Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keywords alder or tree.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Reimets Estonian
Reimets is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "raie" ("cutting" and "felling trees") and "mets", meaning forest. Possibly a corruption of "reid" ("road" and "roadstead") and ""mets" ("forest").
Reintamm Estonian
Reintamm is an Estonian surname meaning "Rein's (masculine given name) oak".
Remmel Estonian
Remmel is an Estonian surname meaning "willow".
Remmelgas Estonian
Remmelgas is an Estonian surname; a colloquial name meaning "willow".
Remmelkoor Estonian
Remmelkoor is an Estonian surname meaning "willow bark".
Ritvanen Finnish
From Finnish ritva meaning "birch branch".
Robleda Spanish
From Spanish meaning "oak grove".
Rönn Swedish
Means "rowan" in Swedish.
Rönnlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish rönn "rowan" and lund "grove".
Roppongi Japanese
From 六 (ro) meaning "seven", 本 (pon) meaning "origin", and 木 (gi) meaning "wood, tree".
Rosenboom Dutch
Comes from Dutch "rosenboom" meaning "rose tree"
Rosier French
French for "rose tree" or "rose bush". A common surname in Francophone areas. It is also the name of a fallen angel who was considered the patron demon of tainted love and seduction.
Rovere Italian
From rovere "oak".
Rovira Catalan
Topographic name for someone who lived by an oak wood, from Catalan rovira meaning "oak wood, oak grove".
Rundgren Swedish
Swedish surname with somewhat unclear etymology. The first element is possibly taken from a place named with either of the elements rund and/or run. Rund coincides with the Swedish word for "round", but it is not clear if the element used in this name is derived from that word... [more]
Ruvolo Italian
From Sicilian ruvolo "sessile oak".
Saarepuu Estonian
Saarepuu is an Estonian surname meaning "ash tree" (Fraxinus).
Saarik Estonian
Saarik is an Estonian surname meaning "ash tree stand".
Saarpuu Estonian
Saarpuu is an Estonian surname meaning "ash tree".
Saeki Japanese
This surname is used as 佐伯, 三枝木 or 佐柄木 with 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 伯 (haku, eki) meaning "chief, count, earl, uncle, Brazil", 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three", 枝 (shi, eda, e) meaning "bough, branch, twig, limb", 柄 (hei, gara, e, tsuka) meaning "design, pattern, build, nature, character, handle, crank, grip, knob, shaft" and 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood."... [more]
Saeki Japanese
From Japanese 冴 (sae) meaning "clear, serene" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Saengmai Thai (Rare)
From Thai แสง (saeng) meaning "light, ray, beam" and ไม้ (mai) meaning "wood, tree".
Sagastume Basque
Topographic name from Basque sagasta meaning "apple tree" + -ume meaning "young plant".
Sakakida Japanese (Rare)
Sakaki (榊) means "sakaki tree", da (田) means "ricefield". Ta changes to da because of rendaku. This surname is extremely rare
Sakakihara Japanese
Sakaki refers to the "sakaki tree" and hara means "field plain".
Sakayanagi Japanese (Rare)
阪 (Saka) means "slope, hill" and 柳 (yanagi) means "willow". ... [more]
Sakuragi Japanese, Popular Culture
From Japanese 桜, 櫻 (sakura) meaning "cherry blossom" combined with 木 (gi) meaning "tree, wood" or 樹 (gi) meaning "tree". Chloe Cerise and Professor Cerise (also known as Koharu Sakuragi and Dr... [more]
Sakurami Japanese
Sakura means "Cherry Blossom (tree)" and Mi means "View, See, Mindset."
Salguero Spanish
Means "willow tree" in Spanish, ultimately from Latin salix. It was either a topographic name for someone who lived near willow trees or a habitational name for someone from the city of Salguero in Burgos, Spain (also derived from this word).
Salis Romansh
Derived from Italian salice "willow".
Salk English (American)
Likely the English form of Schalk, which means "dweller near a willow tree".
Sarap Estonian
Sarap is an Estonian surname meaning "hazel".
Sarapik Estonian
Sarapik is an Estonian surname meaning "hazel wood".
Sarapuu Estonian
Sarapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "hazel tree".
Sarasibar Basque
From sarats "willow" and ibar "valley". It's the name of a village in Navarre.
Satoki Japanese
Sato means "village, city" and ki means "wood, tree".
Sawaragi Japanese (Rare)
Sawaragi (椹木) literally means "Sawara tree".
Seeder Estonian
Seeder is an Estonian surname meaning "cedar".
