Italian Submitted Surnames

Italian names are used in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions such as southern Switzerland. See also about Italian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Cimarosa Italian
from "Cima" Top, and "Rosa" A rose or the Color Pink. A famous Bearer of this surname is the Italian composer Domenico Cimarosa(1749-1801).
Ciminelli Italian
Diminutive of Cimino
Ciminello Italian
Diminutive of Cimino
Ciminera Italian
from a dialect variant of ciminiera "chimney" hence a metonymic occupational name for someone who built chimneys or worked a furnace oven or kiln with a chimney or a nickname for a tall thin person.
Cimino Italian
Occupational name for a spice dealer, from cimino "cumin", Sicilian ciminu.
Cinardo Italian
From Italy
Ciocca Italian
The origin has to do with hair
Ciotola Italian
Possibly a diminutive of Ciotta.
Cipolla Italian
Means "onion" in Italian, given to someone who farmed onions, or perhaps a nickname for someone who resembled an onion in some way.
Circelli Sicilian
Derived from Sicilian circedda meaning "(hoop) earring", originally used to denote someone who wore hoop earrings.
Ciriaco Italian, Spanish
From the given name Ciriaco.
Cirillo Italian
From the given name Cirillo.
Cirino Italian, Spanish
From the given name Cirino.
Ciro Italian, Spanish
From the given name Ciro.
Cirrincione Italian
From Sicilian cirrinciò meaning "greenfinch, great tit".
Citarella Neapolitan
Occupational name for someone who made or played a guitar, derived from chitarra or catarra "guitar".
Ciuffi Italian
Probably from Italian ciuffo "tuft (of hair)".
Ciuffreda Italian
Possibly from the given name Godefrida.
Claudio Italian, Spanish
From the given name Claudio
Clef Italian
At the end of the 10th century, Gregorian musical scribes increased the precision of early notation by introducing a horizontal line to indicate a base pitch. The pitch of this line was indicated by a letter at its start... [more]
Clerico Italian
Occupational or status name for a member of a minor religious order or for a scholar from Late Latin clericus (see Clerc ). Italian cognitive of Clark.
Cleto Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Cleto.
Coccia Italian
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Sicilian cocciu "grain, berry", denoting a kind of gruel; an occupational name for a farmer from Greek κόκκος (kokkos) "grain, seed"; or from Italian coccia "head, shell", referring to someone with a large head, or who was stubborn.
Coccimiglio Italian
From Sicilian cuccumeli, the name of several fruit-bearing deciduous trees or of the hackberry plant, itself borrowed from an Ancient Greek word; possibly κοκκύμηλον (kokkymelon) "plum", literally "cuckoo apple", or from κόκκος (kókkos) "grain, seed, kernel" and‎ μῆλον (mêlon) "apple, any fruit from a tree".
Cocco Italian
Possibly from Italian cocco, meaning "darling, favourite" or "hen's egg".
Coco Italian, Sicilian
occupational name for a cook a seller of cooked meats or a keeper of an eating house from southern Italian coco "cook" (from Latin cocus coquus).
Cocuzza Italian
From cocuzza "gourd", "pumpkin", applied either as an occupational name for a grower or seller of gourds or a nickname for a rotund individual.
Codino Italian
Means "pigtail, plait" in Italian, literally "tail's end". Ultimately from Latin cauda "tail (of an animal)". Perhaps given to someone who often wore their hair in such a style, possibly given to orphans or foundlings.
Codispoti Italian
A Calabrian surname from Greek οικοδεσπότης (oikodespótis) "host, master of the house".
Cogotti Italian
From Sardinian cogotto "cockerel, rooster".
Cois Italian
Possibly from the name of a lost town, Coni. Alternately, may be from dialectical words meaning "to cook" or "finch", referring to an occupation or nickname.
Colasanti Italian
Derived from the name "Nicola or Nicholas".
