occasionally it has been used to represent Hallinan.
Hanna Irish, Scottish
from Gaelic Ó hAnnaigh "descendant of Annach" a personal name of uncertain origin or from Gaelic Ó hÉanna "descendant of Éanna" also unexplained but well attested... [more]
Hannant Irish
A variant of the Irish surname Hannon An anglicized form of Irish-Gaelic Ó Hannáin
Hanon Irish, Walloon, French
Variant of Hannon. Borne by French pianist Charles-Louis Hanon.
Hanratty Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hInreachtaigh meaning "descendant of Ionnrachtach", a given name meaning "attacker".
Hanvey Irish
Variant of Hanafin.
Hare Irish (Anglicized), English (American)
Irish (Ulster): Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÍr, meaning ‘long-lasting’. In Ireland this name is found in County Armagh; it has also long been established in Scotland.... [more]
Harkless English, Scottish, Irish
Derived from Harkin, a Scottish diminutive of Henry.
Harold Irish
Of direct Norse origin, but is also occasionally a variant of Harrell and Hurrell.
Harshaw Irish, Northern Irish
Meaning uncertain, possibly a variant of Hershey or Archer.
Harty Irish
Anglicized form of Ó Hathartaigh.
Hastings Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hOistín meaning "descendant of Oistín", the Gaelic form of a Norse variant of Austin, or possibly Eysteinn.
Heafy Irish
Variant of Heaphy.
Healy Irish
Southern Irish: reduced form of O’Healy, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÉilidhe ‘descendant of the claimant’, from éilidhe ‘claimant’, or of Gaelic Ó hÉalaighthe ‘descendant of Éaladhach’, a personal name probably from ealadhach ‘ingenious’.
Heaphy Irish
From Irish Gaelic Ó hÉamhthaigh meaning "descendant of Éamhthach", the given name Éamhthach meaning "swift" in Gaelic.
Hearne Irish
Anglicized form of Ó hEachthighearna.
Hearns Irish
Variant of Hearn.
Hebor Irish
From forename Heber 1.
Heeley English, Irish
Variant of English Healey or Irish Healy.
Heffron Irish, English (American)
Of uncertain meaning. Private Babe Heffron was a famous bearer of that name.
Henley English, Irish, German (Anglicized)
English: habitational name from any of the various places so called. Most, for example those in Oxfordshire, Suffolk, and Warwickshire, are named with Old English héan (the weak dative case of heah ‘high’, originally used after a preposition and article) + Old English leah ‘wood’, ‘clearing’... [more]
Hennelly Irish
From the Irish Ó'hIonnghaile, itself "descendant of (a variation of) Fionnghal" (fionn, "white, fair"; gall, "stranger")... [more]
Hennessee Irish
A variant of the traditionally Irish surname Hennessey or Hennessy, an Anglicization of Ó hAonghusa meaning "descendant of Aonghus".
Hennessey Irish
Variant spelling of Hennessy.
Hensen English, Irish
English patronymic from the personal name Henn/Henne, a short form of Henry, Hayne (see Hain), or Hendy... [more]
Herlihy Irish
From Irish Gaelic Ó hIarfhlatha "descendant of Iarfhlaith", a personal name meaning literally "lord of the west".
Herrick Irish
Anglicized form of Irish Ó hEirc "descendant of Erc", a byname meaning "speckled, spotted".
Heston English, Irish
Derived from Heston, a suburban area in West London (historically in Middlesex), or Histon, a village and civil parish in Cambridgeshire, England. It is either named with Old English hǣs meaning "brushwood" and tūn meaning "farmstead, settlement, estate", or from hyse "shoot, tendril, son, youth" and tūn... [more]
Hewton Irish
I can only date it back to Armagh County, Ireland in the early 1800s.
Hickson Irish, English
It means ‘countryman’ similar to Hickman
Higgins Irish
Variant of Hagan.
Hillery English, Irish
Variant of Hillary. This surname has long been established in the county of Clare in Ireland. It was borne by the Irish president Patrick Hillery (1923-2008).
Hindman Irish
Keeper of the king's deer.
Holland Irish (Anglicized), Irish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hÓileáin, a variant of Ó hAoláin, from a form of Faolán (with loss of the initial F-)... [more]