Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Monomachos GreekMeaning gladiator or 'the one that fights alone.' A surname of a Byzantine family from Nicomedia (Izmit).
Morells GreekOne meaning/explanation of the surname Morells is it's an Americanization of the Greek name surname
Mourouzis GreekBelonged to an important Greek family of Pontic origin.
Moustaki Μουστακί GreekMoustaki is Derived from the Greek word for ‘moustache’, μουστάκι.
Nomikos Νομικός GreekA Greek surname which means "relating to law" (see first name
Oikonomos Οικονόμος GreekMeans "housekeeper, steward" from the Greek word οἰκόνομος (
oikonomos), derived from οἶκος (
oikos) "house, household" and νόμος (
nomos) "law, custom"... [
Onasis Ωνάσης GreekFrom Turkish
oynas which means "Lover".
Pagourtzis Παγουρτζής GreekDerived from Greek Παγούρι (
Pagouri) meaning "flask, canteen", a vessel containing (usually) water.
Palaiologos GreekFrom the Greek words palaios logos, lit. "old word", most likely signifying an "antique collector".The surname of the last ruling Byzantine family.
Panaritis GreekOccupational name for a baker, from Latin panarium ‘bread basket’.
Panou Πάνου GreekMeans "son of
Panos". A famous bearer is the Greek composer Akis Panou (1933-2000)
Pantazis πανταζής GreekDerived from the Greek wish: πάντα να ζει! (
panta na zei!) or πάντα ζεις! (
panta zeis!) meaning "live forever!", from the Greek πάντα (
panta) meaning "always" and ζεις (
zeis) meaning "live"... [
Papadiamantopoulos Παπαδιαμαντόπουλος GreekMeans "descendant of the diamond priest" in Greek. A notable bearer of this surname is Ioannis Papadiamantopoulos, a Greek revolutionary leader.
Papas Πάπας GreekFrom Greek meaning "pope, priest".
Papazoglou Παπάζογλου GreekMeans "son of the priest", derived from the Greek παπάς
(papás) meaning "priest" combined with the Turkish
oğlu or
oğul meaning "son, descendant".
Pelekanos GreekMeans woodpecker" from Greek pelekanos "green woodpecker" (cognate with pelekan "pelican"; both come from pelekys "axe" the pelican because its beak is shaped like an axe the woodpecker because it uses its beak like an axe).
Perdikis Περδίκης GreekA surname derived from the Greek word "πέρδικα", meaning partridge or grouse. It appeared first time in the Byzantine Empire during the 11th century.
Perdikogiannis Περδικογιάννης GreekMeans "partridge John" in Greek, from πέρδικα
(perdika) "partridge" combined with the given name
Persakis Περσάκης GreekPossibly related to περσικός (
persikos), itself from the Ancient Greek Περσίς (
Persís) meaning “Persia (today Iran)”.
Petraliphas GreekThe surname is composed of the name Petros and the city Alifa in Campania, Italy. The surname was held by a Byzantine-Italian family in Epirus.
Pikrammenos Πικραμμένος GreekFrom Greek πικρός (
pikrós) meaning "bitter, acrid, embittered". A famous bearer is the Greek judge and politician Panagiotis Pikrammenos (1945-), who was Deputy Prime Minister of Greece... [
Ploumides GreekDescendant or son of the ornamented, from the Latin word 'pluma', for ornament.
Politis GreekPolitis derives from the Greek word polis, which means 'city'. Therefore Politis means 'citizen'. According to some historians people with this surname have ancestors who came from Constantinople, which was commonly called Polis in the Byzantine era.
Polychronakis GreekThe suffix 'akis' indicates that this name comes from the island of Crete. The precise meaning is unknown, though it is theorised that, as 'poly' means "many" or "much" and 'chron' might be supposed to come from the same root as 'Chronos' meaning "time", the name means "much time" or "long time".
Portokalos πορτοκάλοσ GreekFrom the Greek word
πορτοκάλι (
portokáli), which means "orange." The name could refer either to farmers who maintained an orange orchard / grove or someone who had an orange aspect to their appearance or demeanor.
Poulos Πούλος GreekDenotes kinship. Derived from the Latin
pullus, meaning "offspring, chick"
Prevedoros GreekFrom the Italian rank of provveditore "he who sees to things" (overseer) was the style of various local district governors in the extensive, mainly maritime empire of the Republic of Venice.
Prontzos Πρόντζος GreekOriginally cattle breeders located in the Parnon mountains, the name derives from its original form, Prountzos, which means red faced ancestor, or bronzed face. It eventually got its current form as the centuries went by.