Colella Italian
Diminutive of personal name Cola, a short form of Nicola 1, an Italian equivalent of Nicholas... [more]
Coletta Italian
Derived from the given name Nicola 1. ... [more]
Collabrusco Italian
From the region Calabria in southern Italy; widely moved to US.
Collodi Italian, History
From a part of the municipality of Pescia in the Tuscany region of central Italy, of unknown etymology. This was the surname of the pen name of the Italian author Carlo Lorenzini (1826-1890) who wrote the fairy tale novel The Adventures of Pinocchio.
Collu Italian
From a dialectical form of Italian collo, meaning "neck" or "parcel, package".
Colo Italian
From the personal name Colo, a short form of Nicolo (see Nicholas). (Colò) nickname from medieval Greek kolos ‘lame’, classical Greek kylos.
Colonna Italian
topographic name from colonna "column" (from Latin columna).
Colosi Italian
Patronymic or plural form of a pet form of the personal name Nicoloso.
Colussi Italian
Friulian and Venetian short form of Nicola 1. Compare Colucci.
Comim Italian
It mans waiter in italian.
Comito Italian
From the medieval Latin comitus, meaning "count", or the medieval Greek form of this word, komitos, used as a nickname for someone who put on airs and graces or worked for a count.
Commisso Italian
Habitational name from the city Comiso.
Comperatore Italian (Rare)
Derived from the Italian noun comperatore meaning "buyer, purchaser", which in turn is ultimately derived from the Italian verb comperare meaning "to buy, to purchase". The former word is archaic, whilst the latter word is still in use but rare... [more]
Confalone Italian
from gonfalone "standard banner" from Old French gonfalon (of ancient Germanic origin) a metonymic occupational name for a standard bearer either in a military context or as the officer of a guild responsible for carrying the banner in religious processions... [more]
Coniglio Italian
From coniglio "rabbit" (from Latin cuniculus ) applied as a nickname for a timid person or a metonymic occupational name for a dealer in rabbits. Italian cognitive of Coelho.
Consalvo Italian
From the given name Consalvo.
Consiglio Italian
Meaning "counselor" or "one who gives good advice".
Consolo Italian
From Sicilian cùnzulu "consul".
Contardo Italian, Spanish
From the given name Contardo.
Conte Italian
Means "count (a title of nobility)" in Italian.
Contestabile Italian
Means "debatable, questionable" in Italian, perhaps a nickname for an argumentative person, or for someone of dubious respectability.
Contino Italian
Diminutive of Italian Conte or Conti.
Cordasco Italian
From the given name Corda or Cordio (a short form of Accord(i)o, literally "agreement") + the suffix -asco denoting kinship.
Cordisco Italian
Possibly from Italian cordesco "second-born lamb, butchered calf".
Corio Italian
Variant of Coiro.
Cornacchia Italian
Nickname meaning "crow, jackdaw" in Italian, applied to someone who was talkative or thought to resemble a crow or jackdaw in some other way.
Cornelio Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
From the given name Cornelio. Cognitive of Cornell and Cornelius.
Corongiu Italian
Possibly from Sardinian corongiu "rocky hill, boulder, large mass", denoting someone who lived near such a landmark, or perhaps a nickname based on the bearer's physical appearance.
Corradini Italian, Romansh
Italian patronymic form of Corradino.
Corradino Italian
Derived from the given name Corradino.
Corrado Italian
From the personal name Corrado.
Corrao Italian
Reduced form Corrado.
Corrias Italian
Probably from Sardinian corria "leather strap, lace, belt; narrow strip of land".
Corsi Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Corso.
Corsica Italian, Corsican
Denotes a person from Corsica.
Corso Italian, English (American), Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Either derived from the given name Bonaccorso or taken from Italian and Spanish corso, denoting someone who lived in Corsica.
Corte Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese
From corte ‘court', applied as an occupational name for someone who worked at a manorial court or a topographic name for someone who lived in or by one.
