JastremskiЯстремськогоUkrainian, Polish, Czech Derives from a Slavic surname and originates from western Ukraine. The term was initially used to describe either people from the East (Polish name) or people from the South (Ukrainian name). Jastremski is derived from the word jastrom, meaning 'easterner'.... [more]
JuskoЮськоUkrainian, English (American), Polish, Slovak The surname Jusko is both Polish and Ukrainian, but likely has Slavic Slovak origins. It may have come from the word "jus," which means "law" or "justice". It may come from a pet form of the names Just or Julian... [more]
KalashnikКалашникUkrainian Means "maker of kalaches", a variant of калачник (kalachnik) - itself composed of калач (kalach), a type of bread, and the agent suffix -ник (-nik). See also Kalashnikov.
KalchenkoКальченкоUkrainian Possibly from the river Kalchyk (Кальчик), a Ukrainian river in Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk regions.
KavkaКавкаSlovak, Ukrainian, Czech Yet another variant of Kafka and its pop culture equivalents Kefka and Cefca. Also like Kaffka, it simply means ‘Jackdaw’ in Slovak.
KolchakКолчакRussian, Ukrainian Aleksandr Kolchak was a White Army general and the leader of the Russian Empire for a short period of time (1918-1920).
KolodyazhnyyКолодяжнийmUkrainian From Ukrainian колодяжний (kolodyazhnyy), meaning "water well". Denoted to someone who lived by a well.
KolomiyetsКоломієцьUkrainian Means "a person from Kolomyya". Kolomyya is a city and rayon in the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine.
KolyadaКолядаRussian, Ukrainian From Коляда (Kolyada), a name for Slavic Christmas celebrations (or formerly, Slavic pagan traditional winter solstice celebrations).
KonashevychКонашевичUkrainian Surname of Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny, a Ukrainian cossack hetman and military leader of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.
KozachenkoКозаченкоUkrainian Means "son of a cossack", from Ukrainian козак (kozak) "cossack".
KozakPolish, Czech, Slovak, Sorbian, Ukrainian Ethnic name for a Cossack, a member of a people descended from a group of runaway serfs who set up a semi-independent military republic in Ukraine in the 15th and 16th centuries.
KozakovКозаковUkrainian From Ukrainian козак (kozak) meaning "cossack".
KulakКулакRussian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish Means "fist". Was also used to describe Ukrainian farmers who went against the Soviet government in the early 30s.
KulishКулішUkrainian Kulish (Куліш) is Ukrainian and Belarusian traditional wheat or grain food similar to better known kasha (porridge).
KulyaКуляUkrainian Means "bullet" in Ukrainian. Denoted to a soldier.
KulyakКулякUkrainian, Belarusian From Belarusian and Ukrainian куля (kulya), meaning "bullet", probably used to describe a shooter, soldier, or a hunter.
KupkaCzech, Polish, Ukrainian, Slovak, Sorbian, Jewish Nickname or topographic name from the Polish, Ukrainian, Czech and Sorbian word kupka, a diminutive of kupa meaning "heap, pile", in Upper Sorbian also "lump".... [more]
KuryachenkoКуряченкоUkrainian From Ukrainian курячий (kuryachyy), meaning "chicken (adjective)".
KurylenkoКуриленкоUkrainian Possibly an alternate transcription of Ukrainian Кириле́нко (see Kyrylenko). A famous bearer is Ukrainian-French actress and model Olga Kurylenko (1979-).
KuryloUkrainian From the personal name Kurýlo, a Ukrainian form of the ancient Slavic name Kiril, from Greek Kyrillos, a derivative of kyrios "Lord"... [more]
KushnirКушнірUkrainian Means "furrier, fur seller, animal skinner" in Ukrainian.
KuzmaUkrainian, Belarusian From the personal name Kuzma, Greek Kosmas, a derivative of kosmos ‘universe’, ‘(ordered) arrangement’. St. Cosmas, martyred with his brother Damian in Cilicia in the early 4th century ad, came to be widely revered in the Eastern Church.
LirnykЛірникUkrainian Derived from Ukrainian лірник (lirnyk) meaning "lirnyk". Lirnyky were itinerant Ukrainian musicians who performed religious, historical and epic songs to the accompaniment of a lira.