Serbian Submitted Surnames

Serbian names are used in the country of Serbia in southeastern Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Milisavljević Милисављевић Serbian
Means "son of Milisav".
Miljanović Миљановић Serbian
Means "son of Miljan".
Milković Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic derived from the given name Milko, itself a diminutive of Slavic names containing the element milu meaning "gracious, dear".
Milutinović Милутиновић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Milutin".
Minić Минић Serbian
Mirković Мирковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Mirko".
Mišić Мишић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Mišo". Also, mišić (мишић) can be translated as "muscle".
Misita Мисита Serbian
Mišković Мишковић Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Miško".
Mitić Митић Serbian
Mladić Младић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from mlad/a (млад/а), meaning "young".
Molnar Молнар Serbian, Croatian, Romanian
Variant of Molnár.
Momčilov Момчилов m Serbian, Macedonian
Means "son of Momčilo".
Momčilova Момчилова f Serbian, Macedonian
Feminine form of Momčilov.
Momčilović Момчиловић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Momčilo".
Morača Морача Serbian
Morača is a historical region in Montenegro.
Moravčević Моравчевић Serbian
Mrakić Мракић Serbian
Mrkšić Мркшић Serbian
Musić Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Patronymic from the personal name Musa, a pet form of the Biblical name Mojsije.
Mušicki Мушицки Serbian
Nađ Нађ Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian variant of Nagy.
Nedić Недић Serbian, Croatian
Nedović Недовић Serbian
Nikčević Никчевић Montenegrin, Serbian
Nikitović Никитовић Serbian
Means "son of Nikita 1".
Nikodijević Никодијевић Serbian
Means "son of Nikodije".
Novaković Новаковић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Novak.
Novakovich Новаковицх Croatian, Serbian
Anglicised form of Novaković.
Novović Нововић Serbian, Montenegrin
Obrenović Обреновић Serbian
Ognjanović Огњановић Serbian
Means "son of Ognjan".
Ognjenović Огњеновић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Ognjen".
Ojdanić Ојданић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Ojdan".
Ostojić Остојић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Ostoja".
Pajić Пајић Serbian
Palić Палић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from paliti, meaning "to fire" or "to set on fire".
Palikuća Паликућа Serbian
Panić Панић Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Croatian
Patronymic from the personal names Pane, Pano, Panteleon or Pankracij.
Pantić Пантић Serbian
Pantović Пантовић Serbian
Papaz Папаз Serbian
Pavković Павковић Croatian, Serbian
Pavlić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Pavle".
Pećanac Пећанац Serbian
Habitational name for someone from the village of Peći, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Pejanović Пејановић Serbian
Pejčić Пејчић Serbian
Pejić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Pejo".
Pejović Пејовић Serbian (Russified, Modern)
Pejović is a Serbian surname. Mainly used in serbia. But also used in Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia
Peković Пековић Montenegrin, Serbian
Perčević Перчевић Serbian, Croatian
Perišić Перишић Serbian, Montenegrin
Perović Перовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Pero".
Peršin Першин Croatian, Serbian
From Croatian peršin meaning "parsley," likely referring to a grower or seller.
Peruničić Перуничић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Perun". Perun was the Slavic god of lightning.
Pesic Пешић Serbian
Petričević Петричевић Croatian, Serbian
A patronymic derived from Petrič, a diminutive of Petar.
Pijade Пијаде Serbian
Piroćanac Пироћанац Serbian
Habitational name for someone from Pirot, Serbia.
Poljaković Пољаковић Serbian, Croatian
Cognate of Polyakov.
Preradović Прерадовић Serbian
Princip Принцип Bosnian, Serbian
Probably derived from Latin princeps "leader, initiator, prince", which itself was ultimately derived from primus "first" and capere "to take". The surname may thus have originated as a nickname for someone with a princely appearance, or for someone who was the illegitimate offspring of a prince... [more]
Prodanović Serbian
Means "son of Prodan".
Protić Протић Serbian
Puhar Пухар Serbian (Modern, Rare)
The last name of the contestant Mirjana Puhar from America's Next Top Model, who originally was born in Serbia. She died on February 24, 2015, aged 19 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Purić Пурић Serbian, Croatian
Putnik Путник Serbian
Derived from putnik (путник), meaning "traveller".
Puzigaća Пузигаћа Serbian
Rabrenović Рабреновић Serbian
Rađen Рађен Serbian
Radenković Раденковић Serbian
Means ''son of Radenko''.
Rađenović Рађеновић Serbian
Radenović Раденовић Montenegrin, Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Rade".