Corvino Italian, Spanish
From the given name Corvino
Corvo Italian, Portuguese
From the given name Corvo
Cosca Italian
Topographic name from the Calabrian dialect word c(u)oscu "oak", also "wood".
Cosco Italian
Masculinized form of Cosca.
Cosmo Italian
From the given name Cosmo.
Cossiga Italian, Sardinian
Sardinian translation of the place name Corsica. A famous bearer of the name is Francesco Cossiga (1928-2010), Italian politician who served as Prime Minister (1979-1980) and as President (1985-1992).
Cossu Italian
Probably from Sardinian cossu "tub, trough, basin".
Costabile Italian
Italian name.... [more]
Costantino Italian
From the given name Costantino
Cotoni Italian
means "cottons" in Italian
Cotugno Italian
From Sicilian cutugnu "quince (tree)"
Cozzolino Italian
Diminutive of Cozzo.
Craparotta Italian
From Sicilian crapa "she-goat" and rotta "broken".
Crascì Sicilian
From Sicilian craxi, an obsolete word meaning "wine", ultimately from Ancient Greek κρᾶσις (krasis) "mixture, blending".
Cravotta Sicilian
From a Sicilian immigrant to America, Cravotta was changed to Cravatta upon arrival at Ellis Island. The name means "bowtie."
Craxi Italian
Variant of Crascì.
Crema Italian, German
From the italian city "Crema"
Crescenzo Italian
From the given name Crescenzo
Crespolini Italian
Italian diminutive form of Crespo.
Cresta Italian, Romansh
Derived from Italian and Romansh cresta "crest" (ultimately from Latin crista). This name was perhaps applied as a topographic name for someone who lived by the crest of a mountain or as a nickname with reference to the comb of a rooster.
Crisafulli Italian
Derived from a Greek name, perhaps from χρυσός (khrysos) "gold" and φύλλον (phyllon) "leaf, foliage".
Cristiano Italian
From the given name Cristiano.
Cristoforo Italian
From the given name Cristoforo.
Crivelli Italian
From the Italian crivello, which is derived from the Latin cribrum, meaning "sieve," (a mesh food strainer); likely an occupational name for a maker or user of sieves.
Crobu Italian
From Sardinian crobu "crow", or a place of the same name.
Cucchiara Italian
From Sicilian cucchiara "spoon (utensil)".
Cucina Italian
Cucina means "kitchen" in Italian.
Cucino Italian
From cucina meaning "kitchen".
Cucolo Italian, Austrian, Judeo-Italian
Used in Austria, and in southern regions of Italy.
Cucuzza Italian
From Sicilian cucuzza "marrow, pumpkin", perhaps a nickname for someone who resembled a pumpkin.
Cugini Italian (Rare)
Means "cousins" in Italian.
Cugnasca Italian
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Italian cugnata "hatchet" (from Sicilian cugna "wedge"), or cugnata "related, similar; sister-in-law" (from Latin cognata "related by blood"), or cugino "cousin", combined with nascere "to be born, to sprout".
Cugno Italian
From Sicilian cugnu "wedge", indicating someone who lived on a hill or other topographical "wedge", someone whose occupation involved using an axe, or a person who was considered to be hard or angular in personality or appearance.
Culetto Italian
Means "buttocks, little ass" in Italian.
Cuneo Italian
Denotes someone from the province of Cuneo.
Cuomo Italian
Probably from a shortened form of Cuosëmo, a Neapolitan variant of the Italian male personal name Cosimo.
Curcio Italian
This name derives from Latin “curtĭus”, which in turn derives from the Latin “curtus” meaning “shortened, short, mutilated, broken, incomplete”.
Curcuru Italian
Short form of Curcuruto.
Curcuruto Italian
From an Italian nickname derived from curcurutu meaning "speedy, fleet of foot".