Selland Norwegian
From the Old Norse habitational name Seljuland, from selja "willow" and land "land", "farm".
Selvik Norwegian
From any of the farms in Norway named with Old Norse selja "willow" or selr "seal" combined with vík "bay, inlet".
Sherwood English
From a place name meaning "bright forest", derived from Old English scir meaning "bright" and wudu meaning "tree, wood".
Shibuki Japanese
Shibu means "astringent, rough" and ki means "tree, wood".
Shigaraki Japanese
From Japanese 死 (shi) meaning "death", 柄 (gara) meaning "handle, grip", and 木 (ki) meaning "tree"
Shigematsu Japanese
From Japanese 重 (shige) meaning "layers, folds" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Silverthorne English (Rare)
Silverthorne, Silverthorn comes from the Old English seolfor "silver" and þorn "thorn bush" and means the family that lived by the "silver or white thorn tree".
Silvestrini Italian
Means "Little Tree" or "Little Woods." Derived from the given name SILVESTER.
Sirelpuu Estonian
Sirelpuu is an Estonian name meaning "lilac tree".
Sobral Portuguese
Means "cork oak grove" in Portuguese.
Söğüt Turkish
Means "willow" in Turkish.
Sookask Estonian
Sookask is an Estonian surname meaning "dwarf birch" (literally, "swamp/marsh birch").
Sootamm Estonian
Sootamm is an Estonian surname meaning "pin oak" (Quercus palustris). Literally, "swamp oak".
Stampone Italian
Meaning uncertain. Possibly from Italian stampare "to print, to stamp", or from Tuscan stampo "tree stump".
Stockdale English
Habitational name from a place in Cumbria and North Yorkshire, England. Derived from Old English stocc "tree trunk" and dæl "valley".
Stockton English
Habitational surname for a person from any of the places (e.g. Cheshire, County Durham, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Shropshire, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, Worcestershire, and North and West Yorkshire) so called from Old English stocc "tree trunk" or stoc "dependent settlement" + tun "enclosure", "settlement".
Stockwell English
An English boy's name meaning "From the tree stump spring"
Stukeley English
From a surname meaning "woodland clearing with tree stumps" in Old English.
Suematsu Japanese
From 末 (batsu, matsu, sue) meaning "close, posterity, end, powder, tip" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine".
Sugie Japanese
From Japanese 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar" and 江 (e) meaning "bay, inlet".
Sugieda Japanese
杉 (Sugi) means "cedar" and 枝 (eda) means "branch, bought, twig".... [more]
Sugihara Japanese
From Japanese 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Sugiki Japanese
Sugi means "pine, fir tree" and ki means "tree, wood".
Sugimiya Japanese
"Pine tree shrine."
Sugimori Japanese
杉 (Sugi) means "cedar tree" and 森 (mori) means "forest".
Suginaka Japanese
Sugi means "cedar" and naka means "middle".
Sugino Japanese
From Japanese 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Sugio Japanese
"Pine tree tail."
Sugioka Japanese
From Japanese 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
Sugisaka Japanese
From Japanese 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar" and 坂 (saka) meaning "slope".
Sugisaki Japanese
Sugi means "cedar" and saki means "cape, peninsula, promontory".
Sugisaki Japanese
From Japanese 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula".
Sugitani Japanese
Sugi means "cedar" and tani means "valley".... [more]
Sugiuchi Japanese
Sugi means "cedar" and uchi means "inside".
Sugizaki Japanese
Sugizaki (杉崎) can be translated out to (杉 = cedar; cryptomeria & 崎 = promontory; cape; spit) can be fully read as "Promontory of the cedar" it simply as "Cedar Promontory"
Sumeragi Japanese
From Japanese 皇 (sumeragi), script-changed from 皇木 (sumeragi), from 皇 (sumera), a sound-changed clipping of 皇華山 (Kōkasan) meaning "Kōka Mountain", a mountain in the area of Kitahanazawa in the city of Higashiōmi in the prefecture of Shiga in Japan, and 木 (gi), the joining form of 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood"... [more]
Suurkask Estonian
Suurkask is an Estonian surname meaning "large/big birch".
Suurtamm Estonian
Suurtamm is an Estonian surname meaning "big oak".
Świerczyński Polish
Name for someone from a place called Świerczyn or Świerczyna, both derived either from Polish świerk meaning "spruce" or świerszcz meaning "cricket".
Taiminen Finnish
Derived from Finnish taimi meaning "sapling, young tree, plant".
