Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword protect.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abo Japanese (Rare)
阿 A ("Nook") and Bo for "Protect".
Amparo Spanish (Philippines)
Means "protection, shelter, refuge" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora del Amparo, meaning "Our Lady of Refuge".
Ampo Japanese
From Japanese 安 (an) meaning "calm, peaceful" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect, maintain".
Anpo Japanese
From Japanese 安 (an) meaning "calm, peaceful" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect, maintain".
Ariyapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit आर्य (arya) meaning "noble, honourable, respectable" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Baccay Filipino, Tagalog
Possibly from a Tagalog word meaning "to guard".
Bantayan Filipino, Cebuano
Means "watchtower, guard-place" in Cebuano.
Bongard German, French
In german a rhenish place name "Obstgarten" (orchard).... [more]
Chandrapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit चन्द्र (chandra) meaning "moon" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Cottrell English, French
First found in Derbyshire where the family "Cottrell" held a family seat and were granted lands by Duke William of Normandy, their liege lord for their distinguished assistance at the Battle of Hastings, 1066CE... [more]
Dhanapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit धन (dhana) meaning "wealth, riches, prize" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Dharmapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit धर्म (dharma) meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Ehlert German
From a Germanic personal name composed of the elements agil "edge", "point (of a sword)" + hard "brave", "hardy", "strong" or ward "guard".
Elestial English (British, Modern, Rare)
First used as a surname in September 2000, first appearing on a birth certificate in July 2009. Meaning "protected by angels"; the origin is an adopted surname from a type of quartz crystal, often referred to as a new millennium crystal... [more]
Etō Japanese
From Japanese 衛 (e) meaning "guard, protect" and 藤 (tō) meaning "wisteria".
Gambier French
Derived from gambier, a Northern French variant of jambier, the masculine form of jambière "greave (a piece of armour that protects the leg, especially the shin, and occasionally the tops of the feet)"... [more]
Garand French
nickname or status name from the Old French legal term garant "guarantor". perhaps from a personal name based on the ancient Germanic element warin "protection shelter" or "guard".
Garneau French
From a pet form of the Germanic given name Warinwald, composed of the elements war(in) meaning "guard" and waldan meaning "to govern".
Gaskill English
Meaning "Goat Shelter". English (Lancashire) habitual name from Gatesgill in Cumbria, so named from Old Norse geit ‘goat’ + skáli ‘shelter’. The surname is first recorded in the early half of the 14th Century.
Guardia Italian, Spanish
From Spanish and Italian guardia "guard watch" a topographic name for someone who lived by a watch place by a watchtower or a habitational name from any of numerous places called La Guardia named with the same word; or a metonymic occupational name for someone who kept watch or for a member of the town guard... [more]
Guardiola Catalan
Habitational name from any of the numerous places named Guardiola, from guardiola, a diminutive of guàrdia meaning "guard".
Guertin French
A French surname that evolved from the Old Germanic given name Warin meaning "to guard" or "protection". This surname was often given as an occupational name for a guard, or someone who served as a protector in their community.
Gunapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit गुण (guna) meaning "quality, property, attribute" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Hagen German, Dutch, Danish
from the ancient Germanic personal name Hagen a short form of various compound names formed with hag "enclosure protected place" as the first element.
Harbour English
Variant of French Arbour or a metonymic occupational name for a keeper of a lodging house, from Old English herebeorg "shelter, lodging".
Harvard English
From the Old English given name Hereweard, composed of the elements here "army" and weard "guard", which was borne by an 11th-century thane of Lincolnshire, leader of resistance to the advancing Normans... [more]
Helm English, Dutch, German
from Old English helm "protection covering" (in later northern English dialects "cattle shelter barn"). The name may be topographic for someone who lived by or worked at a barn or habitational from a place so named such as Helme in Meltham (Yorkshire)... [more]
Hennard French
From the ancient Germanic personal name Haginhard composed of the elements hag "enclosure protected place" and hard "strong hardy".