Curiale Italian (Rare)
In ancient Rome, the curiales (from co + viria, 'gathering of men') were initially the leading members of a gentes (clan) of the city of Rome. Their roles were both civil and sacred. Each gens curialis had a leader, called a curio... [more]
Cursio Italian
Variant of the italian surname Curcio
Curti Italian
From Neapolitan curto "short".
Cusimanno Italian, Sicilian
from the personal name Cusimano which may be a fusion of two Christian saints' names: Cosma and Damiano with a loss of the last syllable of one and the first of the other... [more]
D'abreo Italian
Origin is Italian
D'Abruzzo Italian
Variant of Abruzzo. It is the real surname of the American actor Alan Alda (1936-), who was born Alphonso Joseph D'Abruzzo.
D'Addario Italian
From the given name Addario.
D'Alessandro Italian
From the given name Alessandro.
D'Alfonso Italian
From the given name Alfonso.
D'amelia Italian
Either from the given name Amelia or from the town of Amelia, in Umbria.
D'Amelio Italian
From the given name Amelio.
Damian French, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Slovak, Polish
From the medieval personal name Damian, Greek Damianos (from damazein "to subdue"). St. Damian was an early Christian saint martyred in Cilicia in ad 303 under the emperor Domitian, together with his brother Cosmas... [more]
Damiano Italian
From the given name Damiano.
D'Amico Italian
Derived from Italian amico meaning "friend".
Danese Italian
Ethnic name for a Dane, or from the personal name Danese, which was introduced to and popularized in medieval Italy through French Carolingian literature, notably the epics Chanson de Roland and Ogier de Denemarche.
Danesi Italian
it may be a patronymic or plural form of Danese.
Daniele Italian
Derived from the given name Daniele.
Daniele Italian
my mother Eugenia Daniele born Oct 29 1899 lived in casamarciano till 1921, before emigrating to Long Island City in New York .he died at 103 in 2004
Danieli Italian
Patronymic form of Daniele.
D'annunzio Italian
Patronymical form of Annunzio, Italian form of the Latin given name Annuntius. A famous bearer of this surname is Italian poet Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863-1938).
Danza Italian
The shortened stage-surname, from Iadanza, of American actor Tony Danza.... [more]
Da Ponte Italian, Portuguese, Galician
A topographic name, which means "from the bridge".
Da Pra Italian
A topographic name for someone from a meadow, from the northern variant of "prato" (meadow).
D'aries Italian
Comes from Italian word "aria" (plural arie) meaning "air"; also a form of opera
Davide Italian
From the given name Davide.
Da Vinci Italian
Means, "son of Vinci". A famous bearer was Italian inventor and artist Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519).
De Bellis Italian (Rare)
De Bellis (De+Abl. Lat.)... [more]
De Bono Italian
Derives from the Latin word bonus, meaning "good".
De Carlo Italian
From the prefix De and the first name Carlo.
De Curtis Italian
Originally denoting someone who was short, or came from a family of short people. A famous bearer of this surname is Italian actor Antonio "Totò" De Curtis (1898–1967).
Defeo Italian
This surname is well known in popular culture as the surname of Ronald Defeo who murdered his family in the 1970s while they lived in Amittyville, NY. The surname may mean “Of Ugly”.
Defilippo Italian
The Italian surname De Filippo is a patronymic name created from the first name of a male ancestor. As a first name, it is derived from the Latin "Philippus,". This name is composed of the element "philos" which means "friend," and "hippos," meaning "horse.
Defraia Italian
From an archaic Sardinian term, possibly meaning "factory", or from an alteration of frai "brother". Alternately, may mean "from Fraia", a settlement in Italy.
Deiana Italian
From Sardinian de "of, from" and jana "fairy, spirit of the woods, sorceress" (from Latin Diana).
Deiorio Italian
Italian surname meaning "Of Gold" or "From Gold"
De Laura Italian
Metronymic from the female personal name Laura (a derivative of Latin laurus "laurel").