Takagi Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Takagiri Japanese
高 (Taka) means "high, tall, expensive" and giri is a variant of 桐 (Kiri) meaning "foxglove, paulownia tree".... [more]
Takaki Japanese
Taka means "high" and ki means "wood, tree".
Takakuwa Japanese
From the Japanese 高 (taka) "high," "tall," "expensive" and 桑 (kuwa) "mulberry tree."
Takamatsu Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Takatsuki Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, expensive" combined with 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon, month" or 槻 (tsuki) meaning "Zelkova tree".
Takayanagi Japanese
Taka "High,Tall" and Yanagi "Willow".
Takayanagi Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow".
Tamaki Japanese
From Japanese 玉 (tama) meaning "jewel, ball, sphere" combined with 城 (ki) meaning "castle", 置 (ki) meaning "put, place, set", or 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Tamatsuki Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 玉槻 with 玉 (gyoku, tama, tama-, -dama) meaning "ball, jewel" and 槻 (ki, tsuki) meaning "Zelkova tree."
Tammejuur Estonian
Tammejuur is an Estonian surname meaning "oak root".
Tammemaa Estonian
Tammemaa is an Estonian surname meaning "oak land".
Tammemägi Estonian
Tammemägi is an Estonian surname meaning "oak hill/mountain".
Tammeoks Estonian
Tammeoks is an Estonian surname meaning "oak branch".
Tammeorg Estonian
Tammeorg is an Estonian surname meaning "oak valley".
Tammepuu Estonian
Tammepuu is an Estonian surname meaning "oak tree".
Tammert Estonian
Tammert is an Estonian surname derived from "tamm" ("oak") and "tamme-" ("oaken").
Tammetalu Estonian
Tammetalu is an Estonian surname meaning "oak farm/farmstead".
Tammets Estonian
Tammets is an Estonian surname meaning "oak forest".
Tammeväli Estonian
Tammeväli is an Estonian surname meaning "oak field".
Tammeveski Estonian
Tammeveski is an Estonian surname meaning "oak mill".
Tammik Estonian
Tammik is an Estonian surname meaning "oak wood" and "oak forest".
Tammiksaar Estonian
Tammiksaar is an Estonian surname meaning "oak wood island".
Tammiku Estonian
Tammiku is an Estonian surname meaning "oak wood" and "oak forest".
Tamminen Finnish
From "tammi" meaning "oak tree". A place with lot of oaks.
Tammiste Estonian
Tammiste is an Estonian surname derived from "tamm" meaning "oak".
Tammjärv Estonian
Tammjärv is an Estonian surname meaning "oak lake" and "dam/levee lake".
Tammsaar Estonian
Tammsaar is an Estonian surname, meaning "oak island".
Tammsalu Estonian
Tammsalu is an Estonian surname meaning "oak ridge".
Tammus Estonian
Tammus is an Estonian surname derived from "tamm" meaning both "oak" and "dam".
Tampõld Estonian
Tampõld is an Estonian surname derived from "tamm" ("oak") and "põld" ("field").
Tassi Italian
Could be a patronymic form of the given name Tasso, indicate the bearer is from one of several municipalities called Tasso, or be a nickname from Italian tasso meaning "badger (animal)" or "yew".
Tassoni Italian
Probably derived from Italian tasso meaning "badger (animal)", though it can also mean "yew (tree)".
Tatematsu Japanese
From Japanese 立 (tateru) meaning "stand, rise" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Tatsuki Japanese
Tatsu can mean "dragon" and ki means "tree, wood".
Tazelaar Dutch
Dutch (Zeeland) variant of ’t Hazelaar "the hazel bush", a topographic name for someone living by hazel bushes.
Teitelbaum Jewish
From Yiddish טייטלבוים (teytlboym) meaning "date palm".
Tejada Spanish
Meaning "roof" or "lime tree."
Ten Boom Dutch
Means "at the tree" in Dutch. A notable bearer of this surname was Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983), a German woman who helped Jewish people take refuge into her home during the Second World War.
Teneyck Dutch (Americanized)
From Dutch ten eik meaning "at the oak tree", a topographic name for someone who lived by a prominent oak tree. This has been a prominent family name in Albany, NY, area since the 1630s.
Tetsuki Japanese
Tetsu means "iron" and ki means "tree, wood".
Teytlboym Yiddish
It literally means "date tree".
Togashi Japanese
From Japanese 富 or 冨 (tomi) meaning "abundant, rich, wealthy" and 樫 (kashi) meaning "oak".
