Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the person who added the name is aki13th.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Anzaldo Italian
Variation of Ansaldo.
Arámbul Catalan
Catalan variant of Aramburú.
Arámbulo American (Hispanic)
Hispanic variant of Aramburú, mostly found in Peru and the Philippines.
Aramburo Spanish
Castilianized variant of Aramburú.
Arciniega Basque
Castilianized form. Name for someone from the Spanish town of Artziniega. The town's name likely comes from the Basque artzain meaning "shepherd" and -aga, a suffix for place names.
Arciniegas Basque
Pluralized variant of Arciniega.
Ashkar Arabic
Variant of Ashqar.
Ashqar Arabic
From the given name Ashqar.
Axt German
From a Middle High German ackes or axt, meaning "axe". Name for a woodcutter, carpenter, or axe maker.
Bail French, Walloon
Nickname from Old French bail for "governor, regent, bailiff".
Bale English
Name for someone who lived by the outer wall of a castle.
Bales English
Variant of Bale.
Bayles English
Variant of Bales.
Bedoya Spanish
Castilianized form of Bedoia. Name for someone from Bedoña, in the Spanish province Gipuzkoa. Bedoña likely comes from Basque bedi "pasture grazing" and -oña, suffix for a place name.
Belleisle French
Name for someone from an island named Belle Isle, French for "beautiful island".
Bermeo Basque
From the town Bermeo in Biscay (Basque Country, Spain). Origin likely pre-Roman.
Beshay Arabic (Egyptian)
Unknown origin. Mostly borne by Christians.
Blancarte Spanish (Mexican)
Likely a Hispanicized form of Blanchard, primarily used in Mexico.
Boon Dutch
Shortened version of the name Boudjin, which is itself shortened from the given name Boudewijn.
Boon Dutch
From boon "bean". Refers to a person who grows beans, or a nickname for someone tall and thin (i.e. stringbean).
Borquez Spanish
Likely shortened from Bohórquez.
Boudewijn Dutch
From the given name Boudewijn, a Dutch variant of Baldwin.
Boudjin Dutch
Shortened version of the given name Boudewijn.
Bouthillette French
Diminutive form of Boutilier.
Boutilier French
Name for a butler or sommelier of a medieval household.
Bréant French
Likely a variant of Bréhant.
Breeding German
Likely from an ancient Germanic given name, now lost.
Breeding German
From the Low German brēde "open field". Denotes a person from such a place.
Breeding German
Americanized form of Breiding.
Bréhant Breton
Refers to a place of the same name in Côtes-d'Armor.
Breiding German
From the name of a place in the Lippe area in northwestern Germany.
Breiding German
South German; shortened form of the given name Breide.
Breithaupt German
Nickname for someone with a broad head, from Middle High German breit "broad" and houbet or houpt "head".
Breon English (American)
Americanized form of French Brion.
Breon French
Variant of Bréant.
Brion French
Refers to any of several places of the same name. Derived from Gaulish briga "height, hill" and the suffix -one.
Brion French
Short form of the given name Abrion, a pet form of Aubrey.... [more]
Brion French
Variant of Breon.
Brion Irish
Variant of Brian or O'Brien.
Brion Galician
Refers to a place of the same name from the province A Coruña in pre-Roman Galicia.
Briones Galician
Castilinized plural version of Brion.
Broadhead English (British)
From Middle Eglish brod "wide, broad" and heved, hed "head, headland". Name for someone who lived by a broad headland.
Brüggemann German
Name for someone who worked as a street paver or bridge keeper, or someone who lived near a bridge. From Middle Low German brügge "bridge" or brüggeman "street paver".
Brunke German
Nickname for an ostentatious dresser, from Middle High German brunke "splendor".
Brunke German
North German pet form of the given name Bruno.
Cahué Spanish
Variant of Cahuet.
Cahuet Picard
Nickname from Picard caüe "tawny owl".
Cannington English
Likely refers to a place of the same name.
Catching English (American)
Americanized variant of German Göttgen.
Catching English
Likely a variant of Kitchen.
Chaidez Spanish (Mexican)
Possible variant of Chairez.
Chaires Spanish (Mexican)
Possibly a plural form of Galician chaira "little valley or meadow" or chairo "flat" (way, terrain). Refers to a person who lived in such a place.
Chamblee English
Possible variant of Chambley.
Char French
Name for someone who works as a carter, from French char "cart, carriage".
Char Croatian, Serbian, Polish, Slovene
Anglicized spelling of the Slovenian nickname Čar, an ironic nickname from car "tsar".
Char Arabic
French-influenced spelling of Shaar. Borne by both Muslims and Christians.
Char Indian
Name from Sanskrit āčārya "teacher, spiritual guide". Originated among Brahmins, members of the highest caste in Hindu society, who traditionally serve as priests and teachers.
Cieri Medieval Italian
Likely shortened from a medieval given name like Fulcieri.
Condún Irish
Gaelicized variant of Canton, brought to Ireland from Pembrokeshire, Wales circa 1200 CE.
Cruse English, Irish
Name for someone from an unidentified place in Normandy, from Old French crues, crus, creus "hollow".
Cruse English (British)
Possible nickname from Middle English crus, cruse "bold, fierce".
Cruse German
Variant of Krause.
Curless German
Americanized version of Keurlis.
Debaun English (American), Dutch
Americanized form of De Boon.
De Boon Dutch
Variant of Boon with the etymological element De, literally 'of (a family called) Boon'.
De La Chaumette French
Name for someone from one of several places in central France named La Chaumette; or someone who lived on a chaumette, a high, arid plateau with little vegetation. The term is a diminutive of chaume "bare land", from a specialized sense of Latin calmus "calm, unruffled".
Del Cid Spanish, Medieval Spanish
Likely refers to a person from any of the places called El Cid, using Spanish del, combination of de "of, from" and el "the".... [more]
Deol Punjabi
Sikh name based on the name of a Jat clan. Etymology unexplained.
D’épernon French
Shortened form of the title duc d’Epernon, or "Duke of Épernon". Épernon is a place in Eure-et-Loir, France.
Deubelbeiss German (Swiss)
Alemannic nickname from Middle High German dūvel "devil" and beiz "biter".
Dicks English
Variant of Dykes, Diks, or Dick with plural or post-medieval S.
Dicks German, Dutch
Refers to the descendant of someone with the given name Dick.
Dicus English
Variant of Dycus.
Dieckhaus German
Refers to a person from a place of the same name near Diepholz in Lower Saxony.
Dijks Dutch
Variant of Van Dijks.
Dycus English, German, Dutch
Likely a variant of similar-sounding names, such as English Dykes, German Diekhaus, or Dutch Dijkhuis.
Dyke English
English - Name for someone who lived 'by the dike' from Middle English dik deke, dike deke "ditch dyke", or someone from Dyke in Lincolnshire. Medieval dikes were bigger than modern ones and often built for defense, not drainage.... [more]
Dykehouse Dutch
Americanized version of Dijkhuis.
Dykes English
Variant of Dicks or Dyke with plural or post-medieval S, or Americanized form of Dutch Dijks.
Eden English
From Middle English given name Edun, derived from Old English Ēadhūn, with the elements ēad "prosperity, wealth" and hūn "bear cub".... [more]
Eden East Frisian, German, Dutch
Refers to a descendant of someone with the given name Ede or Edo.
Eden German
Refers to someone from one of several places of the same name, mainly in Bavaria and Austria, from Middle High German œde "wasteland" and the suffix n, which signifies an action toward the root word... [more]
Eden Dutch
Variant of Van Eden.
Edens English
Variant of Eden with -s, either possessive or a post-medieval embellishment.
Edens Dutch, German
Possessive form of the give name Ede or Edo.
Ehm German
Variant of Ohm.
Ehmke German
From a pet form of Ehm.
Embrey English
Variant of Embry.
Embry English
Variant of Emery, or a name for someone from Emborough or any of the places called Hembry.... [more]
Gijon Spanish
From the city of Gijón (Asturian form Xixón) located in the Principality of Asturias in Spain.
Göttgen German
From a Rhenish pet form of the given name Gottfried.
Guay French
Variant of Guyet or Guet.
Guay French
Variant of Gay.
Guet French
French - From Old French guet "lookout, watchman".
Guyet French
Derived from Guy.
Keurlis German
Unknown origin. This surname is no longer found in Germany.
Le Guet French
Variant of Guet with the article le "the".
Shaar Arabic
Variant of Al-shair. Borne by both Muslims and Christians.
Tooker Irish
Variant of Tucker.
Van Eden Dutch
Refers to someone from the town Ede in Gelderland province.