Deledda Italian, Sardinian
Variant of Ledda. A famous bearer of this surname is Nobel Prize for Literature recipient Grazia Deledda (1871–1936).
Delfino Italian, Spanish
From the personal name Delfino, from Latin Delphinus, from delphis "dolphin", regarded in medieval times as a symbol of goodness and friendliness.
Del Frate Italian
Italian in origin, meaning; "of the monk"
Della Italian, Spanish
Likely derived from the Italian and Spanish word della, meaning "of the".
Della Chièsa Italian
It literally means "of the church".
Della Francesca Italian
Means "son of Francesca". A famous bearer was Piero della Francesca (1415-1492), an Italian fresco painter.
Dell'elce Italian
From Italian elce "holm oak", literally "of the holm oak".
Dell'oro Italian
Means "of the gold" in Italian. Might indicate someone with blond hair, someone who worked as a goldsmith, or might be descended from the Latin name Aurius.
Delogu Italian
Means "from/of the place", from Sardinian de "of, from" and logu "place".
Del Popolo Italian
Means "of the people", given to foundlings at a time when a small stipend was allotted to their maintenance by the king.
Delvecchio Italian
The surname Delvecchio is derived from the Italian word vecchi, which further derives from the late Latin word veclus, which measn old, aged, or elderly.
Demachi Italian
Possibly a variant of the French surname Demachy.
De Marco Italian
From the given name Marco.
De Maria Portuguese (Brazilian), Italian
Means "of Mary" in Portuguese and Italian.
Demaria Italian
Metronymic from the female personal name Maria, or name for a devotee of the Virgin Mary.
De Marni Italian
From Italy, most likely Northern Italy. One theory is that De Marni or a similar sounding name was the name of an orphanage, but it's origin is unknown.
De Martino Italian
Means "Son of Martino". A famous bearer is actor Stefano De Martino.
Demetrio Italian, Spanish
From the given name Demetrio.
De Michele Italian, French
An Italian and French patronymic surname, meaning "son of Michele 1".
Demuro Italian
Probably denoting someone from Muro, Basilicata. Alternately, may be a nickname from Sardinian muru "wall" or "donkey".
D'entrone Italian
Italian conjugation, meaning "from within".
Depietri Italian
The distinguished surname Depietri can be traced back to the ancient and beautiful region of Piedmont. Although people were originally known only by a single name, it became necessary for people to adopt a second name to identify themselves as populations grew and travel became more frequent... [more]
De Pietro Italian
Means "son of Pietro" in Italian; variant of Di Pietro
Deplano Italian
From Latin de plano, "of the plain, from the flat land".
Deriu Italian
Means "of the river" in Sardinian.
De Rosa Italian
Derived from the given name Rosa 1.
De Salvo Italian
Meaning of "De" is "From", or "Of", so probably "From Salvo".
De Santa Italian (Tuscan)
The surname De Santa was first found in Lucca, a city and comune in Tuscany, capital of the province of Lucca and where Bascilican type churches abound. The history commences in 218 B.C., and passed through many hands in the intervening centuries... [more]
De Santo Italian, Spanish
Mean “Son of Santo”.
Desiderio Italian, Spanish
From the given name Desiderio.
De Simone Italian
Patronymic form of the given name Simone 2.
Desogus Italian
Denotes someone from the town of Sogus, which may have taken its name from Sa bia de is Ogus, "the road of the eyes".
Dessi Italian
Denoting someone from Sini, Sardinia, formerly called Sinu or Sii.
De Stefano Italian
Means "son of Stefano".
De Tiberio Italian
Ancient and noble family, originally from Lombardy propagated, over the centuries, in different regions of Italy where its members acquired the nobility and were welcomed in the important offices of the city where they lived... [more]
Di Agostino Italian
From the given name Agostino.
Diana Italian
From the female given name Diana.
Di Benedetto Italian
From the given name Benedetto.
Di Bernardo Italian
From the given name Bernardo. Means "Son of Bernardo".