Psychogios GreekFrom the Greek words for soul (ψυχή) and son (γιός), usually means godson.
Pyrgos Πύργος GreekMeans "tower" in Greek. Pyrgos is a city in the northwestern Peloponnese, Greece, capital of the regional unit of Elis.
Pyromallis GreekThe redhaired, from the words, πύρ fire/reddish and μαλλί for hair.
Rallis Ράλλης GreekA surname held by the descendants of a Frankish-Byzantine noble named
Raoul. The Rallis family (also spelled Ralli, Ralles or Rallet in Romanian) is the name of an old Greek Phanariote family, whose members played important political role in the history of modern Greece, Danubian Principalities and later in the United Kingdom... [
Romas GreekMeaning the Roman, held by a family originating from the Greek community of Sicily.
Roussos Ρούσσος GreekOriginally a nickname for a red-haired or blond person, derived from Greek ρούσος
(roúsos) "red".
Sallas Σάλλας Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Occitan, Galician, Portuguese, Aragonese, Asturian, Romanian, GreekEither a variant of
Salas or
Sala, or else a nickname from Arabic, Turkish, or Persian
salli meaning "broad, wide, large, tall".
Sarakatsanis Σαρακατσάνης GreekDerived from the Greek Σαρακατσάνοι (
Sarakatsanoi) referred to an ethnic Greek population subgroup who were traditionally transhumant shepherds, native to Greece, with a smaller presence in neighbouring Bulgaria, southern Albania, and North Macedonia... [
Sarris Σαρρής GreekDerived from Turkish
sari meaning "blond, fair-haired".
Savas GreekFrom the personal name Sav(v)as, New Testament Greek
Sabbas, a derivative of
Sabbaton "Sabbath", "Saturday".
Scala Italian, GreekHabitational or topographic name from any of various places named with
scala, "ladder", "steps", "wharf".
Sedaris GreekDavid Sedaris, author of Calypso and others, and Amy Sedaris, actress and comedienne, are two well-known siblings with the surname.
Serapin Σεραπίνη Filipino, Tagalog, Greek, Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Serbian, Macedonian, Latvian, LithuanianFrom the given name
Sevastos GreekFrom the same Greek word that means respected, also an aristocratic title during the Byzantine Empire.
Sgouros GreekThe surname means "curly-haired" in medieval Greek. According to Adamantios Korais the etymology is from the Greek word gyros (round).
Sideris GreekGreek reduced and altered form of the personal name
Isidoros (see
Isadore), altered by folk etymology as if derived from
sidero ‘iron’ (classical Greek
sideron), and hence regarded as an omen name: ‘may the child grow up to be as strong as iron’.
Siopis Σιώπης GreekFrom Greek σιωπή
(siopi) "silence". Usually a nickname for someone who is always silent, basically the quiet kid.
Skarlatos Σκαρλάτος GreekOccupational name for a dyer, or as a nickname for someone who habitually wore scarlet or who had bright red hair, cognate to the Italian surname
Skleros GreekMeans strong/ harsh in Greek, and also the name of an old Byzantine family.
Soutzos GreekThe surname belonged to a Phanariot family of Aromanian descent. The name of the family derives from the Turkish word "sütçü".
Stefanakos GreekIt is associated with the name
Stefanos, perhaps meaning son of Stefanos or little Stefanos. Origin from the Mani peninsula.
Stratigos GreekDeriving from the Greek title for a general. Feminine form is Stratigo.
Tarchaneiotes Greek(1) Either from the village of Tarchaneion in Thrace, (2) from Mongol word targan, for "smith",(3) from the Khazar noble title tarkhan, ultimately of Sogdian/Saka origin.
Tatopoulos Τατόπουλος GreekSurname of dancer and actress Zoï Tatopoulos, and of her father, Patrick Tatopoulos, production designer and director
Terzis GreekFrom the Italian surname
Terzi 1 ultimately from the Italian given name
Terzo, meaning the third given usually name to the third child.
Thanos GreekFrom a short form of the personal name
Athanasios, literally "immortal". This was the name of several saints venerated in the Greek Orthodox Church, the most important of them being
Athanasios the Great (293–373), theologian and patriarch of Alexandria in Egypt.
Tiriliomis τιριλιόμις GreekTirilomis is the masc variation, Tiriliomi the fem.
Tonje Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Italian, Greek, Russian, Polish, Czech, Icelandic, Slovak, Croatian, Nepali, EstonianFrom given name Tonje
Toros GreekFrom Latin taurus "bull", Greek version of the Italian surname