Serbo-Croatian Submitted Surnames

These names are used in Serbia, Croatia, and other parts of the former Yugoslavia. For more specific lists, see Serbian names and Croatian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abramović Абрамовић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Abram 2".
Aćimović Аћимовић Serbian
A patronymic surname derived from the given name Aćim.
Acović Ацовић Serbian, Macedonian
Means "son of Aco".
Adamović Serbian, Croatian
Patronymic from the personal name Adam.
Adem Turkish, Bosnian, Albanian, Uyghur
From the given name Adem.
Ademović Bosnian
Means "son of Adem".
Adilović Bosnian
Means "son of Adil".
Adrović Адровић Montenegrin
Aganović Bosnian
means "son of Agan
Ahmedović Bosnian
Means "son of Ahmed" in Bosnian.
Ahmetović Bosnian
Means "son of Ahmet".
Ajdinović Bosnian
Means "son of Ajdin".
Aksentijević Аксентијевић Serbian
Means "son of Aksentije".
Alanović Serbian
Means "son of Alan" in Serbian.
Aleksandrović Александровић Serbian
Means "son of Aleksandar."
Alić Bosnian
Means "son of Ali 1".
Alomerović Bosnian (Modern)
Derived from the Arabic surname Al-Omari.
Anđelković Анђелковић Serbian
Means "son of Anđelko".
Andjelković Анђелковић Serbian (Anglicized)
Anglicized version of Anđelković.
Andrejević Андрејевић Serbian
Means ''son of Andrej''.
Andrijević Андријевић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Andrija".
Anić Анић Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ana" in Serbo-Croatian.
Antonijević Антонијевић Serbian
Means "son of Antonije".
Apostolović Апостоловић Serbian
Means "son of Apostolos" in Serbian.
Aranđelović Аранђеловић Serbian
Arapović Croatian, Bosnian (Rare)
From “Arap” meaning “Arab” in Croatian, derived from Turkish Arap
Arifović Bosnian
Means "son of Arif".
Arnautović Арнаутовић Serbian, Croatian
From Turkish arnavut meaning "Albanian".
Arslanagić Bosnian
Means "son of Arslan".
Ašanin Ашанин Serbian
Avdić Bosnian
Means "child of Avdo".
Babović Бабовић Montenegrin, Serbian
Baćović Баћовић Montenegrin, Serbian
Bačvar Croatian
Bačvar family my grandfather Stjepan Bačvar born July 11 1904 in Bosiljevo Croatia in Croatia it means barrel Here in Canada it's spelled Bacvar thank you
Badelj Croatian
Meaning unknown.... [more]
Bajić Бајић Serbian
Bajramović Bosnian
Derived from Bosnian bajram meaning "Eid" (a Muslim festival), borrowed from Turkish bayram.
Balić Croatian
Derived from the word balija meaning "peasant" or from the forename Balislav.
Baloković Croatian
Most of Croatian families with the surname (last name) Baloković originate from the town of Donji Miholjac located in Osijek-Baranja County on the border with Hungary. During the 1700s and 1800s most of the people bearing this family name were born either in Donji Miholjac and/or nearby Nasice... [more]
Baltić Балтић Serbian
Ban Croatian
Derived from a noble title used in several states in Central and Southeastern Europe between the 7th century and the 20th century.
Bandović Бандовић Serbian
Banović Бановић Serbian, Croatian
"Son of a Ban", the -ić "son of" suffix with ban, the title of class of Croatian nobility beginning in the 7th century approximately equivalent to viceroy, lord or duke, stemming potentially from the Turkic bajan ("rich, wealthy").
Barjaktarović Montenegrin
Derived from barjaktar (барјактар), meaning "flag bearer, standard bearer".
Begić Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Possibly related to Turkish element beg meaning "chieftain, leader".
Bektešević Bosnian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Bektaş".
Belić Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the word belo meaning "white".
Belin Serbian
Variant of Belan.
