Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword nut.
See Also
nut meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Avellaneda Spanish
It literally means "hazelnut grove", denoting someone who either lived near one or worked in one.
Cabilan Filipino, Cebuano
Means "petroleum nut" (a type of tree in the genus Pittosporum) in Cebuano.
Calumpang Filipino, Tagalog
From Tagalog kalumpang meaning "wild almond tree".
Castagna Italian
From Italian castagna "chestnut" (from Latin castanea) for someone who worked with chestnuts. Variant of Castagno and Italian cognitive of Chastain.
Castagno Italian
For someone who lived near a chestnut tree from castagno "chestnut" (from latin castanea). Variant of Castagna and Italian cognitive of Chastain.
Castanheira Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Castañeda meaning "chestnut grove".
Castanho Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Castaño meaning "chestnut tree".
Castaño Spanish, Galician
Means "chestnut tree" in Spanish and Galician.
Castañón Spanish
Possibly derived from Spanish castaño, meaning "chestnut tree". Alternatively, it may be derived from castañón, which is the Spanish word for the kippernut plant (species Conopodium majus).
Castiñeira Galician
Means "chestnut tree" in Galician, ultimately from Latin castanea.
Chastang French
Derived from Olde French castanh meaning "chestnut". Possibly a location or occupation name.
Chestnut English
From Old French castan "chestnut tree" (Latin castanea), a name for someone who lived near a particular chestnut tree, or possibly a nickname for someone with chestnut-coloured hair (see Chastain).
Chestnutt English
"Chestnut." A notable bearer is Charles Waddel Chestnut, a novelist.
Desnoyers French (Quebec)
Means "of the walnut trees", from French word "noyer", meaning walnut. "Des noyers" literally translates to "the walnuts".
Fındık Turkish
Means "hazelnut" in Turkish.
Gretzky Russian, Belarusian
Originally derived from an old Russian word that meant "Greek", though in modern times, the word means "Greek nut" (walnut). A notable bearer is Wayne Gretzky, a former Canadian ice hockey player.
Hishida Japanese
From 菱 (hishi, ryou) meaning "diamond (shape), water chestnut, caltrop, rhombus" and 田 (da) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Hishikawa Japanese
From 菱 (hishi, ryou) meaning "diamond (shape), rhombus, water chestnut, caltrop" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river".
Kanakuri Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 金 (kana) meaning "gold, metal, firmness" combined with 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut". ... [more]
Kestenbaum German, Jewish
from German dialect Kästenbaum (from Latin Castanea) a topographic name for someone living near a horse-chestnut tree... [more]
Kuri Japanese
From 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut".
Kuribayashi Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 林 (hayashi) meaning "forest".
Kurida Japanese
From 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kurigawa Japanese
The Surname "Kurigawa/Kurikawa" translates to "Chestnut River"
Kurihashi Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and hashi means "bridge".
Kurikara Japanese (Rare)
Kuri means "chestnut" and kara means "larch."
Kuriki Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and ki means "tree, wood".
Kuriki Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 城 (ki) meaning "castle".
Kurimida Japanese
Kurimi means "chestnut" and da comes from ta meaning "rice paddy, field".
Kurimita Japanese
Kurimi means "chestnut" and ta means "field, rice paddy".
Kurimoto Japanese
Kuri means "Chestnut" and Moto means "Origin, Source, Root".
Kurimoto Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Kurio Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and o means "tail".
Kurisu Japanese
This surname is used as 栗栖, 栗須, 栗洲 with 栗 (ri, ritsu, ononoku, kuri) meaning "chestnut", 栖 (sei, meaning "cobweb, den, hive, nest, rookery", 須 (shu, su, subekara.ku, subeshi, hige, matsu, mochi.iru, moto.meru) meaning "by all means, necessarily, ought" and 洲 (shuu, su, shima) meaning "continent, country, island, sandbar."... [more]
Kurisu Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 栖 (su) meaning "nest, den".
Kuritsuka Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and tsuka means "mound, hillock".
Kuriyama Japanese
Kuri means "chestnut" and yama means "mountain".
Kuriyama Japanese
From Japanese 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Kurumi Japanese (Rare)
From 栗 (kurumi) meaning "chestnut".
Kurushima Japanese
From 栗 (kuru) meaning "chestnut" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Lamendola Italian, Sicilian
nickname or more often a habitational name from places named with the dialect term amendola, mendola, mendula "almond" (also "almond tree").
Mandela Xhosa, Jewish, German
“District” in Xhosa... [more]
Marron Spanish
Derived from the French word marron meaning "chestnut", which now means "brown" in Spanish.
Mendola Italian
topographic name for someone who lived by an almond tree or trees or a habitational name from any of the places called with the dialect term amendola mendula "almond almond tree" (see Amendola ). Compare Lamendola.
Noce Italian
Topographic name for someone who lived where nut trees grew, from noce "nut" (Latin nux, genitive nucis).
Noceda Spanish
Spanish surname derived from the word "nocedal" meaning "field of walnut trees" it denoted a person who lived or came from such place.
Nocito Italian
from Latin nucetum (Italian noceto) "walnut orchard" applied as either a topographic name for someone who lived by such a place or as a metonymic occupational name for someone who worked in one.
Nogales Spanish
Habitational name from either of two locations in Spain named Nogales, from the plural form of Spanish nogal meaning "walnut tree".
Noisette French
This is a French surname meaning "hazelnut".
Nutt Estonian
Nutt is an Estonian surname meaning "nut" and also "crying" or "weeping".
Oguri Japanese
From Japanese 小 (o) meaning "small" and 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut".
Okuri Japanese
O means "big, great" and kuri means "chestnut".
Orahovac Montenegrin
Derived from orah (орах), meaning "walnut".
Orekhov Russian
From orekh, meaning "nut".
Orzechowski Polish
Polish from Orzech meaning "hazelnut", someone who is living by a hazelnut tree or a nickname for someone with light brown hair.
Pähkel Estonian
Pähkel is an Estonian surname meaning "nut".
Pähkli Estonian
Pähkli is an Estonian surname meaning "nutty" ("walnuts", etc.).
Popalzai Pashto
Meaning unknown, possibly derived from Persian پوپل‎‎ (pupal) meaning "betel nut". The Popalzai are a Pashtun sub-tribe of the Durrani in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan.
Sakurami Japanese
From Japanese 桜, 櫻 (sakura) meaning "cherry blossom" combined with 見 (mi) meaning "to see" or 実 (mi) meaning "berry, fruit, nut, real".
Sasaguri Japanese
From 笹 (sasa) meaning "bamboo grass" and 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut".
Sorrell English
From a medieval nickname meaning literally "little red-haired one", from a derivative of Anglo-Norman sorel "chestnut".
Toguri Japanese
From Japanese 戸 (to) meaning "door" and 栗 (kuri) meaning "chestnut".
Wakuri Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 和久利, 和久理, 和久里 or 和栗 with 和 (o, ka, wa,, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru) meaning "harmony, Japan, Japanese style, peace, soften", 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time, old story", 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit", 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth", 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village" and 栗 (ritsu, ri, kuri, ononoku) meaning "chestnut."... [more]
Wallbaum German, Jewish
Either a topographic name from Low German walbom "walnut tree" derived from wal "walnut" and boum "tree"... [more]
Yamakuri Japanese
Yama means "mountain" and kuri means "chestnut".