Holder German, Jewish, English
1. German: topographic name for someone who lived by an elder tree. Middle High German holder, or from a house named for its sign of an elder tree. In same areas, for example Alsace, the elder tree was believed to be the protector of a house... [more]
Homura Japanese
This surname is used as 保村, 甫村 or 穂村 with 保 (ho, hou, tamo.tsu) meaning "guarantee, keep, preserve, protect, support, sustain", 甫 (fu, ho, haji.mete, suke) meaning "for the first time, not until", 穂 (sui, ho) meaning "crest (of wave), ear, ear (of grain), head" and 村 (son, mura) meaning "town, village."... [more]
Horikita Japanese (Rare)
Hori ("Moat"),this can also be used: Ho ("Protect") + Ri ("Benefit,Profit,Gain") + Kita ("North").
Hosaka Japanese
From Japanese 保 (ho) meaning "protect" and 坂 (saka) meaning "slope".
Hoshina Japanese
It can be spelled with 星 (hoshi) meaning "star, mark, dot" and 奈 (na) meaning "name, noted, distinguished, reputation", or 保 (ho) meaning "protect", combined with 科 (shina, ka) meaning "department, technology".
Jinbo Japanese
From 神 (jin, kami) meaning "god, deity, divine" combined with 保 (ho, tamotsu) meaning "protect".
Kageyama Japanese
From Japanese 影 or 景 (kage) meaning "shadow" or 蔭 (kage) meaning "shade, shelter" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Kaits Estonian
Kaits is an Estonian surname meaning "guard".
Karunapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit करुणा (karuna) meaning "compassion, mercy" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Kharazia Abkhaz
There are several theories on the origin of the name. It could be derived from Arabic حَارِس (ḥāris) meaning "guard, guardian, defender", from a contraction of a Hebrew term, or from the Abkhaz word ҳара (ḥārā́) meaning "we, ours" combined with the Abkhaz suffix -ya or -ia denoting descent.
Koigakubo Japanese
Koi means "love", ga is a language particle, ku means "long time ago, lasting" and bo means "guarantee, protect".
Kokubo Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "small", 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect".
Korutürk Turkish
Nickname meaning "protector of the Turks", derived from the Turkish verb korumak meaning "to protect". This name was acquired by Turkish president Fahri Korutürk (1903-1987). It was given to him by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey (the verb korumak refers to Atatürk's expectation of Korutürk to preserve his legacy).
Kubota Japanese
From the Japanese 久 (ku or hisa) "long time," 保 (bo or ho) "protect," "guaratee," "keep" and 田 (ta or da) "rice paddy." The first two characters can also be written as 窪 (kubo) "hollow."
Kubota Japanese
From Japanese 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago", 保 (ho) meaning "protect" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kuboyama Japanese
From Japanese 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago", 保 (ho) meaning "protect" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Labrie French
Topographic name from l’abri meaning "the shelter", or a habitational name from a place named with this word.
Litchfield English
locational origin either from Lichfield, south east of Stafford in Staffordshire, or from Litchfield in Hampshire... [more]
Maalouf Arabic
Derived from the Arabic word "mayuuf" (معيوف), meaning "exempted" or "protected".
Magadia Filipino, Tagalog
From Tagalog mag-adya meaning "protect, help, deliver from danger".
Manobal Thai
From Thai มโน (mano) meaning "heart; mind; imagination" and "บาล" (ban) meaning "to protect; to tend; to govern".
Metsavaht Estonian
Metsavaht is an Estonian surname meaning "forest guard" and "forest warden".
Morikubo Japanese
From Japanese 森 (mori) meaning "forest", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" and 保 (bo) meaning "protect".
Moriya Japanese
From the Japanese 守 (mori or kami) "guard," "protect," "defend" or 森 (mori) "forest" and 屋 (ya) "dwelling" or 谷 (ya or tani) "valley."
Murakami Japanese
From the Japanese 村, 邑 or 邨 (mura) "village" and 上 (kami, kan or ue) "upper," "above," 神 (kami, kan or shin) "god" or 守 (kami or mori) "guard," "protect," "defend."
Nazareth Hebrew
From the Hebrew for "To guard."