Toht Estonian
Toht is an Estonian surname meaning "(tree) bark".
Tomatsu Japanese
From the Japanese 戸 (to or do) "door," "shutter" and 松 (matsu) "pine tree."
Tomoki Japanese
From 友 (tomo) meaning "friend" and meaning 木 (ki) "tree, wood".
Toombu Estonian
Toombu is an Estomian surname possibly derived "toompuu" meaning "bird-cherry tree".
Toompuu Estonian
Toompuu is an Estonian surname meaning "bird-cherry tree".
Tregurtha Cornish
A rare Cornish surname that derives its name from either the manor of Tregurtha in the parish of St. Hilary (located in west Cornwall) or from the hamlet of Tregurtha Barton in the parish of St. Wenn (located in central Cornwall)... [more]
Tsumiki Japanese
Tsu could mean "harbor, seaport", mi could mean "sign of the snake, ego, I, myself" and ki means "tree, wood".
Tsunematsu Japanese
From the Japanese 恒 (tsune) "constant" or 常 (tsune) "always" and 松 (matsu) "pine tree."
Tsuruki Japanese
Tsuru means "crane" and ki means "tree, wood".
Tsuyuki Japanese
From Japanese 露 (tsuyu) meaning "dewdrop" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Türnpuu Estonian
Türnpuu is an Estonian surname meaning "buckthorn tree" (Rhamnus).
Ueki Japanese
From Japanese 植 (ue) meaning "plant" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Uematsu Japanese
From Japanese 植 (ue) meaning "plant" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Ueyanagi Japanese
From Japanese 上 (ue) meaning "above, top, upper" and 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow".
Uibopuu Estonian
Uibopuu is an Estonian surname meaning "apple tree" in South Estonian dialects.
Umeki Japanese
"Plum tree".
Utsugi Japanese
Utsugi can be written in 15 ways, them being: 宇ツ木, 宇次, 宇津城, 宇津木, 宇都城, 宇都木, 卯都木, 卯木, 空木, 槍, 打木, 梼木, 楊盧木, 擣木, 棯. The 宇津木 and 打木 are also place names while 空木 is also a female given name... [more]
Uudelepp Estonian
Uudelepp is an Estonian surname meaning "new alder".
Vaher Estonian
Vaher is an Estonian surname meaning "maple".
Vahtra Estonian
Vahtra is an Estonian surname meaning "maple" (Aceraceae).
Vahtramäe Estonian
Vahtramäe is an Estonian surname meaning "maple hill/mountain".
Van Eyck Dutch
It means "of the oak", Eyck is a different, more archaic spelling of the word "eik" which means oak.
Van Nistelrooij Dutch
Means "from Nistelrode", a small village in the province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands. It is derived from Middle Dutch nest meaning "nest, burrow, resting place" and lo meaning "light forest", combined with rode meaning "land cleared of trees"... [more]
Van Rees Dutch
Means "from Rees", a German town on the bank of the Rhine that probably derives its name from Kleverlandish rys "willow grove".
Varney English
From the French place name Vernay, derived from Gaulish verno- "alder" and the locative suffix -acum. A fictional bearer is the vampire Sir Francis Varney, the title character of the mid-19th-century gothic horror story Varney the Vampire; or, the Feast of Blood.
Vea Norwegian
Habitational name from any of four farmsteads so named, from the plural of Old Norse viðr meaning "wood", "tree".
Veetamm Estonian
Veetamm is an Estonian surname meaning "water oak".
Verdun French, English (British, Rare), Spanish, Catalan
From the various locations in France called Verdun with the Gaulish elements ver vern "alder" and dun "hill fortress" and Verdú in Catalonia, English variant of Verdon
Viigipuu Estonian
Viigipuu is an Estonian surname meaning "ficus tree".
Viljapuu Estonian
Viljapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "fruit-bearing tree".
Vilpuu Estonian
Vilpuu is an Estonian surname derived from "vili" ("fruit") and "puu" ("tree").
Vislapuu Estonian
Vislapuu is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "visa" ("tough" and "tenacious") and "puu" ("tree" and "wood"); "tough tree".
Vītols Latvian
Meaning "willow".
Võsu Estonian
Võsu is an Estonian surname meaning "sapling".
Vrba Czech
Derived from the word "willow".
Waititi Maori
Meaning uncertain. It could derive from Maori waitī both meaning "sweet, melodious", denoting a sweet person, or "sap of the cabbage tree", possibly denoting an occupation. Taika David Cohen, known professionally as Taika Waititi (1975-), is a New Zealand filmmaker, actor and comedian.