Belovuk Serbian
Means "white wolf" in Serbian.
Benčić Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Benčići, Croatia.
Berberić Bosnian
Occupational name for a barber, from berber(in) meaning "barber", from Turkish.
Bigović Croatian
Meaning unknown. Sources say that there's only 35 people with this surname in Croatia.... [more]
Bijelić Croatian
Derived from bijel, meaning "white".
Bikić Croatian
Occupational name for someone who raised bulls.
Biković Биковић Serbian
Bilbija Билбија Serbian
Bilić Croatian
Derived from dialectal bil, standard Croatian bijel, meaning "white".... [more]
Birčanin Бирчанин Serbian
Possibly derived from the village of Birač, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bivol Romanian, Moldovan, Russian, Croatian
Means "buffalo, ox" in Romanian, Russian and Croatian.
Bjeljac Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
From the Croation Area of Kordun specifically Koranski Lug. Possibly also Bosnia. A large migration of Serbs were enticed by the Austrian government to move from Bosnia to Croatia to act as a buffer militia between the Ottoman Empire of Bosnia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Croatia... [more]
Bjelovuk Serbian
From the given name Vuk. Variant of Belovuk.
Blagojević Благојевић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Blagoje".
Blagojevich Благојевић Serbian (Americanized, Modern)
Americanized form of Serbian patronymic Blagojević.
Blaškić Croatian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Blaž".
Blizanac Близанац Serbian
From Serbian meaning 'twin'.
Boban Croatian
Habitational name, originates from Bobanova Draga, a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bogdan Romanian, Croatian
From the given name Bogdan.
Bogosavljević Богосављевић Serbian
Means "son of Bogosav".
Bogunović Богуновић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Bogun".
Bojanovski Бојановски Serbian
Bojić Бојић Serbian
Derived from boj (бој), meaning "battle".
Bojović Бојовић Montenegrin, Serbian
Bolić Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the word bol, meaning "pain, ache".
Borilović Бориловић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Boril"
Borislavić Бориславић Serbian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Borislav"
Bosak Croatian
Derived from bos, meaning "barefoot".
Bošković Бошковић Serbian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Boško".
Bosnić Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Means ''from Bosnia''.
Bošnjak Бошњак Croatian, Serbian
Derived from "Bošnjak", for someone who has their roots in Bosnia. This surname is rare in Bosnian Muslims.
Božak Croatian
Derived from the forename Božo.
Božikov Croatian
From božikovina, meaning "holly".
Bozinovic Serbian
Son of Bozidar
Božović Божовић Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin
Means "son of Božo".
Brajković Брајковић Croatian, Serbian
Bratić Serbian
Means ''little brother''.
Bregar Slovene, Croatian
Derived from breg meaning ''hill''.
Brnčić Croatian
Meaning unknown.
Brozović Croatian
Derived from Broz.
Bubanja Montenegrin
Derived from bubanj, meaning "drum".
Budimir Будимир Croatian, Serbian
From the given name Budimir.
Bukvić Буквић Serbian
From Serbian буква (bukva), meaning "letter (of alphabet)".
Bulatović Булатовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Bulić Croatian
Derived from Ottoman Turkish bula meaning "a married woman or a Muslim woman in harem pants or covered with a headscarf" or from the forename Bule a hypocoristic of Budislav, Budimir, Budivoj, Budimil.
Buljubašić Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Slovene
Buljubašić is a Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian surname derived from the Ottoman military rank Boluk-bashi.... [more]
Bumrap Bosnian (Rare)
Of Slavic origin, possibly originating near the city of Tuzla.
Butković Croatian
Habitational name for someone from Butkovići, Croatia.
Čabarkapa Чабаркапа Serbian, Montenegrin
Derived from čabar (чабар), meaning "tub, bucket", and kapa (капа), meaning "cap, hat".
Camović Цамовић Serbian, Bosnian
Čapljić Чапљић Serbian
Car Croatian, Serbian
Means "Tzar".
Čavka Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Means "jackdaw" in various Balkan languages.
Čekić Чекић Serbian, Bosnian
Derived from čekić (чекић), meaning "hammer".
Čelar Челар Serbian, Croatian
Derived from čelar (челар), meaning "beekeeper".
Čelebić Bosnian, Montenegrin
Derived from the Turkish title çelebi meaning "gentleman".
Čeleketić Челекетић Serbian
Čelik Челик Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian "čelik", ultimately from Turkish çelik, meaning "steel".
Čeliković Челиковић Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian "čelik", ultimately from Turkish çelik, meaning "steel". The -ović suffix is a patronym.
Ćerimović Bosnian
means "son of Ćerim"
Čerkez Черкез Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Turkish çerkez, meaning "Circassian".
Cerović Церовић Serbian, Montenegrin
Češnjak Croatian (Rare)
Means ''garlic''.
Char Croatian, Serbian, Polish, Slovene
Anglicized spelling of the Slovenian nickname Čar, an ironic nickname from car "tsar".
Ćibarić Croatian
Son of Ćibar
Čičak Croatian
Means ''burdock, thistle''.
Cicvara Цицвара Serbian
Derived from cicvara (цицвара), meaning "gruel", a type of food.
Ćirić Ћирић Serbian
Ćirković Ћирковић Serbian
Čizmadija Croatian
Possibly derived from čizma, meaning "boot".
Čoban Чобан Croatian, Serbian
From čoban meaning ''shepherd''. Cognate of Turkish Çoban.
Čobanac Croatian
From čoban meaning ''shepherd''.
Čobanić Croatian
From čoban meaning ''shepherd''.
Čobanković Croatian
From čoban meaning ''shepherd''.
Čobanov Croatian
From čoban meaning ''shepherd''.
Čobanović Croatian, Serbian
From čoban meaning ''shepherd''.
Čobanski Croatian (Rare)
From čoban meaning ''shepherd''.
Čolak Bosnian
Bosnian form of Turkish surname Çolak.
Čomor Bosnian (Rare), Bosnian
Čomor is a rare surname in the world and has (mostly) Herzegovenian origins. You can find most Čomors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Only 400 people bare the surname. Čomor has two meanings; First meaning is 'buttercup' and the second one is 'a disease that comes from eating fatty (oily) foods, fever with a constant feeling of nausea and disgust'
Čordaš Чордаш Serbian
Ćorluka Croatian
Derived from Turkish körlük, meaning "blindness".... [more]
Čosić Croatian
Variant spelling of Ćosić.
Crnjac Croatian
Derived from crn, meaning "black".
Crnković Croatian
Derived from crn "black". The name refers to a person who was dark-skinned, or a person from the region Crna Gora "Black Mountain" (modern-day Montenegro).
Cujec Croatian
Derived from the word "cuj" which means "listen" or "hear" in English. Likely used to denote someone who was a good listener or was known for their attentive nature.
Ćuk Ћук Serbian, Croatian
Derived from ćuk (ћук), meaning "scops owl".
Cukavac Цукавац Serbian
Custovic Чустовић Bosnian
Cvijanović Цвијановић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Cvijan".
Cvijetić Цвијетић Serbian, Croatian
Means "little flower".
Cvitković Croatian
Patronymic, means "son of Cvitko".
Damjanović Дамјановић Serbian, Montenegrin, Croatian
Means "son of Damjan".
Dangić Дангић Serbian
Danielov um Jewish, Russian, Croatian, Bulgarian (Rare)
Derived from the Hebrew name, meaning "son of Daniel".
Danilović Даниловић Serbian
Means "son of Danilo".
Dašić Дашић Serbian
Davud Persian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian
From the given name Davud.
Debeljački Дебељачки Serbian
Dejanović Дејановић Serbian, Croatian
Means "son of Dejan".