Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword spring.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Acquaviva Italian
From an Italian place name meaning "running water, spring", literally "living water".
Akinashi Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 秋なし (aki nashi) meaning "no autumn". This is due to the absence of 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" in 春夏冬 (haru-natsu-fuyu) meaning "spring, summer, winter".
Akpınar Turkish
From Turkish ak meaning "white" and pınar meaning "spring, fountain".
Allik Estonian
Allik is an Estonian surname meaning "water source" or "spring".
Allikmaa Estonian
Allikmaa is an Estonian surname meaning "spring (water source) island".
Alliksaar Estonian
Alliksaar is an Estonian surname meaning "spring (water source) island".
Allingu Estonian
Allingu is an Estonian surname related to "allikas" meaning "(water) spring".
Atwell English
Topographic name from Middle English atte welle "by the spring or stream"
Avivi Hebrew
Means "springlike" or "of the spring" in Hebrew. (see Aviv)
Avots Latvian
Means "fount, spring" or "source".
Balkwill Anglo-Saxon (Archaic)
From the Old English pre 7th Century balca, "beam", with wiell(a), "spring, stream", and probably refers to a primitive footbridge made by a tree trunk across the stream. The name may also be topographical for a dweller by the footbridge.
Banwell English
Means "person from Banwell", Somerset ("killer spring (perhaps alluding to a contaminated water source)").
Bardell English
Originally meant "person from Bardwell", Suffolk ("Bearda's spring"). A fictional bearer of the surname is Mrs Bardell, Mr Pickwick's widowed landlady in Charles Dickens's 'Pickwick Papers' (1837), who misconstrues an innocent remark about having a companion as a marriage proposal, which leads to her suing Pickwick for breach of promise.
Bedell English
This place name derives from the Old English words byde, meaning "tub," and "well," meaning a "spring," or "stream." As such, Bedell is classed as a habitational name.
Blackwell English
From an English place name derived from Old English blæc meaning "black" and wille meaning "well, spring, water hole".
Bormann German
This surname is presumed to be a variant of Bornemann, which is made up of Middle Low German born meaning "spring" and man meaning "man," denoting someone who lived by a spring or a well.
Bothwell Scottish
Also N Irish... [more]
Brunner Upper German, German (Austrian), German (Swiss), Jewish
Derived from Middle High German brunne "spring, well", this name denoted someone who lived beside a spring.
Cardwell English
From the traditionally British surname, which is a variant of the British surname Caldwell, a from the Old English cald "cold" and well(a) "spring, stream".
Cingeswell English
Meaning "Lives at the King's spring"
Cinwell English
Meaning "Lives at the King's spring"
Cromwell English
Habitational name from places in Nottinghamshire and West Yorkshire named Cromwell, from Old English crumb "bent, crooked" and well(a) "spring, stream".
Depuoz Romansh
Derived from the preposition de "of" and Romansh puoz "well, spring".
Desailly French
Originally denoted a person who came from any of the various places in northern or eastern France called Sailly, which is possibly derived from Old French saillir, salir meaning "to spring", ultimately from Latin saliō... [more]
Dion French
Meaning uncertain. It may be a habitational name from any of various locations called Dion or Dionne, derived from the Gaulish element divon- meaning "(sacred) spring" or Celtic dēwos meaning "god, deity"... [more]
Dōyu Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 堂 () meaning "temple, shrine, hall" and 湯 (yu) meaning "hot water, bath; hot spring".
Elwell English
Means "person from Elwell", Dorset (probably "spring from which omens can be read").
Ewell English
Habitation name from the town of Ewell in Surrey or from Temple Ewell or Ewell Manor, both in Kent or Ewell Minnis near Dover. Originally from Old English Aewill meaning "river source" or "spring".
Font Catalan, Occitan, Spanish, French
topographic name for someone living near a spring or well Catalan and Occitan font "spring well" (from Latin fons genitive fontis).
Fontecchio Italian
Habitational name from Fontecchio in Aquila province or a topographic name from a diminutive of fonte meaning "spring".
Fretwell English
Taken from the Old English "freht," meaning "augury," and "well," meaning "spring, stream."