Wakaki Japanese
若 (Waka) means "young" and 木 (ki) means "wood, tree".... [more]
Wakamatsu Japanese
From Japanese 若 (waka) meaning "young" and 松 (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree".
Wakasugi Japanese
From Japanese 若 (waka) meaning "young" and 杉 (sugi) meaning "cedar".
Wakatsuki Japanese
Combination of the kanji 若 (waka, "young") and 槻 (tsuki, "Zelkova tree"). A famous bearer of this surname was Japanese Prime Minister Wakatsuki Reijirō (若槻 禮次郎; 1866–1949).
Waki Japanese
Wa means "harmony" and ki means "tree, wood".
Wallbaum German, Jewish
Either a topographic name from Low German walbom "walnut tree" derived from wal "walnut" and boum "tree"... [more]
Wannell English
English surname which was derived from a medieval nickname, from Middle English wann "wan, pale" (see Wann) and a diminutive suffix.... [more]
Warton English
"From the poplar-tree farm"
Weide German
Either a topographic name for someone who lived by a conspicuous willow or by a group of willow trees from Middle High German wide "willow"... [more]
Widegren Swedish
Combination of Swedish vide "willow" and gren "branch".
Wierzbowski Polish
Taken from the word wierzba meaning "willow", this name may have designated someone who lived near a willow tree.
Willow English
topographic name from Middle English wilwe wilghe willowe "willow" (Old English wilig welig) for a person who lived at or near a willow tree or in an area where willow trees grew... [more]
Wisneski Polish
A derivate of Wiśniewski, which is said to mean "The Little Cherry Tree"
Wycherley English
Derived from a place name apparently meaning "elm-wood clearing" from Old English wice and leah. A famous bearer was the dramatist William Wycherley (1640-1715).
Wyeth English
May come either from the Old English word "withig" meaning "willow" or from Guyat, a pet form of the Old French given name Guy. Probably unrelated to Wyatt.
Yagi Japanese
This can be read as Yanagi meaning "willow".
Yagi Japanese
From Japanese 八 (ya) meaning "eight" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".
Yagihashi Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yagi) meaning "willow" and 橋 (hashi) meaning "bridge".
Yaginuma Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yagi) meaning "willow" and 沼 (numa) meaning "swamp, marsh".
Yagira Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yagi) meaning "willow" combined with 楽 (ra) meaning "music, comfort, ease".
Yagishita Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yagi) meaning "willow" and 下 (shita) meaning "under, below".
Yanagawa Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yana) meaning "willow" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Yanagi Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow".
Yanagida Japanese
Yanagi (柳) means "willow", ta/da (田) means "ricefield", ta changes to da because of rendaku. Mikio Yanagida (柳田幹雄) from Btooom! is a notable character bearing this surname.
Yanagida Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Yanagihara Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Yanagimi Japanese
Yanagi means "willow" and mi means "viewpoint, outlook".
Yanagimoto Japanese
Yanagi means "Willow" and Moto means "Source, Root, Origin."
Yanagisawa Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow" and 沢 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Yanagiya Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yanagi) meaning "willow" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Yanase Japanese
From Japanese 柳 (yana) meaning "willow" and 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, current".
Yasuki Japanese
Yasu means "Relax, Cheap" and Ki mean "Tree". Yasuki is also a first name.
Yasumatsu Japanese
Yasu means "relax, peaceful, cheap, inexpensive" and matsu means "pine, fir tree".
Yeltsin m Russian
Possibly from Russian word ель (jel') meaning "spruce, fir" and the relational suffix -ин (-in).
Yeong Korean
Korean form of Yang, from Sino-Korean 楊 (yeong) meaning "willow".
Yewdale English
Derived from Yewdale, which is the name of a village near the town of Skelmersdale in Lancashire. Its name means "valley of yew trees", as it is derived from Middle English ew meaning "yew tree" combined with Middle English dale meaning "dale, valley".... [more]
Yukimatsu Japanese
Yuki can mean "snow" or "lucky" and matsu means "pine, for tree".
Yuson Filipino
From Hokkien 楊孫 (iûⁿ-sun), derived from 楊 (iûⁿ) meaning "willow, poplar, aspen" and 孫 (sun) meaning "grandchild". It could also be from 余孫 (û-sun), derived from 余 (û) meaning "surplus" and 孫 (sun) meaning "grandchild".
Yuzuki Japanese
From Japanese 柚 (yuzu) meaning "grapefruit, pomelo, citrus fruit" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood".