Italian Submitted Surnames

Italian names are used in Italy and other Italian-speaking regions such as southern Switzerland. See also about Italian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Marongiu Italian
From Sardinian marongiu "to hoe, hoeing", from marra "hoe, digging tool".
Marrero Italian, Spanish
Maker of spades or hoes. Marra spade
Marte Spanish, Italian
From the given name Marte 2.
Martello Italian
Southern Italian: nickname for someone with a forceful personality, from Italian martèllo ‘hammer’ (Late Latin martellus), or a metonymic occupational name for someone who used a hammer in their work.
Marti Italian (Swiss), German (Swiss), Romansh
Derived from the given name Martin.
Martignetti Italian
Patronymic derived from Martignetto, itself a pet form of Martino.
Martinis Greek, Italian
Greek form of Martini. Also used in Italy.
Martirano Italian
Likely a habitational surname from a place in Catanzaro province in the Calabria region of Italy.
Martire Italian
from martire "martyr" probably a nickname for someone who had played the part of a Christian martyr in a religious play. However there was a Saint Martire and so the surname may be derived from a personal name.
Marziale Italian, Corsican
From the given name Marziale
Mascherano Italian
Occupational name for maker of masks, derived from Italian mascherare meaning "to mask". The Argentine former soccer player Javier Mascherano (1984-) is a famous bearer of this name.
Maserati Italian
Most notably the Italian luxury car manufacturer Maserati, founded in Bologna, Italy all the way back in December 1914.
Massa Italian
A habitational name from any of the various places named Massa (for example, Massa Lubrense or Massa di Somma, both in the Metropolitan City of Naples, or Massa d’Albe in the Province of L'Aquila), which were all named from the medieval Latin word massa, meaning ‘holding’ or ‘estate’.
Massara Italian, Greek
Either a feminine form of Massaro or from the equivalent occupational or status name in medieval Greek, (massaras meaning ‘peasant’ or ‘share cropper’) which is from the word massaria meaning ‘small farm’.
Massaro Italian
Regional or archaic form of Italian massaio meaning "tenant farmer, share cropper".
Massidda Italian
From Sardinian massidda "jaw, jawbone".
Massimino Italian
From the given name Massimino
Massimo Italian
From the given name Massimo
Mastrangelo Italian
From Italian mastro "master, expert craftsman" combined with the given name Angelo.
Mastrantonio Italian
From the Italian title mastro meaning "master craftsman", combined with the given name Antonio. A famous bearer is American actress and singer Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (1958-).
Mastromonico Italian
The meaning is Mastro-"master" of the- monico"-monastery."
Mastropasqua Italian
Combination of Mastro and Pasqua
Mastrorilli Italian
Mastrorilli is an Italian surname.
Matarazzo Italian
From Sicilian matarazzu meaning "mattress".
Matarese Italian
habitational name for someone from Matera (see Matera ) from materräisë a local adjectival form of the placename (in standard Italian materano).
Matassa Italian
Occupational name for a producer of silk, from Sicilian matassa "hank", "skein", also the name of a type of silk (cf. Metaxas).
Matera Italian
Habitational name from Matera in Basilicata region.
Matracia Sicilian
Family from Termini-Imerese, Sicily.
Matta Italian
From a feminine form of MATTO.
Mattana Italian
From Sardinian mattana "madness, annoyance".
Mattei Italian
Patronymic or plural form Matteo. The Mattei family was a powerful noble family in Rome during the Middle Ages.
Matteo Italian
From the given name Matteo.
Mattioli Italian
From the given name Mattia.
Matzeu Italian
Variant of Mazzeo.
Maugeri Sicilian, Italian
From Sicilian maugeri "herdsman".
Mauri Italian, Catalan
From the given name Mauro.
Maurizio Italian
From the given name Maurizio
Mauro Italian
From the given name Mauro.
Maxia Italian
Possibly from the dialectical term maxia "magic", or masia "farm, country house".
Mazarro Italian
It means "mace bearer".
Mazzarino Italian
A diminutive of Mazzaro, an Italian surname meaning "mace-bearer".
Mazzola Italian
From a diminutive of Italian mazza meaning "maul, mallet".
Mecone Italian (Modern, Rare)
Giuseppe Meconi (Febuary 1860-April 21,1921) was born in San Massimo, Campbasso Province, Italy. Giuseppe arrived in Pennsylvania, United States in the late 1880s and married Elizabeth Magyar in 1885... [more]
Medici Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Medico. Medici is the family name of one of Italy's most powerful families.
Medico Italian
Occupational name for a physician, Italian medico (Latin medicus, from medere "to heal").
Melchiorre Italian
From the given name Melchiorre.
Melillo Spanish, Italian
describing someone who worked on an apple orchard,harvesting and selling apples from the italian mela
Meloni Italian
From Italian mela ("apple", from Latin malum) or melone ("melon", from Latin melopepo), both ultimately from Ancient Greek μῆλον (mêlon), meaning "apple", "fruit from a tree"... [more]
Mendicino Italian (Swiss)
Meaning "Baggar" in Italian.
Mendola Italian
topographic name for someone who lived by an almond tree or trees or a habitational name from any of the places called with the dialect term amendola mendula "almond almond tree" (see Amendola ). Compare Lamendola.
Menna Italian
Derives from the given name Mena 5.
Menotti Italian
From the medieval given name Menotto, a diminutive of Domenico via its short form Menico.
Mercante Italian
An occupational name meaning "merchant, trader" in Italian, from Latin mercans "trading".
Mercurio Italian
From the given name Mercurio.
Merendino Italian
Diminutive of Merenda.
Merlino Italian
Either from the given name Merlino the Italian form of Merlin, a diminutive of Merlo, or for someone who came from Merlino in the Milano province.
Mesina Italian
From Sardinian mesina "keg, small barrel", probably given as a nickname to someone with a round or fat build.
Messi African, Arabic, Italian
Famous bearer of this surname is Lionel Messi (born 1987-), an Argentinian footballer of Italian descent.
Metallo Italian
From the Greek vocabulary word metallo "metal", used as a nickname for a miner or for someone with a clear or metallic tone of voice.
Mezzadonna Italian
Means "half a woman" in Italian, from mezza "half" and donna "lady, woman".
Mezzasalma Italian
From Italian mezza "half" and salma, an archaic term for a small unit of land, indicating that the bearer was not very wealthy. Salma also coincides with an Italian word meaning "corpse".
Miano Italian
Habitational name from Miano in Naples, Parma, and Teramo; Miane in Treviso; or Mian in Belluno.
Micale Italian
Popular in Italy.
Micelli Italian
Beacon, torch, light
Micucci Italian
Patronymic or plural form of a pet form of the personal name Mico, a short form of Michele 1.
Miele Italian
It means "honey" in Italian.
Mieles Italian, Spanish, French
Meaning "honey".
Migaleddu Italian
From the given name Michele 1.
Mignano Italian
Possibly taken from the Mignano Monte Lungo commune in the Province of Caserta in the Italian region Campania.
Mignogna Italian
In part a Southern Italian a habitational name from Mignogna, a minor place in Foggia province.
Milan Italian, French
Habitational name from the Italian city of Milan (see Milano).
Milanese Italian
One who came from Milan.
Milanesi Italian
It comes from the Italian city of Milan, in Lombardia (northern Italy), where it is most used
Milazzo Italian, Sicilian
habitational name from Milazzo in Messina province.
Milesi Italian
Marco Milesi is an Italian racing cyclist.... [more]
Miliddi Italian
Possibly a Sardinian nickname for Camillo.
Milingiana Italian
Probably from milinciana "eggplant, aubergine", likely given to foundlings.
Minagro Sicilian
Minagro: A Sicilian surname, with Latin & Greek etymological origins. Min: from Latin minusculus/little or small — Agro: from both Latin agro/field & Greek αγρό agro/field
Minella Italian
Southern Italian, from a pet form of the female personal name Mina 1, a short form of Guglielmina, Giacomina, etc.
Minelli Italian
Patronymic or plural form of Minello, a pet form of the personal name Mino, which is a short form of a personal name formed with the hypocoristic suffix -mino, such as Adimino, Giacomino, Guglielmino, etc.
Minerva Italian
From the female given name Minerva.
Minervini Italian
Either a variant of or son of Minervino.
Minervino Italian
a habitational name from either of two places, Minervino di Lecce or Minervino Murge, in the provinces of Lecce and Bari, which take their names from ancient temples dedicated to the Roman goddess Minerva.
Miola Italian
Mirabella Italian, Sicilian
Italian (Campania and Sicily): habitational name from Mirabella Eclano in Avellino or Mirabella Imbaccari in Catania, or from various places with the name Mirabello, all named from medieval Latin mira, "viewpoint", and bella, "beautiful"... [more]
Miraglia Italian
From the Old Sicilian military title miraglia di mari meaning "admiral".
Modaffari Italian
Nickname from Arabic muzaffar "victorious".
Modena Italian, Judeo-Italian
Italian and Jewish (from Italy) habitational name from the city of Modena in Emilia-Romagna.
Modigliani Italian
Used by Sepharditic Jews, this surname comes from the Italian town of Modigliana, in Romagna. Famous bearers of this surname include painter Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920) and Nobel Prize in Economics recipient Franco Modigliani (1918–2003).
Moffa Italian
From Italian muffa "mould, mildew, moss".
Molinaro Italian
Occupational name for a miller, derived from Italian mulino meaning "mill".
Molinarolo Italian
Probably from a person's occupation, with molino/mulino meaning "mill" in Italian. The second part may come from rullo, meaning "a roller" or "I roll."
Monaco Italian
Nickname for someone of monkish habits or appearance, or an occupational name for a servant employed at a monastery, from Italian monaco "monk" (from Greek monachos "monk", "solitary").
Moneta Italian
Possibly originating from a nickname given to those who lived near a temple dedicated to Juno Moneta. A famous bearer of this surname is Nobel Prize for Peace recipient Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (1833–1918).
Moneta Italian
from moneta "money" probably applied as either a nickname for a rich man or as a metonymic occupational name for a moneyer or money lender.
Monopoli Italian
Italian: habitational name from a place called Monopoli in Bari province from Greek monē polis ‘single town’.
Montalbano Italian
Habitational name from Montalbano di Elicona in northeastern Sicily (earlier simply Montalbano), Montalbano Jonico (Matera province), or the district of Montalbano in Fasano, Brindisi.
Montale Italian
From Latin mons ("mountain"), this surname was originally given as a nickname to people who lived on hills and mountains. A famous bearer of this surname is Italian poet and writer Eugenio Montale (1896-1981), winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1975.
Montalto Italian, Portuguese
Habitational name from any of various places called Montalto or Montaldo especially Montalto Uffugo in Cosenza province in Italy or from a place in Portugal called Montalto from monte "hill" and alto "high" (from Latin altus).
Montalvo Portuguese, Spanish, Italian
Montalvo is a habitational Portuguese and Spanish surname that originated in the medieval period. It comes from the Spanish words monte, meaning "mount", and albo, meaning "white". The name was often given to families who lived near or on a white mountain or hill, and can be interpreted as "white mountain".
Montaperto Italian
My father tells me this name means "open mountain." It seems to have come from a small area around Agrigento in Sicily, Italy.
Montecalvo Italian
Habitational name from any of various places called Montecalvo ("bald mountain") especially Montecalvo Irpino in Avellino province, from the elements monte "mountain" and calvo "bald".
Montecchi Italian
Italian form of Montague.
Montefiore Italian, Jewish
Derived from Montefiore, which is the name of several places in Italy. For example, there is Castle Montefiore in the town of Recanati (province of Macerata), the municipality of Montefiore Conca (province of Rimini) and the municipality of Montefiore dell'Aso (province of Ascoli Piceno)... [more]
Monteleone Italian
From various place names, meaning "mountain lion", or "mountain of the lion".
Montesano Italian
From Italian monte meaning "mountain" and sano meaning "healthy".
Monteverde Italian
Habitational name from any of various places called Monteverde, for example in Avellino province, from monte meaning "mountain" + verde meaning "green".
Monteverdi Italian
Derived from Italian monte meaning "mountain" and verdi meaning "green"; literally means "green mountain".
Montisci Italian
Originated in Sardinia, Italy in the 17th century given to fishermen
Montiverdi Italian
Green Mountain
Montixi Italian
Means "small mountain, hill".
Montone Italian
nickname from montone "ram" (from Medieval Latin multo genitive multonis). Or a habitational name from any of numerous places called Montone ("big mountain").
Montoro Spanish, Italian
A Spanish habitational name from any of the places called Montoro in particular those in Córdoba or Teruel provinces. Italian habitational name from any of the places called Montoro in particular Montoro Inferiore and Montoro Superiore in Avellino province.
Monzo Italian
Possibly a variant of Monsu, which may be an occupational name for a cook, Calabrian munsu, or a nickname or title from Milanese monsu ‘sir’, ‘lord’, ‘gentleman’.
Morabito Italian
Ultimately from Arabic مُرَابِط (murabit) "holy man, one who preaches in the street; soldier stationed in an outpost", from which comes Sicilian murabitu "moderate, sober" and murabbiu "teetotal".
Moreschi Italian
Nickname for a dark-skinned person, derived from the Medieval Latin word moro, actually from the Latin Maurus, meaning, "dark-skinned".
Mori Slovene, Italian
Variant of Moro.
Morici Italian, Hungarian
From a variant of the Italian given name Maurizio, Hungarian name Móric both are cognitive of Morris.
Moro Italian, Spanish
Nickname from moro "moor" from Latin maurus "moor, north african" and Italian variant of Mauro.
Morreale Italian
Habitational name from the town of Monreale in Sicily, derived from Italian monte regale meaning "royal mountain".
Morticelli Italian
Means "died small" in Italian.
Moscatelli Italian
The name Moscatelli has its origins in a type of grape called Moscatel. This grape has its origin in ancient Egypt or Greece, but it was in Italy that it became famous. Here the farmers that planted the grape became known as the Moscatelli.
Moscati Italian
Possibly a variant of Moscato.
Moscato Italian
Variant of the personal name Muscato, also Americanized spelling of Greek Moskatos, a metonymic occupational name for a grower of muscat grapes.
Mosele Italian, German (Austrian)
This surname is to be found in north-eastern Italy, more specifically in the Vicenza and Verona provinces. Families with this name are certain to be originally from the mountain town of Asiago, situated on a plateau north of Vicenza and now a well-known skiing resort... [more]
Mucciarone Italian
From an augmentative form of the dimunitive suffix -muccio short form of pet names ending in -muccio such as Anselmuccio or Giacomuccio.
Muccio Italian
Short form of pet names ending in -muccio such as Anselmuccio or Giacomuccio.
Mulè Italian
From Arabic مولى (mawlan) "guide, chief, lord, master".
Munari Italian
From Venetian munaro "miller".
Munno Italian
An assimilated form of Mundo.
Musco Italian
From Sicilian muscu "moss".
Musso Italian
Nickname for someone with some peculiarity of the mouth.
Muzio Italian (Rare)
Northern Italian from a medieval personal name derived from the Latin personal name Mucius or Mutius.
Naitana Italian
Probably from the name of a disappeared village, itself derived from Latin navita "sailor, navigator".
Napello Italian
a nickname taken from the plantname Aconitum napellus, possibly for someone with a 'venerous' character (because the plant is venerous)
Napolitano Italian
Originally indicated a person from Napoli (Naples) in Italy.
Narciso Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
From the given name Narciso.
Nasuti Italian
From Italian nasuto "nosey, big-nosed".
Natalino Italian
From the given name Natalino.
Natti Italian
from the Latin name Nattius
Navarra Italian, Spanish
Means Navarre in Italian and Spanish; which was also the female equivalent to Navarro.
Negro Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Jewish
Nickname or ethnic name from negro "black" (Latin niger), denoting someone with dark hair or a dark complexion.
Negro Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Jewish
From a medieval continuation of the Latin personal name Niger.
Negro Italian, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Jewish
Nickname or ethnic name from negro "black" (continuation of Latin niger), denoting someone with dark hair, dark eyes, a dark complexion, someone who wore dark clothes, someone who worked a job in the night, or was otherwise associated with the night.
Negron Spanish, Italian
This surname is a most likely variant of the word and name Negro.
Nerio Italian
From the given name Nerio.
Nettuno Italian
From the given name Nettuno.
Nicasio Italian, Spanish
From the given name Nicasio.
Niccoli Italian
Patronymic form of the given name Nicola 1.
Nicoletti Italian
From the given name Nicola 1.
Nicolini Italian
patronymic from Nicolino, a pet form of Nicola
Nievo Italian
From nievo "grandchild, grandson; nephew", probably used to differentiate between relatives of the same name.
Niro Italian
From Neapolitan niro "black", cognate to Neri.
Noce Italian
Topographic name for someone who lived where nut trees grew, from noce "nut" (Latin nux, genitive nucis).
Nocella Italian
Diminutive of Noce.
Nocito Italian
from Latin nucetum (Italian noceto) "walnut orchard" applied as either a topographic name for someone who lived by such a place or as a metonymic occupational name for someone who worked in one.
Nora Italian, German
Italian and German: from a short form of the feminine personal names Eleonora or Leonora.
Nordio Italian
Probably derived from a given name containing the element nord "north", of Frankish or Germanic origin.
Normanno Italian
Italian cognitive of Norman.
Notte Italian
From Italian notte "night", perhaps a form of Mezzanotte.
Novello Italian
From the nickname and personal name Novello, from Italian meaning 'new, young'. A famous bearer of this name is Welsh actor and musician Ivor Novello (1893-1951).
Novi Italian
Derived from Italian novello and ultimately derived from Latin novellus meaning "new". "Novi" also means "new" in several Slavic languages.
Nurchis Italian
Denoting someone from Nure or Nurra in Sardinia, which were possibly derived from the pre-Roman root words nur meaning "fire" or "stones, heap" and the suffix -ke meaning "earth" or "dwelling".
Occhi Italian
From Italian occhio "eye", a nickname for someone with good eyesight, or with distinctive eyes.
Occhibelli Italian
Probably from Italian occhio "eye" and bello "beautiful, good", as a nickname for someone with keen eyesight or attractive eyes. May also originate from a place of the same name.
Occhibianco Italian
Means "white eye" in Italian, most often given to foundlings.
Occhibove Italian
Probably means "ox eyes, cow eyes", from Italian occhio "eye" and bove "ox", perhaps a nickname for someone with large, dark eyes.
Occhilupo Italian
Means "wolf's eye" in Italian.
Occhiochiuso Italian
Probably from Italian occhio "eye" and chiuso "closed, shut", perhaps a nickname for someone who was blind, or known for being lazy.
Occhiodoro Italian
Possibly means "golden eye", from occhio d'oro.
Occhiogrosso Italian
Descriptive nickname meaning "big eye".
Occhionero Italian
From Italian occhio "eye" and nero "dark, black".
Occhiovivo Italian
Probably from Italian occhio "eye" and vivo "vivid, intense; alive", likely given to foundlings.
Occhipinti Sicilian
Derived from Italian occhi "eyes" and pinti "painted", denoting someone with dark eyelashes or with flecked or blood-shot eyes.
Occhirossi Italian
Means "red eyes" in Italian.
Oddo Italian
From the given name Oddo.
Ogliari Italian
Possibly derived from a place name, or from oglio "oil", indicating the bearer's occupation, or perhaps appearance.
Ognibene Italian
From Latin Omnebonus (see Omnebon), "all good".
Oliva Italian, Spanish
Of uncertain origin: derived either from a nickname to those who picked, worked with or sold olives, or from the given name Oliva.
Olivieri Italian
From the given name Oliviero.