Radinović Радиновић Serbian
Means "son of Radin".
Radišić Радишић Serbian
Radmilović Радмиловић Serbian
Means "son of Radmilo".
Radonjić Радоњић Serbian, Montenegrin
Radosavljević Радосављевић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radosav or Radoslav".
Radovan Радован Slovak, Czech, Serbian, Croatian
From the given name Radovan.
Radovanović Радовановић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radovan".
Radović Радовић Serbian, Montenegrin, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Radovan".
Radulović Радуловић Serbian
Possibly derived from rado lovi, meaning "glad to hunt".
Radunović Радуновић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Radun".
Rafailović Рафаиловић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Rafail".
Rajković Serbian
Means "son of Rajko".
Rakić Ракић Serbian
From Serbian "rak" meaning 'crab', 'lobster', or 'crayfish'. It can also mean 'cancer'.
Rakitić Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Famous bearer of this surname is Croatian footballer Ivan Rakitić.
Ranković Ранковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Ranko".
Rapaić Рапаић Serbian, Croatian
Rašić Рашић Serbian
Rašković Рашковић Serbian
Ratković Ратковић Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Ratko".
Repac Serbian, Croatian
means little tail
Repić Репић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from repa, meaning "turnip."
Rodić Родић Serbian, Croatian
Possibly derived from roda (рода), meaning "stork".
Rokvić Роквић Serbian
Ružić Ружић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from ruža meaning ''rose''.
Sabadoš Сабадош Croatian, Serbian
Sabo Сабо Serbian, Croatian, Romanian
Variant form of Szabó.
Šabotić Шаботић Montenegrin, Serbian
Šakota Serbian
From šaka, meaning "hand"
Šaraba Шараба Serbian
Šaranović Шарановић Bosnian, Serbian
Savanović Савановић Serbian
Šćepanović Шћепановић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Šćepan".
Šegrt Шегрт Serbian
Derived from šegrt (шегрт), meaning "apprentice".
Sekulic Serbian
There is possibility that name come from latin word secolo, means century. Usual Serb end of surname is IC. All Serbs-Montenegrians, also small number of Croats who has that surname has origion from heart of Montenegro... [more]
Šijačić Шијачић Serbian
Simatović Симатовић Croatian, Serbian
Simeunović Симеуновић Serbian
Means "son of Simeun" in Serbian.
Simić Симиц Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Means "son of Simo".
Simović Симовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Simo".
Sirar Сирар Serbian, Bosnian
Occupational name for someone who makes or sells cheese.
Šmigiæ Serbian
It is old Serbian surname.It's origins are probably from Kosovo.
Smiljanić Смиљанић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Smiljan".
Soldatović Солдатовић Serbian
Means "son of a soldier" in Serbian.
Spajić Спајић Serbian
Špoljarić Шпољарић Croatian, Serbian
Srdić Срдић Serbian
Sretenović Сретеновић Serbian
Means "son of Sreten".
Stajić Стајић Serbian
Štajnfeld Штајнфелд Serbian
Serbian form of Steinfeld.
Stambolić Стамболић Croatian, Serbian
Stanić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Stanko".
Stanimirović Станимировић Serbian
Means "son of Stanimir".
Stanisavljević Станисављевић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stanislav".
Stanojković Станојковић Serbian
Means "son of Stanojko".
Stipić Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Stipe".
Stjepanović Стјепановић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Stjepan".
Stojkov Стојков m Macedonian, Serbian
Means "son of Stojko".
Stojković Стојковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Stojan".
Šuranji Шурањи Serbian
Šurbanović Шурбановић Serbian
Svjetlanović Свјетлановић Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Means "son of Svjetlan."
Talija Талија Serbian
Talija... [more]
Tanasijević Танасијевић Serbian
Means "son of Tanasije".
Tasić Тасић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tasa".
Tatomirović Татомировић Serbian
Teodorović Теодоровић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Teodor".
Tešan Тешан Serbian
Tešanović Тешановић Serbian
Timotijević Тимотијевић Serbian
Means "son of Timotije".
Todorić Тодорић Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Todor".
Todosijević Тодосијевић Serbian
Means "son of Todosije".
Tomaš Томаш Serbian, Croatian, Sorbian, German
From the given name Tomaš.
Tomašević Томашевић Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tomaš".
Tomović Томовић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Tomo" or "son of Toma 2".
Topić Топић Croatian, Serbian
Tošić Тошић Serbian
Tot Тот Serbian
Serbian variant of Tót.
Totic Тотић Serbian, Bosnian
Trajković Трајковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Trajko".
Travar Травар Croatian, Serbian
Derived from travar, meaning "herbalist".
Trifunović Трифуновић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Trifun".
Trivunović Тривуновић Serbian
Ulemek Улемек Serbian
Vasilijević Василијевић Serbian
Means "son of Vasilije".
Vasiljević Васиљевић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Vasilije".
Veselinov Веселинов Bulgarian, Serbian
Means "son of Veselin".
Veselinović Веселиновић Serbian
Means "son of Veselin".
Vidaković Видаковић Croatian, Serbian
Means ''son of Vidak or Vid''.
Vidić Видић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the given name Vid.
Vidojević Видојевић Serbian
Means "son of Vidoje".
Vladić Croatian, Serbian
Means ''son of Vlad''.
Vlatković Влатковић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Vlatko".
Vraneš Вранеш Serbian
Vrhovac Врховац Serbian, Croatian
From vrh meaning ''top, peak, summit''. Also a common place name.Bpхoвaц
Vrhovec Врховец Serbian, Croatian
Vučetić Вучетић Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Vučeta".
Vučević Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vučić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vučinović Вучиновић Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the given name Vuk, which also means "wolf".
Vučković Вучковић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujačić Вујачић Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujadinović Вујадиновић Serbian
Means "son of Vujadin".
Vujanić Serbian
Means "son of Vujan".
Vujanović Вујановић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Vujan".
Vujčić Вујчић Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujić Вујић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujičić Вујичић Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vujisić Вујисић Serbian, Montenegrin
Derived from vuk (вук), meaning "wolf".
Vuk Вук Croatian, Serbian
Derived from vuk meaning ''wolf''.
Vukadinović Вукадиновић Serbian
Derived from the given name Vukadin.
Vukan Вукан Serbian
Derived from vuk meaning ''wolf''.
Vukašin Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vukašin.
Vukašinović Вукашиновић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Vukašin".
Vukčević Вукчевић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukelić Вукелић Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukić Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukićević Вукићевић Serbian
Means "son of Vuk".
Vukmanović Вукмановић Serbian, Montenegrin
Patronymic, meaning "son of Vukman".
Vukosavljević Вукосављевић Serbian
Means "son of Vukosav".
Vukotić Вукотић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Vukota".
Vukov Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vukovics Вуковић Serbian (Magyarized), Croatian (Magyarized)
Magyarised form of Vuković.
Vuksanović Вуксановић Serbian
Derived from the given name Vuk.
Vulović Вуловић Serbian
Vulović is the last name of Roki Vulović, a Serbian nationalist singer who lives in Bosnia.
Yankovic Ианковић Slovene, Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Polish
Americanized form of Janković, or perhaps Jankowicz.
Yankovich Ианковицх Serbian, Croatian, Slovene
Americanized spelling of Janković or Jankovič.
Yelich Serbian (Anglicized, Rare)
Yelich is an Anglicized spelling of the last name Jelić.
Yovanovich Јованович Serbian
Anglicised form of Jovanović.
Zarubica Зарубица Montenegrin, Serbian
Zdravković Здравковић Serbian
Means "son of Zdravko".
Zec Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Slovene
Means ''rabbit''.
Zečević Зечевић Serbian
Derived from zec, meaning ''rabbit''.
Zeković Зековић Serbian, Montenegrin
Derived from zeko (зеко), meaning "bunny".
Zelenović Зеленовић Serbian
Derived from Serbian зелен (zelen) "green".
Zindović Зиндовић Montenegrin, Serbian
Živadinović Живадиновић Serbian
Means "son of Živadin".
Živanović Живановић Serbian
Means "son of Živan".
Živkov Живков Serbian
Means "son of Živko".
Živojinović Живојиновић Serbian
Means "son of Živojin".
Zlatanović Златановић Serbian
Means "son of Zlatan".
Zlatar Златар Croatian, Serbian
From zlatar meaning "goldsmith" or "jeweler".
Zlatić Златић Croatian, Serbian
Zlatković Златковић Serbian
Means "son of Zlatko".
Zoranić Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian
Derived from the male given name Zolan.
Zrnić Зрнић Serbian
Derivative of Serbian tribal name located in Ozrinići, Montenegro.
Žugić Жугић Serbian, Montenegrin
Derived from žuganje (жугање), meaning "whining, complaining".
Žujović Жујовић Serbian
Zvezdanović Звездановић Serbian (Rare)
Derived from the given name Zvezdan.