Northcott English
Derived from the Old English words "norð," meaning "north," and "cot," meaning a "cottage," or "shelter."
Ōkubo Japanese
From Japanese 大 (o) meaning "big, great" combined with 久 (ku) meaning "long time ago" and 保 (ho) meaning "protect"... [more]
Päästel Estonian
Päästel is an Estonian surname meaning "rescue" and "salvage".
Pal Indian, Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, Odia
Derived from Sanskrit पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Panahi Persian
From Persian پناه (panâh) meaning "shelter, refuge, protection".
Pasdar Persian
Means "guard, sentinel, watchman" in Persian.
Ratnapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit रत्न (ratna) meaning "jewel, treasure" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Saat Estonian
Saat is an Estonian surname derived from "saatja", meaning "sender", "addresser", "guard" and "porter".
Sahara Japanese
From Japanese 左 (sa), a clipping of 左衛門尉 (saemon-no-jō) meaning "judge of senior gate guards" and 原 (hara) meaning "meadow; plain; field".
Scheetz German
Anglicized version of the German surname, Schütz, "archer," "yeoman," "protect."
Schutz German
Occupational surname for an archer or a watchman (from Middle High German schützen "to guard or protect"). Also a habitational name from Schutz, a place near Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
Sciortino Italian
Occupational name from a diminutive of sciorta, sciurta "city guard, watchman, policeman" (Arabic ̣shuṛtī).
Scrimshaw Medieval English
Referring to one who was a fencing-master, coming from the old French "eskermisseour", meaning "fencer" and which came in turn from the old high German word "skirmen", which meant "to defend".
Steward English
Occupational name for an administrative official of an estate or steward, from Old English stig "house" and weard "guard".
Stražičić Croatian
Possibly derived from straža, meaning "guard".
Sumanapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit सुमन (sumana) meaning "good-minded, benevolent" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Vahi Estonian
Vahi is an Estonian surname meaning "watch" or "guard"; derived from "vahimees", meaning "watchman".
Walcott English
habitational name from any of several places called Walcott Walcot or Walcote for example in Lincolnshire Leicestershire Norfolk Oxfordshire and Wiltshire all named in Old English wealh "foreigner Briton serf" (genitive plural wala) and cot "cottage hut shelter" (plural cotu) meaning "the cottage where the (Welsh-speaking) Britons lived".
Warden English
Occupational name for a watchman or guard, from Old French wardein meaning "protector, guard". It was also used as a habbitational name for someone from any of the various locations in England named Warden... [more]
Wardrop Scottish
Metonymic occupational name for someone who was in charge of the garments worn by a feudal lord and his household, from Norman French warde(r) meaning "to keep or guard" + robe meaning "garment".
Wei Chinese
From Chinese 卫 (wèi) meaning "guard, protect".
Wentz German (Rare)
Originally a pet form of the given names Werner and Wenceslaw. Meaning "guard" or "army".
Wi Korean (Rare)
From Sino-Korean 衛 (wi) meaning "to block; to protect; to prevent", possibly referring to occupations related to defense.
Wijayapala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Wijepala Sinhalese
Derived from Sanskrit विजय (vijaya) meaning "victory" and पाल (pala) meaning "guard, protector".
Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffvoralternwarengewissenhaftschaferswesenchafew German (Rare)
Full name Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffvoralternwarengewissenhaftschaferswesenchafewarenwholgepflegeundsorgfaltigkeitbeschutzenvonangereifenduchihrraubgiriigfeindewelchevorralternzwolftausendjahresvorandieerscheinenbanderersteerdeemmeshedrraumschiffgebrauchlichtalsseinursprungvonkraftgestartseinlangefahrthinzwischensternartigraumaufdersuchenachdiesternwelshegehabtbewohnbarplanetenkreisedrehensichundwohinderneurassevanverstandigmenshlichkeittkonntevortpflanzenundsicherfreunanlebenslamdlichfreudeundruhemitnichteinfurchtvorangreifenvonandererintlligentgeschopfsvonhinzwischensternartigraum... [more]
Woolard English
from the Middle English personal name Wolfward (Old English Wulfweard from wulf "wolf" and weard "guard").