Frühling German (Rare)
Nickname from Middle High German vrüelinc German frühling "spring" in some cases for an early-born child from früh "early" and the suffix -ling denoting affiliation.
Fukuizumi Japanese
From the Japanese 福 (fuku) "fortune" and 泉 (izumi) "spring," "fountain."
Ganus Russian, Ukrainian
Possibly derived from Russian анис (anis) referring to the anise (Pimpinella anisum) plant or from the Turkish given name Gainislam itself from Arabic عَيْن (ʿayn) meaning "spring, source" combined with the name of the religion Islam.
Gyljárlaugsson Icelandic
The name Gyljárlaugsson combines two Icelandic words, "gylja" meaning "to roar" and "laug" meaning "hot spring". Therefore, the name Gyljárlaugsson could be interpreted as "son of the roaring hot spring".
Halliwell English
Derived from various place names in England named with Old English halig "holy" and well "spring, well".
Hallowell English
Variant of Halliwell meaning "holy spring".
Harugai Japanese
Variant of Harutani meaning "spring valley".
Harugaya Japanese
Variant of Harutani meaning "spring valley".
Harui Japanese
Haru means "spring" "well, pit, mineshaft".
Harukawa Japanese
harukawa means "spring river". the kanji used are 春(haru) meaning "spring (the season)" and 河 (kawa) meaning "river" . you could also use 川 (kawa) as the second kanji, but using 河 looks better.
Haruki Japanese
春 (Haru) means "spring" and 木 (ki) means "tree, wood". ... [more]
Harumoto Japanese
From Japanese 春 (haru) meaning "spring" and 本 (moto) meaning "base; root; origin".... [more]
Haruna Japanese
From Japanese 春 (haru) meaning "spring" and 名 (na) meaning "name, fame, renown".
Haruno Japanese
Means "spring field", from Japanese 春 (haru) "spring" and 野 (no) "field".
Haruta Japanese
From Japanese 春 (haru) meaning "spring" and 田 (ta) meaning "field".
Harutami Japanese
It could be from 春 (haru) meaning "spring season" combined with 民 (tami, tamiyo) meaning "people, nationals, citizens, civil".
Harutani Japanese
Haru means "spring" and tani means "valley".
Haruya Japanese
Variant of Harutani, meaning "spring valley".
Haruyama Japanese
From Japanese 春 (haru) meaning "spring" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
Haswell English
habitational name from Haswell (Durham) or less probably from Haswell (Somerset) or Haswell in North Huish (Devon). The placenames probably derive from Old English hæsel "hazel" and wille "well spring stream".
Hiraizumi Japanese
Hira means "peace, even, level" and izumi means "spring, fountain".
Hitotose Japanese (Rare)
This surname consists of the kanji that reads "spring, summer, autumn, and winter" in that order.
Hollowell English
Either a variant of Halliwell or derived from another place named with Old English hol "hollow" and wella "spring, well".
Imaizumi Japanese
From Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "now, present" and 泉 (izumi) meaning "spring, fountain".
Iwaizumi Japanese (Rare)
Iwa (岩) means "rock, boulder", izumi (泉) means "spring, water source", it is also a town in Iwate prefecture. Hajime Iwaizumi (岩泉 一) from Haikyuu!! manga and anime is a notable bearer of this surname.
Izuhara Japanese
This surname is used as 出原, 泉原 or 伊豆原 with 出 (shutsu, sui, i.dasu, i.deru,,, -de,, izu) meaning "come out, exit, go out, leave, protrude, put out", 泉 (sei, izumi, izu) meaning "fountain, spring", 伊 (i, kare) meaning "Italy, that one", 豆 (zu, tou, mame, mame-) meaning "beans, midget, pea" and 原 (gen, hara) meaning "field, meadow, original, plain, prairie, primitive, tundra, wilderness."
Keevallik Estonian
Keevallik is an Estonian surname meaning "hot spring".
Kevade Estonian
Kevade is an Estonian surname meaning "Spring (season)".
Kiel German
German surname of several possible origins and meanings.... [more]
Kingswell English
An English surname meaning "Lives by the King's spring"
Kjellberg Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse kelda or Swedish källa both meaning "spring, source (of water)", and berg "mountain".
Konparu Japanese
Kon means "gold" and paru is a form of haru, meaning "spring".
Lätt Estonian
Lätt is an Estonian surname, probably derived from "Läti", meaning "Latvia", or "läte" meaning "spring" and "fountain".
Lättemäe Estonian
Lättemäe is an Estonian surname derived from "läte" meaning "spring" or "fountain" and "mäe" meaning "hill" and "mountain"; "spring mountain".
Ludwell English
From the Old English elements hlud meaning "famous, loud" and well meaning "well, spring, water hole"
Ma'ayan Hebrew (Rare)
Means "spring of water" or "fountain" in Hebrew, this is more common as a given name than a surname
Metsallik Estonian
Metsallik is an Estonian surname meaning "forest spring".
Newlin English, Irish
An Irish surname meaning "By the the spring"
Norwel English
English surname meaning "From the North Spring"
Norwell English
Means, "from the North Spring"
Oi Japanese
From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 井 (i) meaning "well, spring".
Pınar Turkish
Means "spring, fountain" in Turkish.
Primavera Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Means "spring (the season)" in Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Quán Chinese
From Chinese 泉 (quán) meaning "fountain, spring".
Rodwell English
Rodwell, a name of Anglo-Saxon origin, is a locational surname deriving from any one of various places in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and Kent, England. In English, the meaning of the name Rodwell is "Lives by the spring near the road".
Shadwell English
English surname meaning "By the shed spring"
Sherrell English
This surname is of English locational origin, from the place in Devonshire called Shirwell. The placename is first recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Sirewelle, and by 1242 as Shirewill... [more]
Sooläte Estonian
Sooläte is an Estonian surname meaning "swamp/bog spring".
Sorgente Italian
From sorgente "spring, rising water".
Spring German
From Middle High German sprinc, Middle Low German sprink "spring, well", hence a topographic name for someone who lived by a spring or well, or habitational name from Springe near Hannover.
Springborn German
Derived from Middle Low German sprinkborn meaning "spring, well", hence either a nickname for someone who lived by a spring or a water well, or from various place names in Germany.
Stockwell English
An English boy's name meaning "From the tree stump spring"
Wakaizumi Japanese
Waka means "young" and izumi means "fountain, springs".
Welburn English
English surname meaning "From the Spring brook"
Weldon English
Weldon is one of the many names that the Normans brought with them when they conquered England in 1066. The Weldon family lived in Northamptonshire, at Weldon.... [more]
Welford English
English surname meaning "Lives by the spring by the ford"
Weller English, German
Either from the Olde English term for a person who extracted salt from seawater, or from the English and German "well(e)," meaning "someone who lived by a spring or stream."... [more]
Whaley English
From the name of the village of Whaley and the town of Whaley Bridge in Derbyshire, or the village of Whalley in Lancashire, England. It is derived from Old English wælla meaning "spring, stream" and leah meaning "woodland clearing".
Wiosna Polish
Derived from Polish wiosna "spring".
Woolley English
A habitational name from any of various places so-called. Most, including those in Berkshire, Cambridgeshire, and West Yorkshire in England, are derived from the Old English wulf, meaning "wolf", and leah, meaning "wood" or "clearing"... [more]
Yoshiizumi Japanese
formed with 吉 (Yoshi, Kichi, Kitsu) meaning "good luck; joy; congratulations" and 泉 (Izumi, Sen) meaning "spring; fountain". So the meaning could be interpreted as “Fountain of Good Luck” or “Lucky Fountain”
Yuasa Japanese
From Japanese 湯 (yu) meaning "hot spring" and 浅 (asa) meaning "shallow".
Yukawa Japanese
From Japanese 湯 (yu) meaning "hot spring" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Zdrojewski Polish
Habitational name for someone from any of several places called Zdroje or Zdrojewo, in particular in Bydgoszcz voivodeship, named with Polish zdroje meaning "springs","spa".
Zurru Italian
From Sardinian "gush, spring (of water)".