Czech Submitted Surnames

Czech names are used in the Czech Republic in central Europe. See also about Czech and Slovak names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Průša m Czech
from a pet form of the personal name Prokop
Průšova f Czech
from a pet form of the personal name Prokop. Feminine name of Průša
Ptacek Czech
A name given to a small, birdlike individual, meaning literally "little bird".
Pták Czech
Czech surname meaning "bird".
Pudiwitr Czech
Originally Pudivitr, or Pudivitrova(female only). V was switched to W when the family came to the U.S., though there are both names in the U.S.
Puškár Slovak, Czech
Occupational name for a rifle maker.
Radnice Czech
This indicates familial origin within the Bohemian town of the same name.
Radovan Slovak, Czech, Serbian, Croatian
From the given name Radovan.
Rak Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Hungarian, Jewish
Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Hungarian (Rák), and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): from Slavic rak ‘crab’, ‘lobster’, or ‘crayfish’. This was applied as an occupational name for someone who caught and sold crayfish, crabs, or lobsters, or as a nickname to someone thought to resemble such a creature... [more]
Reznicek m Czech
Anglicised form of Řezníček.
Romanek Polish, Czech
Derived from a diminutive of the given name Roman.
Romansky Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian
In Czech and Slovak usage, it is a habitational name from Romanov, a village in central Bohemia. In Polish usage, it is a habitational name for someone from any of several places in Poland called Romany, named with the personal name Roman... [more]
Rosenbaum German, Czech
Habitational name for someone who lived at a house distinguished by the sign of a rosebush, Middle High German rōsenboum.
Rovnák Czech
Habitational name from places named Rovné and/or Rovný.
Rubin French, German, Slovene, Croatian, Czech, Slovak
Metonymic occupational name for a jeweler, from Middle High German rubn Old French rubi Slovenian and Croatian rubin Czech and Slovak rubín "ruby"... [more]
Ružek Czech
It means "rose". Derived from name Ružena.
Ryšavý Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak last name meaning "red-haired".
Ryslink Czech (Rare)
Czech spelling or interpretation of an Irish (I think) name. First introduced in 1620 at the beginning of the 30 Years War at White Mountain near Prague, CZ when an Irish (I think) soldier fathered a Czech son... [more]
Schmidtová f Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of the German surname Schmidt through the feminine suffix -ová.
Sedlack Czech (Anglicized)
Americanized spelling of Czech Sedlák.
Sejkora Czech, Slovak
Sejkora means titmouse in Czech.
Sevcik Czech
Unaccented form of Ševčík.
Shandera Czech (Anglicized, Modern)
Shandera is anglicized for Šandera, a patronymic for Alexander (son of Alexander), the euiqvalent of Sandoor in Hungarian or Sanders in English.
Sigmund German, Czech
From the given name Sigmund.
Šimonek m Czech (Rare)
Derived from the given name Šimon.
Sis Czech
Derived from German süss "sweet".
Sklenář Czech
Means "glassworker".
Skočdopole Czech
Derived from Czech imperative sentence skoč do pole! meaning "jump in a field!".
Škudlárek Czech
Nickname for a stingy person, from a derivative Czech škudil meaning "stingy","tight-fisted".
Slovensky Czech
Ethnic name for someone from Slovakia or who had connections with Slovakia.
Smetana Czech
Means "cream".
Šnajdr Czech
Czech form of Schneider.
Špaček Czech
Means "tipcat". Pronounced "sh:pah-CZEK".
Stefaniak Czech
Comes from the personal name Stefan.
Stehlík Czech
It's from goldfinch
Stejskal Czech
Stejskal means "he did complains" in Czech.
Stoklasa Czech
Means "rye brome" in Czech.... [more]
Straka Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak: Nickname from straka ‘magpie’, probably for a thievish or insolent person.... [more]
Šváb Czech
It's from an animal cockroach.
Švarc um Croatian, Czech
Croatian and Czech form of Schwarz.
Švec Czech
It means "shoemaker".
Svobodná f Czech
Means "freedom woman".
Svobodný Czech
Svobodný means "freedom man" in Czech.
Tabor English, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Jewish
English: metonymic occupational name for a drummer, from Middle English, Old French tabo(u)r ‘drum’.... [more]
Toman Czech
Toman is nickname of name Tomas.
Tomáš Czech, Slovak
From the given name Tomáš.
Tomasyk Czech
Czech and Slovak (Tomášek) and German (under Slavic influence): from a pet form of the personal name, Czech Tomáš ( see Thomas ).
Tomek Czech
Comes from a pet form of the personal name Tomáš.
Triska Czech
Meaning "splinter" in Czech. Nathan Triska is a celebrity born in 1999.
Třísková f Czech
Feminine form of Triska.
Trka Czech
Not Avaliable.
Trojek Czech
Derived from trojka, meaning "three."
Turek Polish, Czech
Either meaning "a Turk", or coming from one of many the cities in Poland called Turek.
Tvrdy Czech
Uhlíř Czech
Uhlíř is a originally craftsman dedicated to the production of charcoal. It is also called a person involved in the distribution of coal.... [more]
Urbansky Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, Jewish
In Czech and Slovak usage, it is a habitational name for someone from a place called Urbanice. In Polish usage, it is a habitational name for someone from a place named with the personal name Urban.
Václavík Czech, Slovak
Václavík is nickname for Slavic name Václav.
Večeřa Czech
Means "supper". Pronounced "veh-cze-zha".
Velíšek Czech
Czech form of Velliscig.
Virsik Czech
May mean "peach"
Vítek Czech
Vítek comes from Latin name Vitus.
Vladi Czech
Czech, Slovak, and Romanian: from a short form of the personal name Vladislav, an old Slavic name composed of the elements volod ‘rule’ + slav ‘glory’, Latinized as Ladislaus and found in Hungarian as László ( see Laszlo ).
Vlk Czech, Slovak
Means "wolf" in Czech and Slovak.
Voborník Czech, Slovak
Příjmení Voborník vzniklo dle svého bydliště, tedy z obory. Oborníky mívali naši předkové, byli to správcové nebo strážcové obor, lesní a hajní v oborách (slovo toto žije v příjmení Oborník, Voborník)... [more]
Vojcatvechky Czech
From the Czech word dvojèata meaning twins.
Voytek Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian
Americanized spelling of the given names VOJTEK, Vojtech, Wojtek, all pet forms of the Polish given name Wojciech, or other Slavic cognates.
Vrána Czech
Means "crow".
Vrátil Czech
Derived from the past participle of the verb vrátit "to return". The name was perhaps used to denote a person who came back to his home following a long absence.
Vrba Czech
Derived from the word "willow".
Vůjtek Czech
All I know is that it's Czech. Anyone with more information, please edit.
Woytek Czech, Slovak, Polish
Eastern European surname of unknown meaning. A variant of Vojtek.
Žabka Czech, Slovak
From Polish zaba meaning "frog", of Slavic origin.
Záček Czech
Žáček means "small school boy" in Czech. A famous bearer is Chicagoan writer Dennis Začek.
Žák Czech
Czech form of Zak.
Zelená f Czech, Slovak
Means "green" in Czech and Slovak.
Zelený Czech
Zelený means "green" in Czech.
Zelníček Czech
Czech form of Zelnick.
Zelníčková f Czech
Feminine form of Zelníček. This is the maiden name of Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana Zelníčková Trump.
Zika Czech, Greek
From a short form of the personal name Zikmund, the Czech form of Siegmund.... [more]
Zoubek Czech
According to my translator, it means "tooth", so my guess is that it's an occupational surname for someone who's a dentist; the word for dentist is 'zubař.'